Kitten,poop, Diarrhea, Blood, Outside Of Litter Tray! Help!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 13, 2016
I would ask the doctor directly if they feel it is the food, but since it came back even when you put her back on James, it probably would not be that. My first thought was also parasites, but that is easy enough for them to check if they can get a stool sample. Don't worry, I am sure they will get to the bottom of this! I know it is scary in the meantime, though!
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  • #22


Proud Mommy to Ariel and Snowy :-)
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 13, 2017
How many times a day is she pooping? It sounds like it could be more than normal. As the vets have checked her and all seems Ok, it could be a dietary intolerance. Does she strain when she is pooping? There are foods out there for kitties with delicate stomachs, I have one of mine on this and he has far less accidents than before...I would ask the vets if there's any that could help.

It's never nice with things like this and I really hope you find an answer!
She poops approx 2 times a day I think normally
Now that she's had bouts of dihorrea she has been pooping much more! She pooped dihorrea tiny bouts approx 6 times a day on 13th I think....
She does pee normally...
She does not strain or anything... it's all still the same as before but now her poop is dihorrea with blood
She loves James and the vet actually recommended it and it looks to be good

Could it be that I changed the James dry flavour from the original one she was first on (turkey) to fish....?
If I remember correctly before that I THINK she was fine...don't know for sure :-(


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 13, 2016
Also, you mention her usual dewormer - so she has recurring worms? This could definitely be causing bloody poopies. I'm not saying that is the cause, but it is possible.
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  • #24


Proud Mommy to Ariel and Snowy :-)
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 13, 2017
I would ask the doctor directly if they feel it is the food, but since it came back even when you put her back on James, it probably would not be that. My first thought was also parasites, but that is easy enough for them to check if they can get a stool sample. Don't worry, I am sure they will get to the bottom of this! I know it is scary in the meantime, though!

I would ask the doctor directly if they feel it is the food, but since it came back even when you put her back on James, it probably would not be that. My first thought was also parasites, but that is easy enough for them to check if they can get a stool sample. Don't worry, I am sure they will get to the bottom of this! I know it is scary in the meantime, though!
I also think it may be parasites as on two occasions the de wormed has not gone inside her.... she will be dewormed at the appointment


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
So you think she might have a fish allergy? It's possible. I guess you'll just have to try a process of elimination. Get her de-wormed tomorrow. If that doesn't solve the bloody poop, then try to figure out which ingredient in her diet is causing this.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 4, 2018
It could be that, I'd get her back on the original and see, plus cut out the wet food for now. It's definitely worth a try! Really hope it helps.
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  • #27


Proud Mommy to Ariel and Snowy :-)
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 13, 2017
Also, you mention her usual dewormer - so she has recurring worms? This could definitely be causing bloody poopies. I'm not saying that is the cause, but it is possible.
No I mean I was told to de worm her every 3 months so by usual I mean the one the vets give her ... I don't know which one though ....


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 13, 2016
Oh, good, then hopefully, that is all it is! It can be so tricky to get meds into them, that is for sure. Tapeworm you can see in their stool and sometimes wiggling around outside their butt. They are white. Hook and round worm I do not think are visible to the naked eye. I think all can cause poopies. I hope that is all it is! I am anxious to find out so you can rest easy.
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  • #29


Proud Mommy to Ariel and Snowy :-)
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 13, 2017
Oh, good, then hopefully, that is all it is! It can be so tricky to get meds into them, that is for sure. Tapeworm you can see in their stool and sometimes wiggling around outside their butt. They are white. Hook and round worm I do not think are visible to the naked eye. I think all can cause poopies. I hope that is all it is! I am anxious to find out so you can rest easy.
Awww thank you so very much !
I did inspect her poop... I don't see any worms now nor did I see any before.
I will get her de wormed tomorrow and then change the flavour of the James dry from the trial pack of fish back to her usual turkey flavour
Thank you so very much for all your support and advice!
I just get very anxious and stressed when something like this happens because of sad past events

Thank you so much
I do love her so very much and just want the best for her which was the main reason why i changed from rubbish food like whiskas to James dry which she now loves

Should I change her food to the turkey flavour now or wait until tomorrow ?

