KitnipBox Giveaway - Let's Have Some Fun!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 12, 2003
When I first moved to my present apartment, Robin was only about 7-8 months old, and still wanted to be an outside kitty, which i obviously don't want for him, as we live directly on a main road. And which Robin seriously gave me attitude for.

One night he dashed out of my door, ran like a madman (madcat?) down the stairs, and leaped KAPLOW right against the full glass door. He literally slid down, turned to me in confusion, and immediately ran back up the stairs. Boy did he look confused. I think he thought the glass was a force field. And thank god it didn't break! In retrospect, it was pretty funny. [emoji]128576[/emoji]
At the old house Lulu could go out on her own, our new house has a busy road, she has taken to a harness with a tether that attaches to a screw in stake in the yard and we bought more leash for more length and she knows the harness equals going out and is willing and ready when I put on her harness, we make sure it is in the private back yard and away from anything to wrap around and I either stay out with her while I do yard work or look out the window every 5 minutes. Then when I unleash her from the stake she loves me to take her on the leash for a walk around the block. So she still gets a bit of the outdoors, but is very jealous of Mya who does not get a harness and tether because Mya stays in the yard. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 24, 2014
oh Canada~

This isn't a story about my cat, but it's my favourite story (associated with a photo) since I can remember. I follow a fellow pet owner's blog and several years back, she posted that she had heard some faint meowing in the distance. She was able to account for 4 of her 5 cats and was following the meows as best she could. This is what she eventually found:

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This photo, even the thought of it, always makes me laugh. So pitiful. He had crawled up into the chimney and accidentally shut himself in. This isn't the first time he's done this. As I was going through her entries, I found a post where he had done it twice before (in the same day, the second time was right after his first bath) at a different house they lived in. This picture is from his second bath the other time he did it, and shows what he's supposed to look like:

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Isn't he beautiful? He's my favourite out of her cats - an ex feral named Fetch. He belongs to "bloolark".


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago

So, back in the day, we had a cat named Thumber (so named because he had thumbs!). When mom was doing laundry, she often would fold the socks, but put them away later. Every time, shortly thereafter, we'd hear this this happy singing and then see Thumber happily carrying a pair of folded socks through the house. We came to refer to it as "his baby". If there was ever a pair of socks missing, we had a good idea to look over in the bed he slept in.

Thumber also got very possessive of his toys. He had a Donald Duck stuffed toy. I won't go into the things he used to do to that poor duck.... but yeah, that toy was his. He loved it and was so distraught when mom threw it out because it had gotten so dirty over the years. So mom got him another duck toy - one with a squeaker. He seemed to have absolutely zero interest in it. And then, in the middle of the night, I heard this "squeak, squeak, squeak". Apparently, he liked it after all. He died from renal failure just a few months later, but in those months, we got quite accustomed to hearing that squeak.


Bodie's mom
Adult Cat
Aug 18, 2015

I have to preface this story with pictures! Below are my 2 cats. On the left is Oliver, whom I adopted in February of this year, on the right is Flash, whom I adopted in October of this year. They are both 6 years old and Maine Coon Cats. They are both neutered males. Flash had been a show cat, and then stud cat until he was neutered 3 months before I got him. He was a bit like a feral cat when I got him, he is coming along marvelously with lots of patience and love. He is very lean and looks like a lynx or bobcat with long hair, he's gorgeous. My other guy is compact and a teddy bear of lovin' a very sweet boy, he was actually very needy when I got him, which didn't bother me one bit. They're only about 2 lbs different in weight, although they don't look it!!  

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So, here is Oliver on his favorite perch looking out the window....

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Here's Flash heading for Oliver's favorite perch...and incidentally, is now also Flash's favorite perch; never mind there is another cat tree just 2 feet away looking out another window (same view) with several perches on it, even higher ones, but not quite as big spaces to lay on...

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So, Oliver is happily lying on his perch, looking out the window...Flash approaches, uses the scratching post, then, bangs his front legs on the platform, loudly, like a drum:View media item 316418

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macha 143

TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 4, 2015

This flu isn't fun at all but my girls giving me lots of love, they cuddled both besides me and they given me a free massage. Macha loves to massage my arm and sniffed it lol and Mia loves my feet and massage it and bites gently. My itchy nose is killing me and I was controlling it but here comes another big one again *achooooo* two cats flying so high and landed on the bed bouncing lol. Their faces were in shocked those eyes were so big because of my sneezing like telling me "why you sneeze Mom when we are massaging you" lol cute little faces.

I borrowed Mia's blue blanket, it's soft, it's comfortable and I love it too but Mia seems recognized her blanket, unbelievable, she's too small but honestly she does. She tried to pull it away from me few times with her teeth and with her claw but she couldn't. Well, obviously I am too heavy but she had another plan in mind, she bites my behind *ouch* it leaves small mark but not bloody at all so I gave back her blanket. She was happy and she was laying down there so proudly, my little feisty girl, she loves her blue blanket maybe because of the color that perfectly match her beautiful blue eyes?!

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TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 7, 2013
Well my cat sleeps near me and if  i make a noise and it wakes her up she look at me slaps her head back onto her bed in frustration and makes like a whine noise. it as if she is pissed i woke her up i never saw a cat do that ;p
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Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

There was a cat named Freckles, a tux girl with a little black spot on her pink nose that looked like a freckle. She was one of the "basement" cats we had when I was born. Freckles, her sister Kelly, their mom Cream, and two unrelated kitties named Bub and Friday all lived down there. I was quite young when Freckles died, so this is a story that was relayed to me, many times.

