Kitten Cardiac Arrest During Anesthesia and Blindness Followed


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 24, 2016
Hi all, I've recently been dealing with a rather heart-breaking situation with my precious kitty.

I rescued her in June from a rapidly filling storm overflow, when I took her to the vet they told me she had a diaphragmatic hernia and would need surgery or she would die. Long story short, I got her to a specialist pronto and she made it through that surgery with flying colors and recovered miraculously.

On Monday I dropped her off at the vet for a spay surgery, being sure they had all her previous records and knew she had had major surgery already in her life, when they put her under, on the anesthesia machine, the valve which controls the pressure in their body was closed, a human error which has cost my kitty dearly, and as soon as they flipped her over to begin she went into cardiac arrest. She weighs about 5lbs and is 5-6 months old. They were able to bring her back with CPR and after about 10-15 minutes they were able to extabate her because she was safely breathing on her own. She spent that night and Tuesday in an oxygen cage. By Tuesday afternoon she was able to hold herself upright and was beginning to try and walk around but had very poor balance, though I spent most of the day at the vet sitting with her and holding her and she mostly slept on me. She was peeing and taking IV fluids still at this point and eating happily from a syringe. Wednesday brought more improvements in balance and she started responding to sounds and recognizing when we would talk to her and eating wet food on her own from a bowl. It was clear by this point that she could not see. Her pupillary responses are normal and there is no evidence of damage at the backs of her eyes. Is it possible her sight could ever come back? Does anyone know how long it might take if it is temporary?

I brought her home from the vet finally last night(Friday) and she was very restless and agitated all night, sleeping for an hour or two at a time before getting up and stumbling and bumping around the room while meowing. I've spent all of today(Saturday) with her and she seems more relaxed than last night but will still get disoriented and walk around too fast and bump into things and meow. She also starts meowing when I start to pet her, even if she knows I am there. She continues to exhibit more and more cat like behavior though, today I saw her several times, grooming herself, or trying to, her balance is still a little spotty. She is happy to eat whenever I feed her but doesn't seem interested in drinking and walks right through her water bowl(she will flick her paws after this). Any suggestions on how to get her to drink? She was drinking just fine at the vet and peeing consistently, now she is home and I have not found that she has peed or pooped anywhere in the room she is in, litter box or otherwise. I am trying everything I can to make things more comfortable for her(i.e. several different comfortable spots on the floor for her to curl up on, nothing left out that could trip her up, water, food, and litter readily available, music when I am not in the room with her). I know it has only been 4 days since her arrest and that these kinds of injuries can take months to heal and recover.

I am desperate for any advice or knowledge anyone can provide. I just want my baby girl to feel safe and happy again. 3</3

Sunbathing on my lap at the vet during visitation


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2016
I'm really sorry about what happened to your kitty. It's an unfortunate risk with any major surgery, there's so much that can go wrong. This particular issue seems like negligent human error; that doesn't seem to me like something that should happen at all. I don't know if that something you could be compensated for. I also highly recommend going to another vet to check her out, just to make sure none of her behaviour is indicating other issues.

I know this is a rough time, but try not to despair. I can imagine it's going to be rough adjusting to blindness for both of you, but I do know that many cats do get on perfectly well being blind. This won't necessarily harm her overall well being, and she can likely live a very happy life even if it's permanent. While a lot of her behaviour right now may involve confusion and frustration and walking into things, it's in part because she has to learn to cope with not seeing, and that may just take some time and patience. But a lot of blind cats learn the arrangement of their environment very well, and end up being able to get around so well some people can't tell they're blind. 

With the water, my guess is it doesn't have a smell, unlike her food, so she may not be aware it's there. Perhaps a drinking fountain would help, so she can hear the water. If she won't drink, you may need to keep her on a wet food diet to ensure she stays hydrated. I also definitely recommend getting sound based toys. Toys with shakers, or wand toys with bells. She'll still want to play with you and exhibit her hunting behaviour, she just need to have a way to detect where it the toy is.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
May I ask what your baby girls name is.

