Kitten-proofing an Apartment Balcony (DIY)


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 29, 2013
Hi everyone,

This particular subject was hard to find any information on (a DIY, inexpensive solution to kittens on apartment balconies), so I thought I would share my technique for keeping my kittens safe on my balcony. 

First off: I know lots of people who've lived in high-rises who've told me "Cats aren't stupid! They won't jump off!" but I live in a 3 story building, me being on the second floor. Not only can cats survive a 2 story fall, they may be tempted to try it!
Additionally, a woman who lives across from me has deer-netting from the floor to the roof on her balcony. It's definitely one way to keep the kitty in, but it pretty much makes your balcony useless for people- plus it's noticeably junky looking and I know the building manager is not fond of it.

I went to a specialty shop called "industrial plastics and paints":
They had lots of options to choose from ranging in price (fibreglass panels, netting, vinyl sheets, etc.) So depending on your budget, there's lots of ways to go about this:

I chose a clear vinyl sheet, 2mm thick. I liken it's durability to a mid to high-grade rain coat. Very durable, and probably not puncturable even by an adult kitty. The sheets are about 4.5ft wide on the roll which is a very typical balcony-railing height. My balcony railing is about 15 ft across so cutting it to size was a breeze.
The sheet was about $2.25 per linear foot, really reasonable considering I was looking at $200-$400 cat fencing packages online.
Then I purchased some zip-ties (zap straps? whatever you call them) at the same time.

From there it was easy- I brought the sheet home and attached it to the metal railing with the zip ties, then cut the zip ties to size so they weren't poking out. There's a perfect amount of excess length along the bottom of the railing, so if I wanted to when the weather gets windier, I could run a piece of tape along the floor to better secure it in place.

Additional tips:
-As with any clear plastic/vinyl material, the sun's rays can be amplified when they shine through it. (Don't get me wrong, it's not like an ant under a magnifying glass, it's a very small amount, but it's still something worth knowing.) I let my kittens on the porch in the morning and evening anyways, since the surface temp of the balcony floor gets too hot even for my feet in the daytime. 
-Unlike netting, this material is not climbable! 
-If your cats are full grown and capable of jumping up to the railing already, I suggest creating an "over hang" on a 45 degree angle from the top of the railing so that essentially, there is no surface to land on should they attempt to jump up.
-Of course, if you have balcony furniture near the railing, the kittens can scale it and jump off anyways.

-From the ground floor, this rig is virtually invisible!

I plan on potting some cat grass and putting it out on the balcony, as well as creating a shady area and maybe a cushion for napping :)

The sheets. They come with paper backing to keep them separated on the roll.

Zip ties secure the sheets in place.

Kitties ponder how to escape, but they are stumped :)


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Wow! We  have  a 2nd floor balcony on our home.  I'm going to show this to my better half and see  what he  thinks.

Thanks for sharing!


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
That's a good idea, but I really wonder whether it's going to be high enough? We've had our balcony "cat-proofed" for over 13 years and have witnessed our own cats jumping very high to try to catch a bird or bug flying by. Our last cat, Jamie, was rather large and could really jump high, and our current cat is of average size, but still can jump well above a railing of the usual height.

Coincidentally, we've been doing the balcony all over again this week, replacing the grips, telescopic poles and netting. It's 6'8" high, has a slight overhang to (hopefully) prevent climbing and a net that's reinforced with steel threads. The net has some "give" to discourage climbing. We used zip ties to attach the netting to the poles and balustrade, but I haven't cut them or the excess netting yet.

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TCS Member
Jun 21, 2014
Jcat, can you please tell me what material you used? I have a house but the deck is very close to the garage and I need to put up something to keep the cats from leaping/hopping up on the roof. What you have looks like it might work!



Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
We live in Germany, and the stuff we used is actually called "cat net" and sold by a number of brick-and-mortar and online stores, as are the telescopic rods. If it's not available in your location, fishing net would probably be the closest to it. I've also read that "deer net" is sturdy enough.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I have seen on Jackson Galaxy's show that the way you have it leaning in at the top is a great deterrent.  He says that when cats see that they often won't try to escape.  


TCS Member
Apr 22, 2015
Wow! Thank you. Your post is 2 yrs old so I have no idea if you will read this reply, but you may have saved a life. We've been living in a house with a patio for 15 yrs and have just moved to an apartment. For ALL of our cat's 4 years, she has had zero risk of falling to her death or escaping and being run over, stolen, or lost. Now all of those are worries. You just gave us the answer to our dilemma, because the other option was for us to keep her locked up in the bathroom if we had guests for fear that someone would open one of 3 doors to two balconies in our new town home, one being 2 floors high and the other 3 floors. Management won't let us put up mesh or screen. Your clear plastic solution works beautifully, is invisible, and gives us peace of mind should our beloved pet happen to get out on the balcony when no one is looking. We know she will be tempted and it is only a matter of time. Thank you again.