Kitten's Lower Lip Is Swollen *pictures*


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 15, 2017
So my cat has had two "rodent ulcer's" on the top of the her lip before. We took her to the vet both times and the vet said to leave and it will subdue and it did. We presumed it was due to an allergy, possible chicken and other feathered animals. We took it out her diet and seemed to not have any other issues again until now.

Just to get a better understanding, my cat is 5.5 months old. She was spayed a bit over 2 weeks ago. She seemed to recover well and her scar has been healing nicely. She has been acting somewhat strange. Two days ago she peed in my yoga bag and yesterday she peed on a towel and pooped in front of the door. She has never done this since we got her and was litter trained prior to coming to our home. There has been no major stressors/change in her life at the moment. She also also been sleeping a lot today. She is eating fine and just ate all over dinner. She has still been playful the last two days, but she has been sleeping for the past 5 hours on and off.

I am thinking of taking her to the vet tomorrow but Im not sure if it will go down on its own. What do you think?



TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
She has such a sweet little face! Sorry she's not feeling well. Yes, she needs to get to the vet. Sounds like she may have picked up an illness in addition to the swollen places. Sometimes rodent ulcers are brought on by stress. It's an immune system response.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 13, 2013
Aww! Poor baby! My cat is actually prone to these ulcers so she is on meds for the rest of her life to keep them at bay but that's thankfully not the case with all cats. I'm kinda shocked your vet didn't at least give you an antibiotic to help get rid them. It seems like that is what has popped up on her little lip. I'd ask my vet about possibly getting medicine for it since it seems to be 'in her system' to help fight it off that way and once it goes away hopefully you won't have to worry about more popping up. The thing is, those ulcers actually do cause the cats pain whether they actively show that it is causing them pain or not. So it is sore and she could be 'marking' because it is unpleasant to her. I also had a cat start going outside his litter box because it was lidded (and he was okay with it at first but after a while he did NOT like being 'closed in' to potty and would poop right on the floor). I took the lid off and he started going in the box again. Cats are silly like that sometimes. She could also not like a litter if you have changed her litter lately. Some cats will go outside the box if there is stuff in there they don't like stepping on. I'd wait and see if this marking stops when the lip bump goes away because it could all be pain related. Cats can't tell you they are hurting so they sometimes act out in different ways. It may just be really sore for her right now. I will add in a link for you on a homemade way to clean cat pee should you need that recipe for things you cannot throw into the wash. Good luck! <3