Kittens grew up together, now can't stand the sight of one.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 12, 2013
I have a cat who went from being sweet and friendly and loving toward her adopted companion - until a couple months ago, and now acts as if she's never known him.

Last year, Tazo, a female orange tabby with one tiny black spot on her side, followed my husband and I home during one of our midnight walks around town. She was very young, maybe two months old. About two months later, we adopted Domino, a black and white male tuxedo kitten of 3 months old, from the shelter. We had determined that, because we both would start working factory jobs soon, that Tazo needed a companion.

Long story short, the two grew up together, playing, sleeping together, etc. all wonderfully in sync. By regulations of the shelter, Domino was neutered upon adoption. When Tazo reached 6 months old, we got her spayed. Her behavior right after changed, as I had expected to happen, and it was temporary. She stayed secluded, hated Domino for a bit, and after a couple weeks, was back to normal.

Fast forward a few months, to July, when we began letting them roam freely inside and outside. They loved it. However, Tazo began to really, really change with her behavior. There are a couple feral cats in the neighborhood, and she's been caught mating, which means, obviously, her hormones went through some changing.

She became more territorial and hateful toward Domino. At first, she just hissed from time to time, a swap here and there. But now it's to the point that, she'll be affectionate and sweet to us, but the moment Domino enters the room, she instantly becomes mean. She growls, hisses, and swats/bites at us if we happened to be petting her the moment Domino walks in. 

They will still eat next to each other, but the moment she finishes, she immediately attacks him. He just sits there and takes it, and she hisses, growls, and runs away. 

The theories we have are follows:

1) Domino stays indoors most the time. It's possible Tazo thinks he's the favorite and feels like she has to defend her 'territory."

2) Because of all the changes from going outside, Tazo may be more feral at the sight of other cats.

The only solution we have right now, to get her to get along with him, is by keeping her strictly inside with him, forcing her to deal with him and get used to him again. Which will happen come winter. I just wonder if it'll work, and if it does, will she return to being so mean to Domino come Spring when they are let back out/in?

Sorry if this is too long a read, I tried to brief it as much as possible. Thanks for reading. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
If she's been seen mating (which spayed cats usually don't allow), the vet may have missed a bit of ovarian tissue and she would be hormonal. If that's what it is, it will probably improve over the winter (when cat hormone levels are lower), and then you'll know that she may need another surgery to get all the ovarian tissue out :/. Or it could be that she's stressed by the other cats.

If she improves after being kept in, any possibility of them being indoors-only? It might not be worth the stress of letting them out.