Kitten with deformity


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
louann jude louann jude

How is the diarrhea today? I think you should continue with the Albon. It will treat infection and help with coccidia if she has it, in lieu of ponazuril right now, which many vets do not use.

Since she is not flat-chested, she does not need the vest. You'll just have to see how her rib cage grows, and if it will expand to accommodate her. X-rays are not necessary, and surgery is not an option. Hopefully, she'll be okay! You'll know as time goes on. Right now, we need to get her over this diarrhea. [emoji]128522[/emoji]
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  • #62

louann jude

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Nov 6, 2015
I just seen her go. It started out a little formed and then an explosion. I am about out of the baby food and it will be two weeks before I can buy some. 

It's just a shot in the dark but I still have some of the hill I/D that is left from Lil Bit. She is eating regular food now without problems. Can I give that to her? It says on the bag for cats and growing kittens. I have pulled up all the free feeding food. Lol Sweet Pea and Sassy acted like I was killing them. 

Her little system has been through so much changes in food this last week would it make a difference if I just switch her straight to it? How many meals a day should I give her? I will keep her in the room with me at night so she has access to it all night long and keep the others out. 


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Since you are running out of baby food, do you have wet food? Constant diet changes are hard on their systems.

I'm hoping there will be more formed poop soon. You should really keep her separate from Lil Bit and Sassy while she is sick.

She should probably eat 6-8 small meals a day. Are you keeping the gel on her bottom?
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  • #64

louann jude

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Nov 6, 2015
Yes I have plenty of patè wet food she has been eating. I will continue to give it to her. She was eating the kitten chow since I got her back. Yes I clean her bottom and put it on her but she is good with cleaning herself she is better than Sassy is. I will keep them apart til she is better. 


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Just to be clear, the indentation is in the center of her ribs, correct? Meaning the plate that joins both sides of the ribs together in the center of her chest?

The idea of scruffing then turning over is that she will easily relax and submit to this position since it mimics a momma cat grabbing the scruff. Young kittens instinctively relax when this is done.

I am greatly concerned that the simple position showed her breathing changed and sounds like she struggled.

This is not a good sign, to be perfectly blunt.

In a very short time, because she is growing at a tremendous rate due to her age, if that center stays inverted it will squeeze the heart and lungs, restricting the lung capacity, cause her heart rate to speed up, and the shortness of breath will cause a lack of sufficient oxygen to support her organs and blood. 

So are you saying that she can not be on her back, that this position seems to restrict her breathing?

If so, then it has already begun.

Without surgery, there is not much chance she can survive, you see, with the flat chested kitten vest, the ribs are gently squeezed together which prompts the rib cage to grow properly, and fast since they are growing very rapidly being this young.

I am explaining this to you because the key is, being able to persuade her rib cage to change the direction of how it grows, otherwise it will just continue as it has, which just won't work.

Unless her rib cage can be coaxed in to growing correctly, she won't make it.

I will tell you if I were caring for her, what I would do is, as many times as I possibly could every day, 20 times or more, any time I was with her, I would take my finger, (cutting my long nail short first!) and through the skin I would try to lift the bottom of the center plate upward/out, repeatedly. It's flexible, of course I would try it gently at first to feel if it moves easily or not, as I just tucked my finger under the center bottom and lifted, I would also at the same time use my other hand and gently squeeze the outer ribs together, as long as that gives me the effect I want to see/feel, it is my only chance to persuade the cage to chance it's growth direction.

The same as the flat chested vest does.

I don't know that it would be enough, but it very well may be. 

After doing this almost constantly, you might see in a matter of just a few days, her center plate is not quite as inverted as it was.

The kittens who can survive an inverted chest without surgery are those who have a mild case of it.

So while I have explained what I would do as her best chance, she may very well not be rid of it completely, but this may in fact change how dramatically deformed it is.

Let me know your thoughts.

I know her diarrhea is a big issue too, we don't want her pushed out rectum to be a problem either, but her chest, well it's a matter of life or not and needs addressing immediately.

She looks so incredibly sweet in the pic of her sunning herself, I adore black kitties :)
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  • #67

louann jude

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Nov 6, 2015

I took this video so you all can see. 
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  • #68

louann jude

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Nov 6, 2015
I wanted to update you all on Hope. The diaherra is gone since yesterday. She is running and playing with the big girls. She cracks me up if she is hungry she will go to kitchen to the feeding station and just sit and look around until I feed her. She does the same thing with water. She seems to have so much energy and spunk. 

I have Kathy agreed to let me wait to have her xray'd by the vet. It's coming out of my pocket and from the vet recommendations we will go from there. When I get her xray I will up date. 

I loved watching her wrestle with Marshall at 4 this morning. She rowed him all over the living room. 


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I'm glad the diarrhea is gone. Finish whatever meds she's on. I'm still not convinced that you need to spend money on an x-ray. Her rib cage may grow along with her as she grows. I wouldn't put much stock in what an x-ray shows, as it will change as she grows. I would just see what time brings for now.
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  • #72

louann jude

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Nov 6, 2015
I weighed baby girl this morning and she weighed 1 pound 10 ounces I am so happy. 


