Kitten With Bad Diarrhea

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  • #21


Lucy & Ethel
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 18, 2018
I tried the S Bouraldii for a bit and then when she went into the rescue for a week they didn’t give it to her. The new vet tested again and no parasites still but she still has loose stool. They gave me Bio-Sponge and it is helping a bit, not leaking out etc, but that is just a bandaid. I was given the Blue Buffalo HF dry food and I think that is making things worse. She has recently started gagging and vomiting which is killing me. I really don’t want to switch up her food AGAIN but I know it isn’t the bio sponge cause the gagging started before the bio sponge. I have given them some instinct raw limited ingredient wet food and they are both obsessed. I think I’m going to take away this ridiculously expensive dry food (chalk full of fillers and carbs) and get her something a bit better. I was looking into raw and a lot of things were chicken and at first we were concerned that she had a chicken intolerance but I’m so lost anymore with this one. It’s hard to figure it out when she is getting food that has a bunch of crap in it.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2017
I’m not familiar with the Blue vet line (I don’t think we have it in Canada). I quickly read the blurb on it and my concern is it’s not all life stages or growth. I also see they have a gastro line so not sure why the vet wouldn’t give you that one first? Although it’s also labeled adult maintenance.

Have you tried just straight up boiled, puréed chicken?

I am now a month on raw. One perfect, no stink poop a day. Energy through the roof. He no longer sleeps or takes naps (verdict still out on that one). I had him at the vet yesterday and everyone was shocked at his 180. He’s gained 2lbs in a month.

I really know exactly what you are going through cause I was there. It’s the worst feeling and my guy was crying in his litter box- I felt so awful for him.

RadCat is one that the raw people talk about a lot. It’s completely balanced and comes frozen I believe. They do have novel proteins. I couldn’t source it where I live but I’m assuming you’re in the States so I bet you could find it.

Dave’s favourite is by far rabbit, followed by pork, duck. Made him some quail yesterday and he had that for breakfast.

I would do the s boulardii too because it can’t hurt. Dave is on the maintenance dose now.
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  • #23


Lucy & Ethel
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 18, 2018
I’m not familiar with the Blue vet line (I don’t think we have it in Canada). I quickly read the blurb on it and my concern is it’s not all life stages or growth. I also see they have a gastro line so not sure why the vet wouldn’t give you that one first? Although it’s also labeled adult maintenance.

Have you tried just straight up boiled, puréed chicken?

I am now a month on raw. One perfect, no stink poop a day. Energy through the roof. He no longer sleeps or takes naps (verdict still out on that one). I had him at the vet yesterday and everyone was shocked at his 180. He’s gained 2lbs in a month.

I really know exactly what you are going through cause I was there. It’s the worst feeling and my guy was crying in his litter box- I felt so awful for him.

RadCat is one that the raw people talk about a lot. It’s completely balanced and comes frozen I believe. They do have novel proteins. I couldn’t source it where I live but I’m assuming you’re in the States so I bet you could find it.

Dave’s favourite is by far rabbit, followed by pork, duck. Made him some quail yesterday and he had that for breakfast.

I would do the s boulardii too because it can’t hurt. Dave is on the maintenance dose now.[/
I’m not familiar with the Blue vet line (I don’t think we have it in Canada). I quickly read the blurb on it and my concern is it’s not all life stages or growth. I also see they have a gastro line so not sure why the vet wouldn’t give you that one first? Although it’s also labeled adult maintenance.

Have you tried just straight up boiled, puréed chicken?

I am now a month on raw. One perfect, no stink poop a day. Energy through the roof. He no longer sleeps or takes naps (verdict still out on that one). I had him at the vet yesterday and everyone was shocked at his 180. He’s gained 2lbs in a month.

I really know exactly what you are going through cause I was there. It’s the worst feeling and my guy was crying in his litter box- I felt so awful for him.

RadCat is one that the raw people talk about a lot. It’s completely balanced and comes frozen I believe. They do have novel proteins. I couldn’t source it where I live but I’m assuming you’re in the States so I bet you could find it.

Dave’s favourite is by far rabbit, followed by pork, duck. Made him some quail yesterday and he had that for breakfast.

I would do the s boulardii too because it can’t hurt. Dave is on the maintenance dose now.
I thought the same thing about the Blue Buffalo and it was given to me by the rescue that was treating her. I had sent her there to get steady treatment and that didn’t happen. It was more of a nightmare than anything else. I gave them some of the boiled chicken I had been feeding her along with a Gi food they had given me. At first she was super stressed and wasn’t eating so apparently the ignored the fact that she was on a special diet and gave her a mix of crappy cat food that they had. (1st reason I was pissed) and then they sent me home with this saying it avoid chicken as it could be the cause. I don’t think it is but whatever, I did it. When I took her to a different vet she said she didn’t want to switch her food suddenly again so she said to keep trying it. It’s been over a week and she is still gagging and has diarrhea. But still an insane amount of energy and is currently rolling around with her sister all over the house.

