kitty introduction- what breeds do they remind you of


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Nov 4, 2013
I just joined this site and I love my kitties.  So I thought I'd introduce you to my kitties and see what breeds they remind everyone of- of course, they are all mixed breeds.  They were also all strays prior to me having them.  I try to catch the strays, tame them, and find them homes.  Some of them stay just because I couldn't stand to part from them.


She is the oldest kitty.  She came here as a kitten from a shelter and her mother was a short-haired small calico who passed away from leukemia (Kitty 1 is negative for it).  She doesn't like to play with other cats or animals.  She does play, but she refuses to be seen playing (or using the litter box).  If you catch her playing, she will immediately pretend she was not and strut away as regally as she can muster.  She spends most of her time surveying her home from the top of the water bottle.  She doesn't really even interact with the other cats. She does, however, get extremely worried about the black lab, especially when he goes outside.  She sticks pretty close to him and follows him around the house.  She is technically my daughter's cat but when my daughter moved, she wanted nothing to do with the new home.  She doesn't want petted very often and gives little love nips, not hard at all, when she does.  She looks much bigger than she due to her fluff- she actually weighs just slightly less than ten pounds.  Her fur is a deep brown that looks black but is lighter on her chest and haunches (she looks like she sat in ashes).  She has gold eyes.  Her fur is more silky and less likely to bother people with allergies to cats.  She has tufts of fur extending off her feet like toes.  She very rarely meows, so little that I don't recognize her when she does (maybe twice a year).  She also does not want to sleep with any human.   When she eats she scoops the food out with her paw and eats off her paw.  She's not mean to little kids, she just stays out of their reach.   She's not real expressive with her tail - up, down, or wrapped around with the end fanning her.It's hard to see her face shape through her fluff, but in general it's rounder with a somewhat pointy chin.

Hugs and Kisses - were found outside the day they were born, abandoned - they were hand raised so I'm not sure they know they're cats. 

we found they're mom a few days later and she's a small (little over 6 pounds) yellow tabby who is a horrible mother cat (hence the continuing of the bottle feeding and hand raising) and not very clean - she's the only cat ever I've had to bath because she refused to clean herself, at all.  But I did find her a nice home. Hugs and Kisses both have golden eyes. 

Hugs (picture with grey kitten- curled up)

He's a big boy.  He's 36 inches long with tail and about 30 inches long without, well over 15 pounds.  when I'm sitting and  he decides to stand on my lap, he's bigger than me and I'm 5-7". He's almost three and I think he recently stopped growing.  His stomach does hang (like a primordial pouch type thing) but for the most part he's all muscle.   His fur is really plush and he sheds continuously.   He's a head butting king.  His trademark move is to run up to you, jump on your lap, headbutt you, hug you, then lay down to be petted.  He really likes to give hugs and has been known to jump in the shower when he felt a hug was extremely necessary.  His human food attempts always include pizza or some type of Italian tomato sauce.  His fur color is more like a bobcat or lions - its that same type of coloring and marking.  He has really long teeth so long that he can't quite shut his mouth entirely.  He's more laid back.  When the catnip is out he waits for the girls to start arguing over a specific area, then he lays down on another spot so they don't see the nip there.  He's very patient with little children and kittens.  He usually sleeps behind my knees.  He's not extremely talkative, but he does meow, probably about an average amount.  He likes his stomach rubbed and his loves his toes being tickled.  He loves everyone.  He has a rounder face and definitely a couch potato type cat. He's not very expressive with his tail- primarily up or down.  He's way curled up in the picture.  This is a recent picture so is the one with them on the couch that's with Cheese- just a different angle.