This is a heartbreaking story, but it seems like she's getting stronger so this, I'm sure will have a happy ending.  It may take time though.

Is she on any special foods.  Can you ask the vet if you can feed her baby food, Gerber Chicken, ham etc, with no other ingredients, and add water to it so she gets liquid?  This may help if the vet gives the Okay.

As far as the sight goes, I hope she gets it back.  I have no experience with this.

I hope others will see this and chime in.

Best to you and your sweet girl
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 24, 2016
May I ask what your baby girls name is.

This is a heartbreaking story, but it seems like she's getting stronger so this, I'm sure will have a happy ending.  It may take time though.

Is she on any special foods.  Can you ask the vet if you can feed her baby food, Gerber Chicken, ham etc, with no other ingredients, and add water to it so she gets liquid?  This may help if the vet gives the Okay.

As far as the sight goes, I hope she gets it back.  I have no experience with this.

I hope others will see this and chime in.

Best to you and your sweet girl
She has a bunch of nicknames but her name is Tiny to most. Thank you for the good vibes. I think the agitation I'm seeing in her now might be because she is constipated. She was digging in her litter box and sniffing and then got frustrated and is pacing around. She has eaten a bunch since yesterday but no poop since morning yesterday.
I'm really sorry about what happened to your kitty. It's an unfortunate risk with any major surgery, there's so much that can go wrong. This particular issue seems like negligent human error; that doesn't seem to me like something that should happen at all. I don't know if that something you could be compensated for. I also highly recommend going to another vet to check her out, just to make sure none of her behaviour is indicating other issues.

I know this is a rough time, but try not to despair. I can imagine it's going to be rough adjusting to blindness for both of you, but I do know that many cats do get on perfectly well being blind. This won't necessarily harm her overall well being, and she can likely live a very happy life even if it's permanent. While a lot of her behaviour right now may involve confusion and frustration and walking into things, it's in part because she has to learn to cope with not seeing, and that may just take some time and patience. But a lot of blind cats learn the arrangement of their environment very well, and end up being able to get around so well some people can't tell they're blind. 

With the water, my guess is it doesn't have a smell, unlike her food, so she may not be aware it's there. Perhaps a drinking fountain would help, so she can hear the water. If she won't drink, you may need to keep her on a wet food diet to ensure she stays hydrated. I also definitely recommend getting sound based toys. Toys with shakers, or wand toys with bells. She'll still want to play with you and exhibit her hunting behaviour, she just need to have a way to detect where it the toy is.
Thank you for this advice! The vet has not billed me or mentioned anything about cost, the owner of the hospital took over her care immediately after the incident and she is a wonderful vet and person. I'm going to buy her a drinking fountain today. She is currently only on wet food, she won't eat the dry, she didn't like the dry before her episode either. And actually as I am writing this she just popped a squat and peed right next to her litter box. Yay pee!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
She has a bunch of nicknames but her name is Tiny to most. Thank you for the good vibes. I think the agitation I'm seeing in her now might be because she is constipated. She was digging in her litter box and sniffing and then got frustrated and is pacing around. She has eaten a bunch since yesterday but no poop since morning yesterday.

Thank you for this advice! The vet has not billed me or mentioned anything about cost, the owner of the hospital took over her care immediately after the incident and she is a wonderful vet and person. I'm going to buy her a drinking fountain today. She is currently only on wet food, she won't eat the dry, she didn't like the dry before her episode either. And actually as I am writing this she just popped a squat and peed right next to her litter box. Yay pee!
Yay, she pooped....

Wet is better anyway.  I'm glad all is working out well for your sweet Tiny. I hope you give us more updates as she progresses.

Thanks for sharing her with us.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
OMG!!! I am so sorry to hear this story.. Your poor little baby... I am so shocked to hear of such a blatant error!! 

Yes, it gets me so mad!!

I am so glad your baby is a bit improved..

She has gone through an incredible ordeal.. I cannot imagine how she must feel.. 

Hug her, hold her, kiss her, spoil her...