I feed my dog boiled chicken, rice, carrots and some broth so I have plain boiled chicken I can try again but I’m thinking rabbit is going to be best. The instinct raw limited ingredient I have been giving them is rabbit so I know she likes it. I will look into the raw food brand you mentioned and see if it is something that I can afford to feed two kittens ha.

Thank you for your help!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
If the Radcat doesn't work, there's Primal you could try if you haven't already.
Gosh, hang in there!!
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  • #25


Lucy & Ethel
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 18, 2018
Well I started to SLOWLY switch her over to a different dry food (one that is more affordable) this weekend and oh man did things escalate! I pulled that food out after I noticed that she was picking out the new food and not eating the old stuff at all (such a stinker). And of course the Limited Ingredient Rabbit is BLACK which makes the leaking diarrhea black as well and it was EVERYWHERE last night and this morning. She got a 3rd dose of the Bio Sponge that was working well for a bit but this morning was a nightmare filled with black poo on my bed, dog, and all over poor Lucy.
I am afraid to do any sort of changes in food if this is what happens. I am at such a loss, apparently the vet ordered some medication that will balance the bacteria's in her gut so I'm waiting on that while using the horse sized tube of Bio Sponge.
WHAT A NIGHTMARE! Two months of more poo than I thought one little kitten could ever produce. She will probably spend tonight in the bathroom if she isn't doing better when I go home on my lunch. I don't know how much more of the wait and see I can handle...


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! I would suggest containing her for longer than that. You need time, for cleaning, decompressing, and to not have to clean more than just a small area, gracious, I'm so sorry this is happening to you!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2017
Ok.... this is what I would do. I’m only saying this based on my experience with what worked with Dave when we thought he was going die because he was exploding so bad and loosing weight, vomiting etc.

Pull everything so there’s no way she can get into anyone else’s food.

Boil boneless, skinless chicken breast in water. Let that cool. Run the whole deal through Vitamix or blender. Feed this as much as she will eat. Full 7 days of this diet. Serve it warm. Dave liked his a bit soupy.

Then start adding the Purina EN Gastro naturals dry to the chicken. The gastro will have the nutrients she needs.

If you can get her normalized on that (cow patties was normal for Dave) then you can try adding regular canned food into the chicken purée. If she starts exploding then no go and back to chicken.

Honestly- the only thing that worked with Dave is raw. I never did try the purina EN gastro wet food because it was about $60 a case where I live. I do plan to try him back on canned food once he’s a year old because this raw business is kinda gross lol...
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  • #28


Lucy & Ethel
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 18, 2018
Okay will do. I have a ton of boiled chicken (shredded for my dog) with nothing added (ie salt, pepper) I can blend some of it up tonight with a bit of the water used during boiling and see how that goes. If she will eat it just shredded do you think it is okay to give it to her that way?

I'm not home during the day and of course this week my dog will also be at my house when I am at work so I am going to have to keep them separated or that little porker will eat it all. I will see about getting the Vet to prescribe me some of that dry food since it seems to be a vet only option.

Thank you!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2017
Not sure about the shredded vs puréed... maybe purée would be easier to digest?

I remember with Dave on about day 3 he perked right up and literally ate a Costco pack of chicken breast in 2 days lol....

The gastro food is also super pricy but I was able to successfully transition him to a regular kitten dry after that bag (saved 1/4 of it for the transition)

I think when their little guts are so messed up it’s just trial and error trying to figure out what works. If Dave gets stressed he will still flare but I can get him back to normal in a day usually. My vet told me cow patty may be the best we get with him. But since the raw, cow patty is a bad day.

Did you look into the RadCat? From everything I’ve read you can go cold turkey into raw. I did cold turkey literally one day after he had a relapse and started exploding.
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  • #30


Lucy & Ethel
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 18, 2018
I did some research on RadCat but it doesn't look like it is stocked anywhere in my small town except possibly one store and they were closed yesterday. I am trying to get an idea of how much we are looking at for cost and the store that carries it here is known for being a bit pricey. I can most likely go there on my lunch today and at least pick up a small amount. Does it stay frozen? I got my dog some raw food at Petsmart on Saturday but that was just to see if she liked it, I didn't see any cat raw food there but our town is tiny and most stores suck when it comes to selection.
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  • #31


Lucy & Ethel
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 18, 2018
I just called the store and they have them and it is only $5.99 for 8oz of it. Going on my lunch today to snag some of it! My other little porkers (Abbey the dog and Ethel my fat cat) will just have to deal with Lucy getting special treatment for a while! Now I just have to decide what flavor :confused2:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2017
Where I live the premade raw food is also stupid expensive. I make my own with Alnutrin and EZComplete. Plus I didn’t want veggies with his system so sensitive.