Kisses (in the basket)

She's not as big as her brother but she is a big girl, maybe about 12 pounds. Her fur isn't as plush as Hugs, it's more soft.  Her human attempt to get food is fruit- all fruit.  If there is any fruit in the house being consumed she's right there.  She's eaten through melon rind.  She is definitely my cat.   She waits to see any sign of me going to bed and she's right there.  If I don't get the sleep she thinks I should, she'll follow me around nagging me to go to bed.  She sleeps beside me and likes to "spoon."  She puts her head on my arm, lays out against me and curves however to match how I'm sleeping.  Where her brother hugs, she kisses- constantly.  She greets you that way.   If you're in the shower, she pops her head in to check on you but that's as far in as she'll go.  She's more talkative than her brother and is good at nagging.  If she feels she's being ignored she'll tap you on the shoulder..  She likes everyone but I'm still definitely her favorite person.  She does tend to get jealous.  She has very large eyes (she did have a very bad eye infection before her eyes opened) but her teeth are normal size.  She's a darker and deeper color than her brother with definite tabby markings.  She also has a little pouch thing off her stomach but she's not all muscle, either.  She has a rounder face.  Her use of her tail is the same as her brothers.

Jade (very pleased with herself)

She was a ferile so that does explain some of her timidity.  She has very deep green eyes and unique markings.  In general she's a gray tabby but she has a few orange spots. She has brown ticking throughout.  One front foot and one back foot are half tabby, half orange.  She's a little over 6 pounds.  I have no idea who her mother is or how old she is since I believe she was an adult when I caught her.  She's fairly smart and opens cupboards and drawers constantly.  She curls up in the smallest places.  She's extremely timid, doesn't like anything loud, and only allows a few to touch her.  She head butts and gives love bites, much harder than kitty 1- hard enough to leave a mark.  She sleeps in bed with me (yes, I'm covered in cats- none on hubby's side of the bed and all on me).  Her fur is shorter and more coarse.  She's tolerant of little kids but will look for a getaway.  She's very affectionate to me and if she's not hiding from something else is usually on the back of my chair or my lap.  Her face is a little more triangular, but not completely.  I think it's more the shape of her eyes- they're not almond, but not quite round either.  She's very adept with her tail and moves it in all shapes from tip on down.

Mia (10 months old) and kittens (four months old) - they are all difficult to get a picture of because they constantly want petted and are extremely affectionate.  They all also go ragdoll limp when picked up under their arms and are exceptionally good with babies and small children.  Water is not an effective way to train them- they think it's fun. They use their paws as cups when drinking water and are extremely playful (but of course, they're all still babies, including mom).  When born the kittens eyes were a beautiful ocean blue- all of them, including mom, now have golden eyes.

Mia (the best picture I could get of her- she kept rolling all over my hand)

She was found at around 4-5 months old, pregnant (so she became sexually mature early), extremely sick, high fever, ear mites, worms, fleas, obviously not taken care of.  Her inner eyelids were almost completely closed and the vet thought she wouldn't come out of it -she did:).  Even that sick she was extremely lovey,  jumped on my lap, giving kisses, nuzzling, and rolling around on her back to get her tummy petted.  Despite being so young, she was and is an excellent mother.   She had four kittens - two black - no tabby-like markings, one white with black spots, and one gray (only two have stayed).   When I found her she was black with deep brown stripes.  The stripes have faded so she appears a glistening black now with a few stray white hairs. She has very dominant whisker mounds.  She has a slender build, long, lean, lanky.  She has longer ears, but not extremely longer like her son.  She's very slightly over six pounds.  She's an extreme klutz and usually has all four sets of claws out when she jumps on my lap to catch her balance. She is extremely affectionate to everyone and likes to nuzzle.  She is most bonded to me and is usually within four feet of me if she's not on my lap.  When the kittens were isolated from the other pets she meowed to get back and forth constantly (literally, every two minutes) so she could be petted and check on them. She had no problems with anyone handling her newborns as long as they kittens didn't cry.  She, herself, talks constantly.  She's smart and started the de-kittening  (removal of double-sided tape, anything to keep them safe or out of something she undid and then showed her kittens and Jade how) in the house.  She likes to put one paw on each of your cheeks and then cleans your chin and cheeks.  She's a little more perceptive than most cats. When my daughter's blood sugar is low, she licks and cleans each individual finger.  She's also pretty adapt with her tail. 

