Kittens with fleas, too young for meds


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 15, 2021
Good afternoon. Took in a pregnant, feral cat a couple months ago. She'd been staying in our sunroom during the day, out at night. But she decided to have the kittens inside. They're 6 weeks old, growing well, nearly weaned. But yesterday, I found them to have a pretty bad flea infestation. I had been checking regularly, but missed them somehow. They're too young for meds, so I bathed them individually as good as I could, combed with flea comb, removed all I could see. Washed bedding, treated mom with a topical today.

Kept momma outside all day, worried about transfer from her fur to kittens whilst nursing. How long must I keep them apart? Packaging says 24 hrs, she is pacing and distressed not to have access to the kittens. Vet closed at 1 today, unable to ask them.

Also, if anyone has any suggestions for other remedies for kittens, I'm all ears.

Thank you


TCS Member
Jul 24, 2021
Dawn dish soap (blue Dawn) is perfect for this. First, put some around the neck and the base of the tail so they don't all go running that way for safety. Then get the rest of the body (except the ears and face) and then let the soap sit for about five minutes. Rinse them carefully (avoiding ears and eyes again) and the fleas will rinse off dead. You might have to do it again later (I'd probably give it a few days though as I imagine it's a bit harsh on their skin). Good luck!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
If the kittens are 6 weeks old they are old enough to each be dosed between their shoulder blades with a kitten tube of Advantage II, or Revolution, or Frontline. Each of these products is sold in kitten sized packages that specify kittens.

Mom does not need to be separated from her kittens when she or they are dosed since the kittens are 6 weeks.

If the flea infestation is bad, plan to dose each feline monthly. Continue to vacuum and wash bedding, and consider using a house spray for carpets and upholstery once week for the next 2-3 weeks. These products kill fleas, larvae, and eggs. Best products are Adams and Zodiac. Adams is at Walmart; Zodiac through Chewy.

Do spray with either windows open an inch or A/C running, and not in the room the cats are in. Wait until it dries before returning cats to a particular room. The odor is a bit strong, but will dissipate within 24 hours.

I’ve had great success with the combination of topical flea products combined with vacuuming and spraying. I am not a fan of bathing kittens as it does not address the problem in the house.

Put mom back with her children and keep us posted! N NewbieWithKittens
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 15, 2021
If the kittens are 6 weeks old they are old enough to each be dosed between their shoulder blades with a kitten tube of Advantage II, or Revolution, or Frontline. Each of these products is sold in kitten sized packages that specify kittens.

Mom does not need to be separated from her kittens when she or they are dosed since the kittens are 6 weeks.

If the flea infestation is bad, plan to dose each feline monthly. Continue to vacuum and wash bedding, and consider using a house spray for carpets and upholstery once week for the next 2-3 weeks. These products kill fleas, larvae, and eggs. Best products are Adams and Zodiac. Adams is at Walmart; Zodiac through Chewy.

Do spray with either windows open an inch or A/C running, and not in the room the cats are in. Wait until it dries before returning cats to a particular room. The odor is a bit strong, but will dissipate within 24 hours.

I’ve had great success with the combination of topical flea products combined with vacuuming and spraying. I am not a fan of bathing kittens as it does not address the problem in the house.

Put mom back with her children and keep us posted! N NewbieWithKittens
Blessings upon you, this is just the info I was looking for! Thank you so much!