I hope she does not have any lasting neurological issues... I would really demand a consult with a neurologist from a speciality hospital ~~ making sure your current Vet practice pays for everything.. this was their fault.. 

And I think a cardiology appointment make sure her heart is ok...again, have "them" pay for it...

Also make sure her kidneys are functioning perfectly.. who knows what can happen when you are brought back from the dead.. the vascular structure could be compromised... 

Yes, the owner of your practice should provide free care for the rest of her life.. no question about it...

She should be listed as a VIP.....

(((((hugs)))))) to you and to your little girl, Tiny... Please give her a big hug and kiss from me....

Wet food is better than dry, but at this point, anything she wants.. 

Man, I am so mad!! I could spit bullets!!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 24, 2016
Update: First of all thank you guys for your support here. She has started to purr again, something I haven't heard her do since the Monday that I dropped her off. Today marks a week since her incident and I think she is starting to adjust to this blindness thing, either that or she is starting to see a little bit? She still bumps into things and hasn't used the litter box yet(I'm going to try that Cat Attract litter BeckyMorgan) but I have pee pads around the room for her that she hasn't missed yet. Tonight she seems to be feeling some energy, she keeps going after her tail or back feet or she will try to get one of the toys that makes noise and attack where she thinks it is(normally she misses), I'm hoping this is in fact her attempt at playing and not some neurological side effect from what happened. Putting a call in to the vet tomorrow to update them and get their opinion.
She is making steps to recovery every day I think though.

Thank you guys for keeping my girl in your thoughts and telling me your stories and thoughts to help me figure this out!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
[quote name="miraclecat16" url="/t/326987/kitten-cardiac-arrest-during-anesthesia-and-blindness-followed#post_4110692] The vet has not billed me or mentioned anything about cost, the owner of the hospital took over her care immediately after the incident and she is a wonderful vet and person.

Don't pay for anything the original vet did. I would be livid what they have put your cat through. My Harry died post-surgery of cardiac arrest & I will never return to that hospital.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 2, 2009
Tacoma, Wa
Oh my this is such a sad story! I used to work for a vet and human error can happen but that is just plain negligent! As to the blindness, I have some experience with that. I have a little kitty that became blind as a side effect of the antibiotic, baytril, that she was on for an upper respiratory infection. Even though the literature said the blindness was supposed to be temporary, it happened to be permanent. I was angry and sad for her as she was only 6 yo when this happened. I am happy to say that she has adjusted to it very well. Most people don't even know she's blind until they look at her eyes. She gets around easily knows where the food, water and litterboxes are and all her favorite spots. She even adjusted to our new apartment easily. She is12 and a half now and doing well. I seriously hope your kitty's sight comes back but do know that they are a lot more resilient than we give them credit for as they learn to cope with their new disabilities.

Hugs to you!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
 Adding my prayers and vibes for Tiny's healing. That being said, I have four Blind semi-feral cats in my yard and you would be amazed at how well they do. they enjoy everything the other kitties do and even though they are outside kitties, they have developed their other senses so that it is hard to tell that they are blind. If I could bring them inside, I would give them a controlled, unchanging environment (every thing in the same place all the time). However, they do very well at maneuvering their territory. The toys are very popular with them - they especially love the feather teaser from Cat&Co (sold at Kmart) that makes a "giggly" noise as it goes through the air. My blind kitties even catch mice!!! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
:vibes:  Adding my prayers and vibes for Tiny's healing. That being said, I have four Blind semi-feral cats in my yard and you would be amazed at how well they do. they enjoy everything the other kitties do and even though they are outside kitties, they have developed their other senses so that it is hard to tell that they are blind. If I could bring them inside, I would give them a controlled, unchanging environment (every thing in the same place all the time). However, they do very well at maneuvering their territory. The toys are very popular with them - they especially love the feather teaser from Cat&Co (sold at Kmart) that makes a "giggly" noise as it goes through the air. My blind kitties even catch mice!!! 
Are the semi-ferals fixed? We have a colony near our house & I've financed almost all of their "fixings" so they don't have to worry about pregnancies, etc.