Kidney Issues


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Young Cat
Feb 10, 2013
Queens, NY
My cat Dora was just diagnosed with kidney issues at 9 years old. I had to give her subq fluids for about a week and now need to bring her back to recheck her levels. She isn't in renal failure which is great but I'm afraid she could get there. I'm in the middle of trying to find a better food for her. Any suggestions?
Also she has been showing signs that something is wrong with her back leg. She sits leaning on the one that doesn't bother her and sticks the bad one out. She also licks it a lot. I don't know if maybe she jumped and hurt it but I don't see anything wrong with it. Do any of you know what this could be? She's worrying me so much. Don't know what I'd do without her.
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TCS Member
Aug 24, 2008
North East England
Hi there, sorry you are going through this and I wish the best health for your little girl, I dont have any help but I will ask one of the advisers to have a look into here and I know there are other members on the site that have dealt with this that will be able to offer advice


Staff Member
Jul 31, 2008
Sorry, I don't have any advice for you at the moment. I do have several questions, though.
What food are you currently giving her? Has the vet recommended a special kidney diet? When did she start showing symptoms of problems with her leg -- before or after she got the subQ fluids?


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
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TCS Member
Jan 22, 2013
Hi kittykat718,

Our 17 1/2 year old male was diagnosed with renal insufficiency 2 1/2 years ago. Since then he has been receiving the sub-q fluids 150 ml every other day. He also gets a blood flow stimulant to improve kidney function, an appatite stimulant, cyproheptadine, metronidazole, and generic pepsid for upset stomach. He also gets prednisolone. All of this has brought his kidney function back to near normal and brought him back from near death. We were feeding him royal canin hypoallergenic dry food because it is low in protein and easier on his kidneys. All of this at the recommendation of our vet. We changed the food because he has become diabetic from pancreatitis. Not related to the renal issues. Oh he also gets a 1/4 teaspoon of omega-3 oil. The vet swears by this stuff with cats who have kidney issues.

All of the pills get cut to their proper dose and put into a gelcap. He gets one or two gelcaps per day depending on his schedule. It is all manageable. Even the fluids once you get the hang of it.

Hope this helps.


TCS Member
Jan 22, 2013
Also, cats with renal issues can get a weakness in their legs. Ask your vet about this. Our Wilbur who was pretty agile in his youth is fairly wobbly these days.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 10, 2013
Queens, NY
Sorry, I don't have any advice for you at the moment. I do have several questions, though.
What food are you currently giving her? Has the vet recommended a special kidney diet? When did she start showing symptoms of problems with her leg -- before or after she got the subQ fluids?
I have been giving her EVO for a few years. She was obese at one point because I always had her on a hard food diet. I think she was 16 lbs. The doc told me to put her on a diet so I did a little research and found EVO to be low in carbs. Had her strictly on a wet food diet and got her down to a healthy 10 lbs. Now Im worried that a diet so high in protein is what messed up her kidneys. The doc gave me a sample of Prescription Diet k/d. She hates it (Shes very finicky with food) I called up the holistic pet store and the guy stayed on the phone with me for about 15 minutes giving me a concoction of supplements he would like me to put her on. He said the prescription food is still full of by-products (which I also read online) He wants me to put her on Azodyl, Renavat, and another Feline Renal Health. Also Abady Apex 2. He gave me a strict regimen and said he has had great success with it. Im very big on holistic supplements myself so I will give this a shot.

