KitnipBox Giveaway - Let's Have Some Fun!

macha 143

TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 4, 2015
I love this thread, your stories are awesome made me laugh...thank you!

I am fortunate that I could share my girls stories, I am not very good telling stories, my typos and etc  sorry about that.

But it's so much fun for sure! all the pictures too!!!
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ang scaduto

TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 13, 2015
Long Island, NY
ENTRY- My cats love to eat......i mean what cat doesn't. They love wet food and dry food. Once they hear the can open or the clinging of the utensil hitting the bowl my four cats come sprinting in and jump up on the kitchen table crying and their tails puffed up They all line up like a school lunch line, its so cute. When my mom gets ready for work she takes out the cold cuts and as soon as Remy hears it he'll wait patiently  on the table and meow. When he can't wait anymore he wants to be notice so he lightly swipes with his paw so you know that he is waiting while my mom was back and forth in the kitchen.View media item 315970
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 24, 2014
oh Canada~

Mo had no idea how to use the kibble ball, but Kismet was a pro. We put kibble out for both of them and Kismet was rushing all around the apartment to find it. We kept coaxing and encouraging Mo to tap the ball to get food out. We would lightly touch the ball and put it on his paws or right in front of his paws hoping someday he would learn. I think about a year after I brought the ball home, we sat on the floor with him one evening and he still wasn't getting it. We took the ball and put a piece of kibble right on the edge of the hole for it to fall out and placed it back in front of him. He nudged it eeeeever so slightly, the kibble fell out, and he looked up bright eyed and bushy tailed and started purring so loudly - as if a "DID YOU SEE THAT?!!" and then he just sat there and didn't eat the kibble. He was just proud. Kismet walked by and ate it, so we had to feed him another piece by hand because we felt guilty that he was kind of pitiful...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015

Eclipse has been Santa's helper this year.  He stands on the wrapping paper while I try to cut it.  All gifts must pass the sniff inspection.  He routinely checks the gifts staying here and swats at the bows to make sure they are stuck on well.  Many of the gifts mailed out with curling ribbon left with chewed ends and teeth marks.  I hope his additions are appreciated.  Wrapping took longer this year but was so much more fun!
 I am laughing reading this because it is all so true!!  I would like to receive a gift wrapped no other way!! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015

This past summer, I came home from work to find Sammy had brought home a friend. I ordinarily don't mind him bringing home things, like birds (dead), moles (dead) and squirrels (dead), but this was a lizard (very much alive).

I didn't realize it was there at first because it was hiding behind the counter. I kept wondering why Sammy stayed underfoot in the kitchen. When if finally came out of course Sammy was waiting. He grabbed it and put it at my feet and looked up at me like I was suppose to shake hands/claws with it or something. I picked it up to put it outside and Sammy bolted for the door and stood in my way. He tried to get his "friend" and I ended up dropping it. Under the cabinet it went again. After a couple of hours when Sammy wasn't looking (ahem.....I put out some canned food), I opened the kitchen window and very easily tossed "friend" lizard out into the yard. After that, Sammy looked for his friend and finally gave up and went outside.
He was so proud of himself and happy to give you a gift!  True love and devotion!!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015

Our house has a chimney with a wood stove insert, and we keep the cat toys in front of it. (It doesn't normally get cold enough for a fire, and it's a convenient place for the cat stuff.) One of the things in the area is an open cardboard box that all the cats like to jump in. One day Ra was sleeping in the box, and Momma cat jumped onto the sides, looked behind her at the other kittens, and then started twitching her tail. (She can twitch her tail like one of those Da Bird toys.) Slipper, still a bit clumsy at that age, jumped to attack the infamous tail, only to have Momma cat jump up onto the shelf of the fireplace insert as Slipper fell into the box. Momma cat curled her tail around herself as she watched the two kittens fight in the box, and then looked at me. She made her eyes big and her body lean as if to say, "Who, me? What did I do?" I couldn't keep a straight face.

macha 143

TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 4, 2015

                                                                                                         Monkey see...monkey do!