Eon (striped background)

He's lovey to the extreme just like his mom and he's about her size already.  When he jumps on your lap he's already purring and you can hear the purring in the next room.  He'll then stretch himself out (stand on his hind legs with his body fully extended and against you, wrap his front arms around you, and nuzzle, a lot).  He'll then lay on his back with his arms fully extended over his head so his stomach can be petted.  He also likes to climb into your arms and put his cheek against yours. He's built long, lean, muscular, long chest, long legs, like what I think of when I think of an ancient Egyptian cat.  His face is triangular like his mothers, but even more angled.  He also has even more prominent whisker mounds to the point where his muzzle is almost shaped like a light bulb.  He has long, large ears- they are his most defining physical feature.  He's not particularly vocal other than almost constant purring but does answer his mother as she goes around talking to them or will vocalize a complaint.  He has to see everything and be in everything.  He has to know what is going on at all times and is noticeably the most intelligent cat in the house.  He can make phone calls from both the house phone and my cell phone (not in the recent history calls or easy to get to contacts either- he scrolls through).  He also can use the computer mouse. He likes everyone but does have favorite people (me and one of my children).  If I'm gone for what must be an unacceptable length of time, he'll greet me nagging and jump all over me like I've been gone for forever.  He likes to play with hair and will pounce on your scalp.  He's more perceptive than his mom and would make a very good therapy cat.  Until he was about three months old, his fur was rough, not soft at all.  Now, its silky, shiny, sleek, soft jet black- so far no stripes, other colors, or markings.  He's also really adapt with his tail.

Cheese (stretched out next to Hugs)

She was the slowest of her litter.  Last to open her eyes, last to walk, last to play, last to eat solid food, last to be born, last for everything- about a week slower than her litter mates.  She's also not as smart as her mother and brother.  She looks more like she could be Jade's kitten.  She's a very light gray with tan on her chest and tips of her feet.  Her gray stripes are fading.  On her body they're starting to be more spotted with stripes remaining on her legs.  She is constantly crying to be rescued (hence the name).  She's gotten lost in places she put herself.  She likes everyone but does have favorite people (my daughter and her two year old).  Everyone else she does drop by pets (here I am pet me, now I'm off).  Those two she seeks out and snuggles.  Her fur is a little bit longer than her mom's and siblings, but she's still a short hair- she also isn't silky but is very soft. Her face isn't as angular as her mother's or brothers, but more like Jades, not quite round, just something in the eyes.  She is smaller than her mom and brother- maybe about four pounds now. 

So other than mixed what breeds do they remind you of?


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Whitish nr 2 may have british parents quite near in his ancestry.  the others are more difficult to pinpoint.

blackie next last may have recent Oriental ancestry.

nice pastime you do have, praisworthy too.

Good luck!
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TCS Member
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Nov 4, 2013
I'm going to narrow this down a little - the two I specifically wonder about are eon and hugs.=

Hugs is huge and his mother is a rather tiny thing, barely six pounds.  His fur is tawny like a cougar, has the primordial pouch, and he has rather long teeth  - it's kind of hard to see in the picture but the upper canines extend a good 1/3" past his mouth - I live in a really tiny town in the midwestern united states on the edge town- yes, there are cougars around here and I do realize the possibility of one breeding with a 6 pound cat is next to nil, plus hugs has zero temperament of a wild feline.  If he saw a mouse, he'd just watch it and maybe even help it or mother it.  He's a male cat (granted neutered) who cuddles, cleans, and cares for tiny kittens, including male kittens.  Generally in this area as far as domestic cats there are only mixed and a few Persians or Siamese.  There are also a ton of strays and feriles - one year I counted over twenty in my yard alone (which is when I started catching them).  The feriles in my yard were all most all very small cats- 6-7 pounds - torties, calicos, tabbies (all different patterns of tabbies- there was a munchkin that was a swirled tabby with the most beautiful bright oranges, browns, reds)- of all the strays/feriles I've caught (well over 50) Hugs and one other (also a male) were that tawny color, huge, and extremely docile.  It's just odd to have such large cats come from such tiny mothers - with no stray/ferile males around as potential fathers.

