Kitter Witters


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 27, 2021
My Cosmo has passed away in January and now I am having problems with my other cat Kitter Witters. I've only had her for about a year but I can't help thinking that after watching kitter witters with her health problems if my Cosmo had the same thing wrong with her. Anyways about a week ago I noticed Kitter trying to pee in the backyard but can't. She keeps licking her privates and I was in the bathroom and she came in shaking her tail standing up and drops of urine came out. I had some Amoxicillin left from Kitters paw that was infected so I started giving her that for a week. I forgot to give it to her for two days thinking she was getting better and noticed that she was acting up again. I picked her up and rolled her in a blanket to keep her still and noticed something warm on my leg and looked and it was her pee with some blood in it. Can someone please help me figure this out. Thank you.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 20, 2012
My Cosmo has passed away in January and now I am having problems with my other cat Kitter Witters. I've only had her for about a year but I can't help thinking that after watching kitter witters with her health problems if my Cosmo had the same thing wrong with her. Anyways about a week ago I noticed Kitter trying to pee in the backyard but can't. She keeps licking her privates and I was in the bathroom and she came in shaking her tail standing up and drops of urine came out. I had some Amoxicillin left from Kitters paw that was infected so I started giving her that for a week. I forgot to give it to her for two days thinking she was getting better and noticed that she was acting up again. I picked her up and rolled her in a blanket to keep her still and noticed something warm on my leg and looked and it was her pee with some blood in it. Can someone please help me figure this out. Thank you.

Sounds like an urinary tract infection but I'm not a vet ,only way to know for sure what's causing it would be a vet to run urinalysis if neg then blood work etc to diagnose properly and get on the right medications or diet etc

I hope for the best


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Kitters need to be taken to the vet and have urine drawn from her bladder for a urinalysis/urine culture. The antibiotic you had left over might not even be the proper one if she does have an infection - and, generally speaking most antibiotics for bladder infections are prescribed for at least 7 days to ensure the infection is eradicated.