I purchased in bulk and ordered 2 of the turkey bags of James dry and one only of the fish thankfully :-)

Thanks again :-)


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 13, 2016
I would hold off and see what the vet says tomorrow. But I am glad she likes the turkey, that is good that you have something that she will like.
Of course you are worried!! You love her, it is only natural to worry!!
And a good pet parent always inspects poop, so you are doing a great job!! :alright:
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  • #32


Proud Mommy to Ariel and Snowy :-)
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 13, 2017
Another parasite that can cause bloody diahhrea...

Coccidiosis in Cats
When I spoke to the nurse at the reception over the phone she said cocidia and I thought nothing of it as she didn't bother explaining anything about it to me... she was speaking to herself and said " yes... cocidia "

The symptoms match exactly !

I will speak to the actual vet about this tomorrow

Thank you so very much!!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
sweetblackpaws sweetblackpaws seems to have covered the worm side of things pretty well so I'll skip that other than saying that yes, tapeworms can be very visible. You might even see dried ones where a cat lies. (This is how I discovered my cat had them years ago.) Though worms aren't always easy to get rid of, seeing your most recent posts, I think I'm rooting for the problem to be caused by coccidia! Fingers crossed for the vet chat tomorrow: it's definitely important to get this resolved as quickly as possible since no matter what the cause, that much diarrhea can cause dehydration, which is particularly worrisome for a kitten.

If it's not worms, though... As far the question about the possibility that food can cause blood stools and/or diarrhea, having had a cat who had those symptoms and was strongly suspected of having IBD, I can say that yes, food sensitivities can cause these problems. The vets at the clinic we took our cat to weren't very concerned, either, and they should have been. It didn't make things easier that her symptoms were sporadic, coming and going over the years and often being infrequent enough that we thought she was better.

The dry food you're feeding (if it's this one, oops, it's not, your other post just popped up but I see that the fish and turkey foods have very similar ingredients) has multiple ingredients I'd be concerned about since they're known to cause digestive issues in some cats: potato, peas, and maize/corn. I couldn't find a detailed list of ingredients for the Felix pouches ("various sugars" is a bit vague!) but that looks like it might be less problematic than the dry food. Then again, food sensitivities can be very individual, making it hard to pinpoint what's causing a problem -- one of our cats, for example, gets barfy and gassy (really smelly!) from potato, something I figured out only by chance.

If it tuns out you have a food-based problem, personally, I'd probably put her back on whatever food(s) she was on before she started having the problems. After that, since I'm not a fan of any grains or carby vegetables in cat foods -- they're not what cats are designed the digest -- I'd probably look for a food with recipes that are as simple as possible, meaning maximum meat and minimum veg and/or grains. Our two cats have sensitive stomachs and feeding them only high-protein, low-carb wet foods has kept their digestive systems pretty happy after a fair bit of vomiting (and a very smelly diarrhea episode) when they were 10 or 11 months old.

In any case, good luck! I hope you're able to resolve this soon, one way or another!
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  • #34


Proud Mommy to Ariel and Snowy :-)
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 13, 2017
sweetblackpaws sweetblackpaws seems to have covered the worm side of things pretty well so I'll skip that other than saying that yes, tapeworms can be very visible. You might even see dried ones where a cat lies. (This is how I discovered my cat had them years ago.) Though worms aren't always easy to get rid of, seeing your most recent posts, I think I'm rooting for the problem to be caused by coccidia! Fingers crossed for the vet chat tomorrow: it's definitely important to get this resolved as quickly as possible since no matter what the cause, that much diarrhea can cause dehydration, which is particularly worrisome for a kitten.

If it's not worms, though... As far the question about the possibility that food can cause blood stools and/or diarrhea, having had a cat who had those symptoms and was strongly suspected of having IBD, I can say that yes, food sensitivities can cause these problems. The vets at the clinic we took our cat to weren't very concerned, either, and they should have been. It didn't make things easier that her symptoms were sporadic, coming and going over the years and often being infrequent enough that we thought she was better.