Eon besides his extremely loud purr and intelligence he's built more like an Abyssinian - his mother is a smaller cat and you can see traces of his facial features in her but there isn't nearly the same angularity-  they're body builds while both lean are completely different - he's much longer in the chest, legs, arms, ears, neck and muscular by far.  He looks like an Egyptian statue of Bastet I thought perhaps there was maybe some Siamese in his mother since she's so talkative but that doesn't get me to his build- none of the other kittens in the litter have it or act like him. he's built very similar to the Abyssinian cats that are here  He has to be everywhere I am- he follows me through the house, tries to help folding clothes (takes them out of the dryer and hands them to me), messes with the computer mouse, calls people, he is everywhere and trying to figure out everything- he's not a dependent cat but if I'm gone for several hours he's right there, all over me, and meowing away like where on earth have you been- then he checks me over, I'm guessing to make sure everything is alright- he doesn't act like any other cat or any other animal I've owned
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TCS Member
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Nov 4, 2013
I meant no strays/feriles around as potential fathers who are that big- there are males around here but they're maybe ten pounds, at most- no where near as big as hugs.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
As you narrowed your question to two, put in their pictures anew.  It will be easier to follow whom you mean.   :)
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Nov 4, 2013
eon  - while i was running around trying to get him to quit jumping on me so I could get a decent picture, i noticed his eyes are still changing colors.  the outer edges are gold then it turns to a copper with green surrounding his iris

this one most accurately shows the shape of his face and ears

he has extremely long limbs- i was trying to get a picture with his arms extended but was only able to get this blurry shot- you can kind of see how long his arms are

i was trying to give an idea of how he carries himself and his build- he's very long, and lean and looks quite similar to a statute of bastet

hugs and cheese- hugs is the huge one - his mom was a small orange tabby and he does have tabby markings but the coloring has faded to more tawny while his sister has stayed a deeper orange

I was trying to show just how big he is but he wouldn't quit slouching

you can sort of see his teeth and overbite

hugs is at the bottom of this pile to give a general idea of his size- the other cats are mia and eon are both about 6 pounds, cheese is around 5



Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
eon is definitely looking "oriental type" as they say, and quite possibly - THE  Oriental.  At least look alike.

I guess he has some such ancestry of some sort.  Common US moggies looks very seldom so, if at all.

Not the common european moggies either.

the latter pictures and your description just reinforces my first impression.

hugs is more unclear, but I still would guess on somewhat look alike to a british - if sheer coincidence, or there IS some real ancestry, I cant know.  His parents arent looks alikes, you tell...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2010
Chicago, Illinois, USA
I would guess Eon is some sort of Siamese mix.  (He would be more often compared to Orientals since he does not have the pointed coat pattern , but Orientals came from Siamese anyway . so that's why I mention that breed

 Actually, your stories about him also remind me of a Siamese mix cat I had who was scary smart.,  and like Eon ,  was intrigued with electronics.  He changed the outgoing message on the answering machine twice.

And I agree that Hugs has a British Shorthair look to him. 
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TCS Member
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Nov 4, 2013

British Shorthair mix would explain his size, how long he's kept growing, tail (it is much thicker at the base), fur- it is soooo plush, and why he's so much bigger than his sister


I looked at the origins of the Oriental and he may have had something similar- if his mother is part Siamese (she has some vague characteristics along with talking constantly, but not as angular , lean, or defined as Eon) and then bred with another Siamese that might make sense

but regardless of what mixes either of them are- they are both wonderful


TCS Member
Nov 8, 2013
Terrace bc
Eon may be bombay? Im not cerain though because his face shape resembles siamese


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2010
Chicago, Illinois, USA
@Ak47,   Eon is definitely not a Bombay.  It's true that he has the color of a Bombay but you're also right that the face shape is more Siamese-like.  Bombays have quite rounded little faces and shorter muzzles . They're a black version of a Burmese.   They are also quite rare.  

 I still think it's quite likely that Mia and Eon are Siamese or Oriental mix. 