As far as the leg, the reason I rushed her to the vet in the first place was because one morning while my husband and I were eating breakfast, she came into the living room, went into the corner of the room and started pushing like she was using the bathroom. She NEVER EVER goes outside of her box and nothing came out this time. I comforted (while crying hysterically because I cant see her in pain) and she walked away. She tried to sit a few times and couldnt so she would fall onto her side. Took her to the vet and they ran tests. Felt her kidneys and the doc said they felt a little small like she may have a infection. Tests came back that she had a small amount of blood in her urine but no infection. Her creatine was a teeny bit high. And her kidney levels were off but they said she was not in failure just some dysfunction. So they prescribed the fluids. Since the fluids she seems a little better. Her leg however is still giving her trouble. She leans on the good leg and you can tell she sticks the other one out a bit. She also goes through twitch fits sometimes where she twitches, licks very quickly, runs and does it a few times before she relaxes. I read online kidney issues can cause a cat to act this way. Sorry for the long post. Just wanted to be as detailed as possible. Thank you all so much for the responses. Even those of you who dont have suggestions, the well wishes help a lot :)
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 10, 2013
Queens, NY
Hello and welcome to the site!! There are many members here who have cats with the same chronic illness and hopefully they will chime in soon with some helpful and supportive advice. Here are a couple of articles you might find useful even though your kitty is not in renal failure. and this one

Vibes for you and your kitty.
Thank you so much for the articles and vibes. Im trying to read up on this as much as possible to help my girl. She is such a huge part of my life, we have our routine together and I dont know what life would be like without her.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 10, 2013
Queens, NY
Hi kittykat718,

Our 17 1/2 year old male was diagnosed with renal insufficiency 2 1/2 years ago. Since then he has been receiving the sub-q fluids 150 ml every other day. He also gets a blood flow stimulant to improve kidney function, an appatite stimulant, cyproheptadine, metronidazole, and generic pepsid for upset stomach. He also gets prednisolone. All of this has brought his kidney function back to near normal and brought him back from near death. We were feeding him royal canin hypoallergenic dry food because it is low in protein and easier on his kidneys. All of this at the recommendation of our vet. We changed the food because he has become diabetic from pancreatitis. Not related to the renal issues. Oh he also gets a 1/4 teaspoon of omega-3 oil. The vet swears by this stuff with cats who have kidney issues.

All of the pills get cut to their proper dose and put into a gelcap. He gets one or two gelcaps per day depending on his schedule. It is all manageable. Even the fluids once you get the hang of it.

Hope this helps.
I had her on the fluids too, 100ML a day til we finished the bag. It was so tough. My girl is very antsy, a trip to the vet is very stressful for her so IM glad we were able to do this at home. After a few times pricking ourselves, we got the hang of it. I had to wrestle her a few times, which breaks my heart but as long as I can get her what she needs its ok. So, you have to continue the fluids forever? Were bringing our girl back this Friday to see how her levels are and I guess we will find out if subQ fluids will become a necessity for the rest of her life. Luckily, her appetite hasnt suffered. She still begs me for food all day. They told me to look out for that because cats with renal issues can become anorexic (for lack of a better word). Im so happy you found a regimen for your boy that is working and making his issued manageable. It makes me feel better about the situation. 17 1/2 wow I hope my babygirl makes it that far! Thank you so much for the response and suggestions
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 10, 2013
Queens, NY
Also, cats with renal issues can get a weakness in their legs. Ask your vet about this. Our Wilbur who was pretty agile in his youth is fairly wobbly these days.
I was reading about this today. You can see in this picture how she leans and the leg sticks out. Has me so worried. Hopefully when I get this kidney thing resolved that will go with it.


TCS Member
Jan 22, 2013
Check out the royal canin hypo allergenic. Our cats loved it and our vet loves it because there are not so many unhealthy by products in the food. It is also easy on the kidneys. Regarding the leg, it could be a touch of arthritis or some other inflammation going on. Lastly, a change of diet can cause litterbox issues. Just some more food for thought.


TCS Member
Jan 22, 2013
I should be more specific, the product by Royal Canin is hypoallergenic HP and is a prescription product. You have to buy it at the vets office. It addresses many issues related to irritable bowel syndrome but is also easy on the kidneys.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Please correct me if I am wrong, but you took her in because she was having problems with ONE rear leg, and they didn't find anything wrong with that leg, but did a blood test and found slight kidney issues?  No xrays of her back end or anything to determine why she might be having problems?  To me, who had a cat with kidney disease, this leg issue does not seem to be kidney related, especially since it seems to be just one leg, not both, and with kidney issues, it's usually a weakness in both legs, which doesn't sound like what you are describing (at least to me
).  And besides, that is usually caused from low potassium, and I wouldn't think she would have low potassium levels being on Evo.  Do you have the results of the blood tests?   BUN?  Creatinine?  Potassium?