EZComplete is actually the simplest because you basically add it to any ground meet. I got ground pork and turkey at Costco so it was very inexpensive. I freeze in snack size ziplock in 2.5oz servings which is easy to thaw if I forget.

I have the Alnutrin for when I make rabbit and duck because it’s easier to source with bone and organ ground.

If she turns out to be a rabbit fan (Dave by far prefers rabbit over any other) it is the most pricy of all the proteins.

My initial expense was the supplements but now that I’ve got a system and really good suppliers for the game meat I bet I’m spending around $2-$3 a day to feed him. I mix everything up in my kitchen aid and it comes out like a pate.

I use freeze dried chicken as a topper to get him to eat or tuna.

I put the baggie in warm water for a few minutes to get the food warm.
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  • #33


Lucy & Ethel
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 18, 2018
Yea I just don't know if I have the stomach to make my own raw food haha. I had a hard enough time giving my dog the frozen raw food I bought for her. I will probably try to get her stabled on the expensive stuff and then look into getting her back on a limited ingredient diet that fits her needs and that I can buy at a store for way cheaper.

Where did you buy the supplements to add? I have spent so much flipping money on wasted litter, cat food and meds lately that I'm working on a tight budget lately. I do have some frozen ground turkey (organic because it was supposed to be for me) already in my fridge that I can try giving her but I want to make sure that she is getting everything that she needs nutrient wise.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2017
Trust me- I totally get it.

If you are comfortable handling raw ground meat get the EZComplete. Just google it and you will see the website. They probably even have an inexpensive trial pack since you are in the states.

I literally just read in one of my raw groups that RadCat is closing. So if your girl likes it, buy it all up while you can.
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  • #35


Lucy & Ethel
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 18, 2018
It seems to be an easy transition right now to get the pre-made raw cat food, especially with my busy schedule. RadCat can't be closing!!! The only other pre-made raw food recommended was Primal but it has a ton of veggies in it, RadCat is MUCH more simple. I do see that they had some recalls which is a bit concerning but I pulled the lot numbers to check when I go in.

I was able to find the EZComplete online, I will look to see if they have the trial pack and I will try it out with the raw turkey that I already have. Trying to find Rabbit as we speak. Hopefully this doesn't take a ridiculous amount of time to help little Lucy. :anticipation:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2017
This is Dave yesterday after week 5 on raw. I wish I had a pic before we started. He had dull eyes, no glitter (he’s an F4 Bengal), goopy nose all the time. As I said before- Friday at the vet everyone had to come into the room and see him because they couldn’t believe the change :)

Honestly- it was almost instant with Dave so I hope you are just as lucky.

I am going to pick up my 10lbs of ground rabbit tomorrow lol. Rabbit is hard to find and pricy so if you find some, scoop it up!
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  • #37


Lucy & Ethel
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 18, 2018
Oh my gosh so cute! This picture is of Lucy after i got her home from the sick ward in the rescue, she had to get a bath cause she was covered in her own poop which is why she is wet and pissy. No were to go but up from here! I have a GREAT video of her and my dog playing yesterday, they all love each other which makes me very happy!View media item 421842


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2017
Any updates on Miss Lucy? Was thinking about her this am and hoping she took to the raw and is pooping normal?
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  • #39


Lucy & Ethel
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 18, 2018
Well she likes the raw food but hasn’t been exclusively on it due to my work schedule and not being able to feed her as much as she needs to eat. She is doing better though. Still cow pies but it isn’t so uncontrollable that it gets everywhere which is great!

You were totally right about the energy though! She is CRAZY all day and night lol. She took my dogs toys and she throws them around all night and runs like crazy with her sister. I’m not getting much sleep but at least she is feeling better!View media item 421855
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  • #40


Lucy & Ethel
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 18, 2018
And it’s back...watery and dripping out. Of course RadCat is out of business and the only place that sold it no longer has it :sigh: I ordered EZComplete the minute I found out the store was out of stock. It’s going to be a long few days. We went through an entire week of Tylon which didn’t seem to do anything. I had to change over their dry food (took me two weeks I did it so slow) and I try to give them as much raw food as possible. I’m exhausted already and it’s only been a day or two...:cringe: