Kitten pooped on my bed

desirae day

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 25, 2013
When I first got my kitten, I had a bit of trouble potty training her. She was only about 6 weeks old when I got her. She would try to go to the bathroom on my bed, but I would pick her up and put her in the litter box (I could tell when she was about to poo, because she would scratch at the bed. When she was about to pee, her eyes would get very heavy like she was falling asleep).  At the time, I had two litter boxes in the bedroom. After some work, she became potty trained. But, a little while later she started peeing on my bed every morning. I had to put a heavy plastic on my bed for a few weeks to break her of that habit. I have occasionally caught her scratching at the bed, but quickly call her to the litter box. She follows me and goes just fine.  I haven't had any issues of her actually going since. Now she is 8 months old, and in the last two weeks she has peed and pooped on my bed. Often times when I come home, she meows at me to follow her to her box. Once she knows I am watching her, she will poo. I find this behavior very strange, but  accommodate her, because I don't want her pooping anywhere else.  This morning I walked in on her pooing on the bed!  I read that when a cat is doing it because of middening, they do not try to cover it. But, she did scratch at the bed afterward like she was trying to cover it.

I'm not sure if she is doing it to get my attention, or because she is stressed out. She doesn't act stressed. She is a very determined cat who is afraid of nothing. She seems very confident, and there are no other cats in the household.

How do I get her to stop?


TCS Member
Jan 14, 2013
I would recommend a vet visit to rule a medical reason. If she had been litter-boxed trained and was good about using the box for months, this new behavior may signal a physical problem. It sounds like you also went back to one box? If so, I would add the second one back in.