The dry food you're feeding (if it's this one, oops, it's not, your other post just popped up but I see that the fish and turkey foods have very similar ingredients) has multiple ingredients I'd be concerned about since they're known to cause digestive issues in some cats: potato, peas, and maize/corn. I couldn't find a detailed list of ingredients for the Felix pouches ("various sugars" is a bit vague!) but that looks like it might be less problematic than the dry food. Then again, food sensitivities can be very individual, making it hard to pinpoint what's causing a problem -- one of our cats, for example, gets barfy and gassy (really smelly!) from potato, something I figured out only by chance.

If it tuns out you have a food-based problem, personally, I'd probably put her back on whatever food(s) she was on before she started having the problems. After that, since I'm not a fan of any grains or carby vegetables in cat foods -- they're not what cats are designed the digest -- I'd probably look for a food with recipes that are as simple as possible, meaning maximum meat and minimum veg and/or grains. Our two cats have sensitive stomachs and feeding them only high-protein, low-carb wet foods has kept their digestive systems pretty happy after a fair bit of vomiting (and a very smelly diarrhea episode) when they were 10 or 11 months old.

In any case, good luck! I hope you're able to resolve this soon, one way or another!
Thank you very much for your reply
Yes that's the one - she was previously on whiskas kitten wet and dry and it gave her frequent runny and smelly poo's and I knew it was a bad brand. When I changed her over to the Zooplus one I think that messed her tummy up sadly- when I then finally put her on James dry which she has now her poop went back to normal and she was looking visibly better
Her weight seems good as of 2 weeks ago at the vet and she was eating well etc

I honestly think it's cocodia!
I can't see ANY worms or anything in her dihorrea poop apart from blood

The symptoms for cocodia match exactly!
She has bloody dihorrea and has been eating less than usual which is a sign of cocodia .... now that I think of it her tummy does seem a little big when she lies down which was not there before

She did seem fine on the James dry turkey which I will be giving to her after the vets appointment .... I thought everything would be good because I finally found a food the vet recommended and said was good and one that has good ingredients and that she likes.... it's better than Whiskas and it's affordable for us.

Regarding the Felix wet - I've stopped giving it to her for now because the bloody poop/dihorrea started around the time I fed her half a Felix pouch so I stopped thinking it was that....

Honestly I prefer James dry 100% to Felix and Whiskas ... the only reason I'm giving her Felix is to give her some more water content as she mainly has dry...

Thank you ever so much for everything!
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  • #35


Proud Mommy to Ariel and Snowy :-)
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 13, 2017
sweetblackpaws sweetblackpaws seems to have covered the worm side of things pretty well so I'll skip that other than saying that yes, tapeworms can be very visible. You might even see dried ones where a cat lies. (This is how I discovered my cat had them years ago.) Though worms aren't always easy to get rid of, seeing your most recent posts, I think I'm rooting for the problem to be caused by coccidia! Fingers crossed for the vet chat tomorrow: it's definitely important to get this resolved as quickly as possible since no matter what the cause, that much diarrhea can cause dehydration, which is particularly worrisome for a kitten.

If it's not worms, though... As far the question about the possibility that food can cause blood stools and/or diarrhea, having had a cat who had those symptoms and was strongly suspected of having IBD, I can say that yes, food sensitivities can cause these problems. The vets at the clinic we took our cat to weren't very concerned, either, and they should have been. It didn't make things easier that her symptoms were sporadic, coming and going over the years and often being infrequent enough that we thought she was better.

The dry food you're feeding (if it's this one, oops, it's not, your other post just popped up but I see that the fish and turkey foods have very similar ingredients) has multiple ingredients I'd be concerned about since they're known to cause digestive issues in some cats: potato, peas, and maize/corn. I couldn't find a detailed list of ingredients for the Felix pouches ("various sugars" is a bit vague!) but that looks like it might be less problematic than the dry food. Then again, food sensitivities can be very individual, making it hard to pinpoint what's causing a problem -- one of our cats, for example, gets barfy and gassy (really smelly!) from potato, something I figured out only by chance.