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
That is AWESOME!!! [emoji]128522[/emoji][emoji]128077[/emoji][emoji]128149[/emoji][emoji]128062[/emoji]
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  • #74

louann jude

TCS Member
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Nov 6, 2015
I am having some issues with the kittens and instead of making another thread I thought I would try here first. 

Hope is pooping outside of the box. I think I have found out why. 

Lil Bit and Sweet Pea are being big ole bullies to not only Hope but Sassy too. 

I started randomly finding poop on my carpet in the mornings when I get up. It's only in the morning when I first wake up. It's really little poops so I know it's Hope. 

Day before yesterday I seen Sweet Pea just randomly charge at Hope. It wasn't playing it was a more of I will show you thing. I had never seen her act in this way before and later I found out why I think. I seen Lil Bit do the same to Sassy. It's so bad that when ever either Lil Bit or Sweet Pea get around either Sassy or Hope their fur starts to stand up like they are bracing for an attack. 

This morning when I got up I found another poop on the floor. About an hour later Hope was in the box and Lil Bit who was sound asleep woke up and went to pounce on her. I stopped her before she could but that explains why she is doing it. 

I am spending as much time individually as I can with each one of them. I also try to do group play and interaction. 

I really don't know how to stop this other than separating them all at night. Sassy already sleeps with us because the moment it's time to go to bed she is right by my Leah. She is the only one that Sassy will allow to hold her. Also Sassy doesn't seem to be her normal playful self. She was the most playful of the bunch now I rarely see her play. 

I haven't seen them bully Holly but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.  

With Lil Bit's history I don't think I can adopt her out again. Sweet Pea, Holly and Sassy are here to stay. I keep telling myself not to get to close to Hope because she will be leaving too. But we all know with her health issue she wont be adopted. 

So how do I create Harmony with five cats? One of which is easily jealous, Sweet Pea. She even gets jealous of the kids and Larry. 

I know I can buy the diffusers and spray. I will as soon as I can.  I do have four boxes throughout the house. I know I need two more. I scoop at least once a day and they are never close to being full when I do. They all five have access to plenty of food and water. 

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Hope needs a 'retreat' to get to, a place hopefully high up or easily defendable from attack. Moving one of the litter boxes to a more secluded area might help too. I know it is hard, but she needs to be monitored and the attacks must be stopped with a sharp NO and even physically stopping the other cats from jumping on her. Mine did learn, and will stop and turn away with my NO's. It might be a good idea, for at least a while to confine Hope to a smaller room at night with a litter box, food, etc.,. I have had this happen many times, and eventually the cat being attacked finally starts defending themselves, or the others learn that 'mom' will be there to stop them from attacking.I yell now, and the one being attacked runs TOWARDS me for protection.  Good luck!


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Hope needs a 'retreat' to get to, a place hopefully high up or easily defendable from attack. Moving one of the litter boxes to a more secluded area might help too. I know it is hard, but she needs to be monitored and the attacks must be stopped with a sharp NO and even physically stopping the other cats from jumping on her. Mine did learn, and will stop and turn away with my NO's. It might be a good idea, for at least a while to confine Hope to a smaller room at night with a litter box, food, etc.,. I have had this happen many times, and eventually the cat being attacked finally starts defending themselves, or the others learn that 'mom' will be there to stop them from attacking.I yell now, and the one being attacked runs TOWARDS me for protection.  Good luck!
I agree, if possible the smaller bullied kits should be separated, even always, since it's nearly impossible to remove the little's feeling intimidated by the bullies.
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  • #77

louann jude

TCS Member
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Nov 6, 2015
Holly has been adjusting great. Then Lil Bit came down with a nasty URI. She has now spread that to Sweet Pea and Hope. Sweet Pea is doing better but Hope has the worst one I have ever seen. She wont even eat warmed tuna. I have steam bathed her and wiped her nose. I got a few scratches and a bite from that. It will be tomorrow before I can get her to the vet. What can I do til then?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Oh my! I hate to hear this. Have they been on any antibiotics at all?

The steam baths are good, and you can use Little Noses Saline Drops (not spray) to help break up mucus.

Put clear pedialyte in the water bowl. Feed clear chicken broth.

Poor kitties [emoji]128533[/emoji]
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  • #80

louann jude

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Nov 6, 2015
I know she is dehydrated. I feel wrong for doing it but I wrapped her in a towel and spoon fed her some wet food watered down. She didn't like it but I got about a half ounce in her. 

Is it normal for them to drool with a URI. She has really thick snot and she fights me to clean it off. I am freaking out because of the drooling. Thinking where she bit me last night the anxiety is really high. When she isn't getting doctored on she want's loved on.

Oh Sweet Pea is acting ok eating and doing everything fine.

I am calling to get her in the vet first thing in the a.m.  