Kitten Won't Come Out of Hiding

Mila Huddas

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 28, 2023
I have a very recently adopted kitten that has not been seen in days now. She is only 4 months old. I cannot find her. She is in my bedroom and does come out when I am sleeping or not walking around. I don't know where she is hiding. I have just her alone. She is very shy and timid. I can't get her now. I keep hoping she will just come out. She is very stressed out. This being her home. My hubby wants her to go back to the lady that she was adopted from. I cannot find her but she does come to eat. I have spent a small fortune on her. I bought her an enclosure in Temu yesterday. Also a pack of three calming collars but they will not be until Nov 5 to Nov 10. New food she does like Iams kitten healthy growth food along with Applaws and Pro Plan Kitten food. Not cheap also a bag of Purina One Kitten health growth formula on Amazon. The wet food I bought from Petsmart. Also next month I plan on buying more things for her as well. Spray calming spray and sorry I can't spell Zlykeen 75 mg caps on Amazon. I just wish she would come out from hiding. I also have to give her Vitamins which I also bought on Amazon for her. Her name is Teri but she does not answer when I tried calling her or playing with the wand toy. I even tried my tuna fish. That did not work either. I think she might be Feral as well. Any advice?

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
That is not uncommon at all! She is scared out of her mind. Just leave her be and spend a few minutes as often as you can just sitting in the room and softly talking to her by reading from your phone. i have had cats take several weeks to appear, and so have many others. As long as you know she is safe she will be fine. Your hubby does not understand cats. dogs can be made to do what you want because they are pack animals. Cats are solitary and independent. As long as she is eating and using a litter box everything is fine. Leaving a radio SOFTLY playing in there may help too when you aren't in there. your husband may be scaring her, they are bigger and louder than women and intimidating to cats. it sounds like she was raised by a woman too. just give her time and everything will be find! Please come here anytime you need to.


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
This is not uncommon. I agree with the advice above. I think plenty of food, water, and a private litter box area will be sufficient for now. She is scared and just doesn't know what to do right now. My husband is very enthusiastic towards our new kitten (that would be Bob) and at first Bob was terrified because he is big and loud. Bob is still scared and a bit wild. But after trying to make his great escape through an air duct, he is slowly coming around. Best of luck to you. Kittens take varying degrees of time to adjust, especially if they have not been socialized prior to coming to you.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
As everyone stated this is not uncommon. When cats are in a new environment they tend to hide. It is a new place to her she is not sure what to think or do just yet. Put yourself in the kittens shoes how would you feel if you were in a place strange to you with people you are not sure yet. It takes cats 1 to 2 weeks to adjust sometimes. If you have other pets it will take time. Just make sure she has plenty of food and water as well as access to the litter box. Also make sure she has toys she can occupy herself with. Since she is in your bedroom whenever you are in there talk sweetly to her get her use to your voice. Also your hubby is going have to be gentle too. He seems to not get cats and dogs in new homes they get scared cause it’s something new to them. Just do everything you can now to make her feel safe and comfortable. With patience and time she will come around when she feels comfortable and safe.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Besides the above I suggest keeping her in one room, giving her hiding boxes and lickable treats (like Churu tubes or those fancy feast lickable treats are kitten sized.)
The hiding box. Get 3 cardboard boxes 📦 with the flAps on one side folded in or cut off. Put a towel or cat bed in it. Then drape a towel over 2/3’s of the entrance. Put them on the floor in your room so she has more hiding spots. Once she is 100% comfortable with you and calm and feeling up to exploring the rest of the house; you can put the boxes in the rest of your house to give her safety.

⭐ a routine helps calm t to hem

Everyone else is nice. I’m mean and would look under and block off every single under. I would nail and wood glue together 2X10 pieces of wood together to block off under the bed if need be. (Measure the bed, get the wood cut with that corner angle so it fits together at the hardware store.) Then I would give hiding boxes. It is more to keep the cat from going up into the mattress and so you know where the cat is. If the cat is in the box I would not ever move the box or reach inside box or pull the towel back!!! I would also feed her 4 times a day but she has to poke her head out a bit to get the lickable treats. I would try to lure her out with wand toys right in front of the boxes. I would talk to her all the time and sit on the bed and read out loud for a half hour every day, the toss a few treats and leave.

⭐I would be tempted to buy a web camera just to see what she does as you sleep and when you leave the house.