If it tuns out you have a food-based problem, personally, I'd probably put her back on whatever food(s) she was on before she started having the problems. After that, since I'm not a fan of any grains or carby vegetables in cat foods -- they're not what cats are designed the digest -- I'd probably look for a food with recipes that are as simple as possible, meaning maximum meat and minimum veg and/or grains. Our two cats have sensitive stomachs and feeding them only high-protein, low-carb wet foods has kept their digestive systems pretty happy after a fair bit of vomiting (and a very smelly diarrhea episode) when they were 10 or 11 months old.

In any case, good luck! I hope you're able to resolve this soon, one way or another!
What food do you feed your little babies?
What I don't understand is why the nurse at the vets didn't tell me that it may be cocodia ... she's very nice and has always been ever so helpful but I think because she was fine otherwise and it was her first bloody dihorrea episode she didn't seem overly concerned

I 100% trust the actual vet ... he's ever so kind and caring for snowy as well as my previous cat too!
They are great In terms of communicating and listening to my worries too :-)

I think i just need to speak with the actual vet tomorrow

Thanks so much!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I was just wondering if she is allergic to her food. It might be the protein or the starch. It could be that her dry food upsets her tummy and the wet food causes her poop to be less firm. I would take her back to the vet ASAP and in the meantime keep her on her dry food only. I would compare ingredients from her old to her new dry food. Unforgently with allergies you have to do the elimination trial & error way. First you need to get her balanced out & address her runs. She could get dehydrated! Blood in the stool = take the cat to vet tomorrow!
* You can try a different wet food with different ingredients. You can mix baby rice cereal into her wet food to help firm up her stools.
* You can give your cat flavorless pedialite or watered down low sodium chicken broth (if onion & garlic free.)
* If she was my cat I would be rushing her to the vet today/tomorrow & giving her dry food/water only.
* If her runs last more than a day I would be buying beef or chicken baby food (minus onion & garlic) and mixing in baby rice cereal to make a paste. Then again rushing her to the vet ASAP.

Please tell us how it works out? :vibes:
We had wee 10 day old kittens with the runs and were instructed to give them a tiny amount of anti diarrhea medication every day until their poops got better. It might be worth calling your vet to ask for that along with a cat approved anti-histamine. Some cats can't tolerate wheat. Cats can't take benadryl either. Your vet can give you a better idea of what is going on.
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  • #37


Proud Mommy to Ariel and Snowy :-)
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 13, 2017
I was just wondering if she is allergic to her food. It might be the protein or the starch. It could be that her dry food upsets her tummy and the wet food causes her poop to be less firm. I would take her back to the vet ASAP and in the meantime keep her on her dry food only. I would compare ingredients from her old to her new dry food. Unforgently with allergies you have to do the elimination trial & error way. First you need to get her balanced out & address her runs. She could get dehydrated! Blood in the stool = take the cat to vet tomorrow!
* You can try a different wet food with different ingredients. You can mix baby rice cereal into her wet food to help firm up her stools.
* You can give your cat flavorless pedialite or watered down low sodium chicken broth (if onion & garlic free.)
* If she was my cat I would be rushing her to the vet today/tomorrow & giving her dry food/water only.
* If her runs last more than a day I would be buying beef or chicken baby food (minus onion & garlic) and mixing in baby rice cereal to make a paste. Then again rushing her to the vet ASAP.

Please tell us how it works out? :vibes:
We had wee 10 day old kittens with the runs and were instructed to give them a tiny amount of anti diarrhea medication every day until their poops got better. It might be worth calling your vet to ask for that along with a cat approved anti-histamine. Some cats can't tolerate wheat. Cats can't take benadryl either. Your vet can give you a better idea of what is going on.
Thank you very much for all your suggestions!
I will be taking her to the vet tomorrow... she seems fine and I honestly think it's cocodia because the nurse did mention it over the phone

If it's cocodia what happens next ...?

