Kittens Won't Suckle


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
So you are keeping sister and she will have the kittens with you? I had a suspicion she was further along than you originally thought because they are sisters and would have gone into heat around the same time. I am just confused by your vet saying he'd spay her if you leave her to the shelter. What does this mean?

Sorry you lost the runt. You need to keep her closed in with her kittens so she will care for them, especially if she is showing lack of interest. Otherwise they will not survive. Does she need a bigger box with more room so she doesn't sit on them?

It sounds like sister is pretty close herself with her clingy behavior. Be sure to set up a nesting box for her too!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 19, 2015
The vet hadn't seen sister when i asked the first time. The second time, i took her in to see him. I don't have a choice but to keep the sister. As i recall, she went into heat only one time more than the mom. Mom is enclosed. I haven't let her out on purpose since i put her in. They seem to be doing okay now. I guess the little one was just having too much trouble.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2014
Okay, this is a mess isn't it. I am sorry you lost the littlest one. Are they any larger than when they were born? Is the fur off the mothers nipples?  Another thing, I know Hartz has a bad reputation for causing bad reactions, even death in cats. I've also found that, although through experience, to not flea treat any cat that is pregnant or with kittens already as the kittens always seem to fade quickly unless they are older kittens. Recently, I've seen warnings on Advantage and Frontline boxes stating to not treat pregnant or breeding cats with it. I am hoping this will not happen here. I want to thank you for keeping the cats and trying your best for them. Do you happen to have a Humane Society that might help you given the circumstances you're in?
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Now I understand the vet/shelter situation. Sister may have 2 or 3 more weeks then. Hard to know. I hope mom will settle down and nurse well. Give an update when you can. Are the fleas dying?

anne with cats

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 2, 2014
I completely agree about the dangers of flea products around kittens! The Hartz products especially! I also understand your resentment towards the cats, and now kittens, but maybe even more so At that Irresponsible Roommate!  As far as fleas, I have had my bouts with them at times, and would just bomb the whole house! Well, now I would Never even think to do that!     Also you have children in the house. My remedy, and it worked, was to sprinkle plain old salt on the carpets. You can mix Borax with the salt also. The fleas dry out from the salt ! And it's cheap! The only other thing I did, was to buy the cheapest flea collar, cut it up, and put a piece in the vacuum bag. That will kill any fleas that didn't die with the salt/mixture.
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  • #27


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 19, 2015
Lost the other little girl, but they were both half the size of the two boys. I haven't been home since last night some time. I do a lot of traveling for work, so I'm a really bad choice for this. The boys were still moving and making noise when I left though. As for the fleas, no. The Hartz stuff was a waste of the money I didn't have to spend. I'll figure something out. Salt didn't work. Diatomaceous earth didn't work. Borax has never worked. I'm about to throw down boric acid, take all the critters (I have mice and gerbils of my own), and leave home for a week. She isn't really settling down with the babies. If she sees me walk past the window or hears me come near the door, she's howling to be let out. But when she's ignored, she goes back to the box. I'll see them again tomorrow and check how they're doing. Sister is still very clingy, but I think it's mostly because I locked her only companion in a room where she can't go, and I leave for days at a time.
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  • #28


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 19, 2015
Regarding the things i forgot to address: Boys got heavier, girls did not. Old roommate has not answered my texts, so i assume i just inherited cats for good. We don't have a humane society here. I'd have to drive an hour into the next state for the nearest one, or an hour and change to the city. Which i won't be doing until next week. Fur was off her nipples before she had them. Sister's is too, actually. I don't really resent the cats. I just don't care for cats. They shed, carry fleas, eat expensively (compared to my rodents), and litter boxes are nasty. But i also believe in a fair chance, and they won't get that if i toss them out on their ears. I feel bad that the kittens were set up to fail. Unless the sister has better instincts, i fear hers will fare similarly. But she's bigger and calmer and less..... I dunno. I guess just more mature. She doesn't still act like a kitten like the mom does. He rescued them at the same time. Same litter. I kinda like the sister, as far as cats go. Her tail is longer, her face is more angled, and she's sleek. I really think she just grew up faster, that the mom still thinks she's a kitten and isn't taking to motherhood because of it. I had read that some cats adopted other kittens, and considered trying to get sister to take over, but sister wants nothing to do with the box, period. Won't go near it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2014
I'm sorry you lost the others. Sadly, when they are that young and have kittens, its usually worse than a normal, adult cat having kittens. Hopefully the other kittens will fare better. You're a kind person to care for them.
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Well, it's good to hear the update. I'm sorry you lost the other little girl, and hope the boys make it. Do you see them actively nursing?

Sorry about the fleas. I don't use Hartz products, but I hear negative reviews on them frequently.

If sister has her babies soon, you can try putting mama's boys in with her. They will frequently take in extra kittens. Hopefully, mama will nurse them the first few weeks at least, until they can eat mush on their own (between 4 and 5 weeks). Your assessment sounds right, that mama just isn't mature enough for kittens, so I feel badly for her too.

Hang in there! You've got your hands full!