When Macha eats her dried foods Mia will eat her dry food as well, Macha crunching one then Mia crunching one too then both looking at each other and both crunching same's like a music. Then here comes washing time, they will sit both on their cat tree and start washing. Macha lift her right leg and washing, Mia looks at her lifting her right leg and doing same like Macha. Macha washing her head gently making sure it's clean but Mia doing same thing again, Macha stops washing and put her paw on Mia's head pressing her down and like saying "okay enough Mia, I know it's flattering when you copycat me but also annoying" Mia the feisty girl standing (she's too tiny can't reach her head) and put her two paws on Macha and they both end up wrestling. Macha bites the neck of Mia but the other one bites back too ended up in wrestling match. Even she is too small she can wrestles Macha and won the battle. Then after few minutes they stop wrestling (they never hurt each other) and back to washing again but this time Macha washing Mia's head, face and ears gently. Mia did same way and Macha seems loving it as well, both purring and few minutes later they're both napping.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago

Calling this story "Pavlov's Cats".

I've told this story before, but telling it again here. So, early this year, back in January, Sara was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. I was told by a friend to try pill pockets with them, and so I did. And they worked! Well, apparently the other cats wanted some pill pockets too, so I would give them one (it was just Lucky and Maple besides Sara at the time). So that was fine. And the next day, same thing.

It only took a couple of days for them to come running when I was still opening the pill bottle. They already started associating that sound with the treats. Like I said, Pavlov's Cats. Got to the point where if I wanted to find any of them (especially Lucky) all I had to do was shake her pill bottle, and he'd literally be flying into the room meowing at me, loudly.

One day, after I'd already pilled Sara (read - cats already got their treats), I went into my bedroom and was opening up a piece of candy to have before going to bed. I think the wrapper must have sounded like the pill bottle, because Lucky came flying into my bedroom and made the huge jump onto my bed and just demanded I give him a treat. I knew that meow by heart. And this was my cat - my 16-year-old cat - that always took the easy way up onto my bed, and he literally just flew up there when he thought I was giving out more treats. I had to sit him down and say, "You already got your treat! This isn't a Lucky treat, it's a Mommy treat!" Of course I caved and ended up getting him a treat anyway. Typical mom.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 24, 2014
oh Canada~

Kismet sabotaged me this morning! I was dead set on going to class today because it would be my last class ever with this teacher who's taught us for 3 years, and he cancelled the class next week so we could write our exams at home. I set my alarm for 5:10am so I can shower before class. This morning at 4:58, Kismet jumped into bed and I was lying on my side with my arm out. She curled up in the crook of my arm and rested on my neck, and she was so happy, purring super loud and comfy. She doesn't curl up in bed with me often, so I take it when I can get it. I check the time and say "oh good, I have ten minutes. I'll turn off the alarm so it doesn't scare her and I'll just pet her". So the next time I open my eyes, Kismet is still curled up with me. I check the time at it's 7:15! I normally leave the apartment by 7:00! so within 20 minutes, I ate breakfast, got dressed, and ran to the bus stop. I got to class right at 8:15 when class started. When I came home at noon, she was sitting right in front of the door waiting for me. Sweet little snot!


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago

Kismet sabotaged me this morning! I was dead set on going to class today because it would be my last class ever with this teacher who's taught us for 3 years, and he cancelled the class next week so we could write our exams at home. I set my alarm for 5:10am so I can shower before class. This morning at 4:58, Kismet jumped into bed and I was lying on my side with my arm out. She curled up in the crook of my arm and rested on my neck, and she was so happy, purring super loud and comfy. She doesn't curl up in bed with me often, so I take it when I can get it. I check the time and say "oh good, I have ten minutes. I'll turn off the alarm so it doesn't scare her and I'll just pet her". So the next time I open my eyes, Kismet is still curled up with me. I check the time at it's 7:15! I normally leave the apartment by 7:00! so within 20 minutes, I ate breakfast, got dressed, and ran to the bus stop. I got to class right at 8:15 when class started. When I came home at noon, she was sitting right in front of the door waiting for me. Sweet little snot!
Oh, that's just adorable. And Kismet, I love that name!


TCS Member
Sep 7, 2014
Stephens City VA

Little Sassy will pull his shoe string toy all across the rooms looking for me so I will play. When he finds me,

I will pick up his toy and drape it over his back by his tail and he will go in circles until his toy falls off. If I

ignore him he will drop his toy, walk over to and look up at me meowing. Then he will go back

to his toy and do the same thing.

It is really funny to watch him and listen to him meowing telling me to hurry up and play. 