Thank you very much for your advice!
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  • #38


Proud Mommy to Ariel and Snowy :-)
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 13, 2017
I was just wondering if she is allergic to her food. It might be the protein or the starch. It could be that her dry food upsets her tummy and the wet food causes her poop to be less firm. I would take her back to the vet ASAP and in the meantime keep her on her dry food only. I would compare ingredients from her old to her new dry food. Unforgently with allergies you have to do the elimination trial & error way. First you need to get her balanced out & address her runs. She could get dehydrated! Blood in the stool = take the cat to vet tomorrow!
* You can try a different wet food with different ingredients. You can mix baby rice cereal into her wet food to help firm up her stools.
* You can give your cat flavorless pedialite or watered down low sodium chicken broth (if onion & garlic free.)
* If she was my cat I would be rushing her to the vet today/tomorrow & giving her dry food/water only.
* If her runs last more than a day I would be buying beef or chicken baby food (minus onion & garlic) and mixing in baby rice cereal to make a paste. Then again rushing her to the vet ASAP.

Please tell us how it works out? :vibes:
We had wee 10 day old kittens with the runs and were instructed to give them a tiny amount of anti diarrhea medication every day until their poops got better. It might be worth calling your vet to ask for that along with a cat approved anti-histamine. Some cats can't tolerate wheat. Cats can't take benadryl either. Your vet can give you a better idea of what is going on.
I don't think it's the dry food that upsets her tummy because when she had dihorrea I gave her James dry and it fixed her right up at that moment in time - her dihorrea disappeared and she was looking much much better!

She has not been wormed since early December sadly so I do think it may be parasites and thought this was the main reason / logical reason from the beginning

Thank you very much!
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  • #39


Proud Mommy to Ariel and Snowy :-)
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 13, 2017
What food do you feed your little babies?
What I don't understand is why the nurse at the vets didn't tell me that it may be cocodia ... she's very nice and has always been ever so helpful but I think because she was fine otherwise and it was her first bloody dihorrea episode she didn't seem overly concerned

I 100% trust the actual vet ... he's ever so kind and caring for snowy as well as my previous cat too!
They are great In terms of communicating and listening to my worries too :-)

I think i just need to speak with the actual vet tomorrow

Thanks so much!
Also I don't understand if it is coccodia HOW she got it....
She does not go outside and her litter box is cleaned straight away...



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
What food do you feed your little babies?
What I don't understand is why the nurse at the vets didn't tell me that it may be cocodia ... she's very nice and has always been ever so helpful but I think because she was fine otherwise and it was her first bloody dihorrea episode she didn't seem overly concerned

I 100% trust the actual vet ... he's ever so kind and caring for snowy as well as my previous cat too!
They are great In terms of communicating and listening to my worries too :-)

I think i just need to speak with the actual vet tomorrow

Thanks so much!
Yes, definitely talk with the vet tomorrow -- here's hoping you're able to figure things out quickly and relatively easily. It's good that you like and trust your vet. We didn't trust the vets we took our previous cat to but switched to a cat-only vet when we adopted the two cats we have now. It makes such a huge difference!

As for our cats' diet, they eat all wet foods: canned food, freeze-dried raw food, frozen raw food, and homecooked food that I make with a supplement. That sounds much more complicated than it is but it's worked really well for them, particularly because one cat gets picky if she doesn't get variety. I'm not sure which of the canned foods we feed might be available in the UK but the brands are Wellness Core, Weruva Cats in the Kitchen, Nutro Natural Choice, Feline Natural, Koha, and Fancy Feast. The goal is to feed lots of meat protein and avoid anything carby (that includes potato, peas, chickpeas, and other starchy vegetables, plus grains and tapioca) as well as carrageenan, while also minimizing certain other ingredients I'm just comfortable with. One cat tends to vomit easily and the other seems to get mild nausea so it's taken some time to assemble the combination we have so they stay healthy and happy!

Fingers crossed that you're able to start resolving Snowy's problems tomorrow!