Kitten Harassment


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 24, 2017
Male neutered cat, 1.5 year old
Female kitten, 2.5 months old

After a very long (longer than a month), stressful introduction, my adult cat and my kitten finally met without a door between them. Both abandoned too young, didn't receive the proper teachings from mothers/siblings, both play very rough and bite me far too often.

I was very afraid the (jealous, territorial) cat would try to kill the kitten, but they seem to "get along". The problems are:

1) they play too rough. The kitten constantly attacks the cat, and he smacks her down and bites her hard (she often cries and I run to separate them, but she clearly wants to keep playing and tries to jump on the cat again). If I shut one in a room, they both cry until I open the door and let them play again. They can go on for HOURS, it's like they never get tired and they don't care at all if I try to distract them with toys. It's like they just want to bite each other the whole day.

Is it ok? Do I have to intervene/scold/worry?

2) beside biting her, he licks her a lot. Everywhere, but especially on the booty and her genitals, and not in a calm cuddly way, but in a "stressed" angry way. He is neutered but he still tries to hump my legs or mounts the blankets and he "mates" with them, lol. Does it mean he could try to mate with the kitten too? What should I do in that case? I've read that I should not interfere with their playing etc too much, but I'm worried he could harm or mate with the kitten, since she's so small.

Thank you for any suggestion and sorry for any mistake, it's not my first language :)


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
As far as the playing it sounds like they are ok. If they keep going back to each other to play I would just let them go. Sometimes they will get ruff with each other. You may want to separate them when your not at home just to be on the safe side until the kitten gets bigger.

As far as a cat humping your leg or the sheets!'s a new one on me. Never seen a cat do that. Maybe someone else will come along that can answer that. I had a male and a female cat at one time and he always wanted to lick her booty. He wasn't aggressive about it but he wanted to do it. They were both fixed. I would just tell him no and pull him away from her. He would stop for the moment but he would still do it again at some point. He wasn't excessive about it though. He never got out of that really. I think it's just a natural thing. If he's fixed nothings going to happen if they do mate. No kittens for that matter. If he is fixed I don't even know if they can mate. That's a good question actually. Never really thought about it. Maybe someone else will have something more on that. If he humps her I would discourage that though.

I would get her fixed as soon as possible and that in itself may calm some of these issues down. Just keep an eye on them and like I said don't leave them alone together for a while until you feel comfortable that it's safe. Hope this helps! Your English is fine. No worries! Welcome to TCS!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Both the playing and the licking sound pretty normal. He could be licking her backside because she isnt doing a very good job of it yet but often licking has a dominate component to it as well. In any case it is a sign they are friends. I would not interfere in their play unless the noise gets so loud that is driving you crazy or it evolves into a fur flying, actual biting fight.