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC

My mom's cat Cocoa, who has crossed the Bridge, used to play fetch...with cigarette packs.  My aunt is an avid smoker, and whenever she would visit, she would bring a bag of crumpled up cigarette packs.  Cocoa knew which cabinet the we kept the cigarette packs (one of the upper ones in the kitchen, out of her reach) and she would stare up and meow incessantly when she wanted to play.  Once, my aunt hadn't been to visit for a while and we ran out!  Cocoa was driving us all crazy, constantly meowing up at the cabinet for a cigarette pack.  My stock broker's secretary was a smoker, and she generously donated a few empty packs to us. Unfortunately, Cocoa showed no interest in them.  "Maybe it isn't her brand," I jokingly told my mom.

ang scaduto

TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 13, 2015
Long Island, NY
ENTRY- My cat Bella loves socks. When I first took her in I would would hear her meowing downstairs, it sounded like she was hurt or something so I went downstairs to see what was happening. I went to turn the corner and I saw her with a sock in her mouth. She came towards me and dropped the sock. The next day I heard her crying again. I was sitting in the living room so when she turned the corner a sock was in her mouth and she was meowing. Then she dropped the sock and came towards me and and sat next to me. I would find socks everywhere. She would even have a sock with her when she sleeps. One night I was in my room and I left one my drawers open. I saw that she was inside the drawer taking out my clothes looking for socks. She would drop them on the floor and just look at them and continue looking for more socks. She still does it and it's the most adorable thing ever.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015

Our cat Princess looks like she's part Siamese and has delusions of grandeur. Let me explain: earlier in the year AWM got a new car, and it's mouse colored. I think Princess thought, for a long time, that it was a mouse. When the car first came home, Princess tried to kill it.  She would drop on it from trees, hide at the end of the driveway to leap out and attack--and  it was funny!

Docs Mom

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 13, 2010
Lafayette, IN

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Sasha is my new addition, she had to quarantine in the bathroom for awhile. The bathtub is her favorite play area cause I put her toys in there. She especially likes the superball.

On to my story, occasionally I have to steal her play area for a bath. She will carefully walk along the edge...avoiding the water... one night I decided to take a BUBBLE BATH. I was all undressed and ready to get in..... she'd never seen bubbles before ?[emoji]128570[/emoji] They looked solid to her .....

So she took a flying leap ! Where is your smartphone when you need it ? She was swimming around and then climbed out and up the wall. Meanwhile I'm cracking up while trying to protect naked body parts from flailing claws. She was so mad.... she wouldn't let me dry the suds off.... I haven't taken anymore bubble baths... her playpen is restored...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 7, 2014
When I first moved to my present apartment, Robin was only about 7-8 months old, and still wanted to be an outside kitty, which i obviously don't want for him, as we live directly on a main road. And which Robin seriously gave me attitude for.

One night he dashed out of my door, ran like a madman (madcat?) down the stairs, and leaped KAPLOW right against the full glass door. He literally slid down, turned to me in confusion, and immediately ran back up the stairs. Boy did he look confused. I think he thought the glass was a force field. And thank god it didn't break! In retrospect, it was pretty funny. [emoji]128576[/emoji]


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015

This is a story about three cats and a grasshopper. Momma cat (who was our first cat and is, technically, named Rose) had just returned after vanishing for a couple days. (NBD, I think she does it to punish her human IB, who does the same thing, and I know where her hiding spot is.) She went straight to IB (who was home), and proudly deposited a living (and crippled) grasshopper at his feet. IB didn't know what to think, but I knew what to do: I got down on all fours, gave Momma cat lots of loves and pets and told her what a good hunter she was. Not really sure why I was making such a big deal about this (I try to encourage our babies to hunt even though we feed them) IB nonetheless got down and started petting and praising her too. Ra, a cat who loves  to be the center of attention, watched this and I could see the wheels turn in his head. When the grasshopper limped away (it was missing a hind leg and couldn't hop) he grabbed it, brought it over to us, and proudly dropped it at my feet. (I gave him pets, praises, and attention too.) As I was showering attention on Ra and IB was showering attention on Momma, the grasshopper, once again, limped off. Slipper, Ra's sister and Momma's daughter, came out of nowhere, scooped it up in her  mouth--and ate it. She devoured it like it was a piece of candy, licked her lips, turned to us, and (I kid you not) belched. I could almost hear her say, "Yum! Tastes like chicken!" 

I laughed so hard I had trouble breathing.