Freckles was a sneaky little thing. She liked to hang out up on the beams, way up where no one could see her. One day, someone had to come in to fix the furnace. All the girls appeared to just scatter, and only Bub was visible. So he did his thing and then was filling out some paperwork, still in the basement.

My mom caught eye of Freckles, up in the beams, directly above the furnace guy. She was already in the "pounce" position, and mom didn't even have a chance to utter a sound. She jumped right on this guy and scared the poor furnace guy so much, he screamed. And she wouldn't get off his shoulders so he really freaked out!

Mom, trying so hard (but failing so miserably) to not laugh, finally calmed the guy down enough to get Freckles off of him. He didn't realize there was more than one cat down there, and thought it was some other critter that had dropped on him.


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC

My mom and dad adopted a stray cat that just showed up at their house one day.  I named him Julius Caesar (a.k.a Orange Julius).   My parents had a two story deck on the side of their house.  I had told my husband that the Julius would drop whatever he was doing when I called him and climb one of the wooden posts up to the amazing feat!  So we went out on the deck and I called him.  Sure enough, he came climbing up the post and dropped a live rat at my feet!    


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 20, 2015
When I was in grade school (many, many moons ago), I was waiting for the school bus when I started to feel sick. So, I decided to stay home and walked back to the house. When I walked in the door everything was SO quiet! Everyone else had already left for work or school, but I knew that Mom was home. I walked through the house looking for her and, going down the hall, I happened to glance into the bathroom and saw Mom! OMG! She was lying flat on her back in the bathtub - fully dressed! - with her eyes closed.  I wasn't sure what to think, so I asked her if she was OK and she just whispered, "Shhhhhhh! Don't make any noise!". Well, I was completely dumbfounded, so I lowered the lid and sat on the toilet and just stared at her, not knowing what else to do or say.

All of a sudden, our black Persian came flying into the bathroom like his tail was on fire, reached over the rim of the tub and 'tagged' Mom on the arm and took off running as fast as he could. Mom climbed out of the tub, got down on her hands and knees and started crawling down the hallway, through the living room and into the kitchen (all the while, peeking under furniture and behind doors). I just followed her quietly.

When she got to the kitchen, she slowly stuck her head in the pantry door that was partially opened and yelled, "Gotcha!". To my complete surprise, the cat jumped out, pounced over her and dashed into the living room! As I watched, Mom crawled on her hands and knees and went into her bedroom where she got up on the bed and laid flat on her back and as still as a statue. Just as I was asking her, "Mom, what ARE you doing?", the cat sprung up on the bed and ambushed her! 

Sitting up, she chuckled and said, "We're playing  Hide-and-Seek!" 

I found out  that she and the cat did this EVERY morning after everyone left the house! I had totally forgotten that I felt sick and I had a fantastic 'day off' with Mom and the cat!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 24, 2014
oh Canada~

I moved back to my parents' house for the summer this year and took Kismet with me and for two days, she was hiding under the bed and dresser (a spot I didn't even think she could squeeze into). To my surprise, she was accepting belly rubs from my brother, whom she'd only met twice at my apartment, on the second day. My dad fell in love with her, he really loved that she was such a ham about belly rubs. If she was walking by him, she would stop and flop down for him. Eventually she got the courage to go upstairs (oh and she LOVED the stairs, so much exercise!). When I went back downstairs, all I heard was ROW? MAO-ROW. EEEOW-MEEEEEW. My mom was like, "what's wrong with your cat?" and I just yelled back up "she just likes to talk". When my mom realized I wasn't with her, she goes "SHE'S LOST! YOUR CAT IS SCARED! COME GET HER!"

She was wandering this hallway, which is only about 12 feet long, just meowing. I did go retrieve the poor thing, hahaha. Not long after that incident, it was pretty normal to just find her in some new favourite spots upstairs:

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My dad would sit with her on this couch and watch for me when it came time for me to come home from work. So I'd always see her little face in the window, and my dad pointing at me, like "hey Kismet, look, she's home!" Once the door opened, she'd come barreling down the stairs for belly rubs.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015

This is about shortly after the kittens were big enough to go outside on their own. One day I was in the shower when I suddenly heard this horrible noise. Certain that someone or something was hurting one the cats (and determined to make the culprit pay) I dashed outside to see what was wrong and saw--nothing. No cats, no birds, nothing to explain where the sound came from. Suddenly I heard the sound again and turned around as it broke off in midnote and Spot came out of the utility room. (It's a room outside the house.) Puzzled by the lack of problems I bent to pet my cat, and then he ran back into the utility room where I heard the sound again. I peered in to see if something was endangering him--but no. He was just singing in the utility room (I guess he likes the echo). Crisis solved I realized I was standing in the backyard, in broad daylight--wearing nothing but a bath towel and with shampoo suds running down my back and arms. I shrieked myself and ran back inside.

By the way, this is Spot, the singer. (He also likes to cuddle up to shoes, wash cloths, and socks and will steal them for that purpose.)
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Site Owner
Thread starter
Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
This giveaway is now officially closed for further submissions! I will run the draw and announce the results shortly.

Thank you everyone for participating!!! It was awesome reading all of the funny stories and seeing the pictures! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I haven't forgotten; I'm just rounding up someone with a digital camera to take the pics. (We're all on vastly different sleep/work schedules here.) I'll post the pics up as soon as I get someone to take them.


TCS Member
Nov 29, 2015