Yes,you are really lucky she still loves to eat!  Great news.
.  And of course she hates the prescription food...most cats do.  This page of the felinecrfste lists lots of canned foods and their "nutritional breakdown" to try to help you find something else you might want to feed her.    And, BTW, food high protein is not necessary bad, as long as it is good protein. 

that you can get her leg issue resolved.  She may simply have pulled a muscle or something...hard to tell.  And more
that you caught her kidney issues early enough that with a few little changes in her diet (maybe something lower in potassium), and some holistic intervention, she can live many more years
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 10, 2013
Queens, NY
Please correct me if I am wrong, but you took her in because she was having problems with ONE rear leg, and they didn't find anything wrong with that leg, but did a blood test and found slight kidney issues?  No xrays of her back end or anything to determine why she might be having problems?  To me, who had a cat with kidney disease, this leg issue does not seem to be kidney related, especially since it seems to be just one leg, not both, and with kidney issues, it's usually a weakness in both legs, which doesn't sound like what you are describing (at least to me :dk: ).  And besides, that is usually caused from low potassium, and I wouldn't think she would have low potassium levels being on Evo.  Do you have the results of the blood tests?   BUN?  Creatinine?  Potassium?

Yes,you are really lucky she still loves to eat!  Great news.:D .  And of course she hates the prescription food...most cats do.  This page of the felinecrfste lists lots of canned foods and their "nutritional breakdown" to try to help you find something else you might want to feed her.    And, BTW, food high protein is not necessary bad, as long as it is good protein. 

:vibes: :vibes: :vibes: that you can get her leg issue resolved.  She may simply have pulled a muscle or something...hard to tell.  And more :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: that you caught her kidney issues early enough that with a few little changes in her diet (maybe something lower in potassium), and some holistic intervention, she can live many more years :rub:
I took her because she was doing this funny thing where she looked like she was trying to use the bathroom in the corner of the room. And then right after that she was having trouble sitting. She looked like she was in pain. I don't know if it was her legs or something internal making her do it. She seems in better spirits since I finished the subq fluids but her leg is still bothering her. She even limps a little at times. I have a follow up appt tomorrow and I'm gonna request an x-ray or something. I'm thinking maybe she hurt it the day I brought her home after being doped up on anesthesia. She tried to jump off something and fell hard. As far as her levels, I'm not sure of potassium but her creatine they said was a tad high and her kidney levels also. A year ago they were the same so they said it was a good sign they didn't change but we had to do something to regulate them. Tomorrow I find out if the subq had any effect.
Back to her leg though, do you think if she pulled something it would still be hurting over 2 weeks later?

I'm so glad she still has her appetite. I got her mothers milk to sprinkle on the food to make it more appetizing and she loves it. I'm picking up the Abady Apex soon. Is that low in potassium? Thank you so much for the response. This site has been so helpful and I'm glad I stumbled on it :)


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
If she fell hard, it's possible she has a bone chip or something like that, because I would think that after a couple of weeks, if it were a strained muscle, she would be better.  Poor thing
.  I guess I missed the part where she fell

As to your question about the potassium levels of Abady Apex 2...honestly I had never heard of this food until you mentioned it.( AND, I made a mistake and meant to say the food should be low in Phosphorus vs potassium
.)   It sounds like a very good food, but I cannot find anything about it except the ingredients.  You will probably need to contact the company direct and ask them.  But from what I've read, it's a great food, especially for diabetic cats.  Hope Dora likes it, as I see it's very expensive


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 6, 2009
My 17 year old girl, Alafair, also has issues with her kidneys.  Close to a year and a half ago (she was still living with my parents at the time) she went through a phase when we thought we were going to lose her to these problems.  According to my mother she just sat on a chair in the living room for 24 hours and did not move before they took her to the vet.  When we first found out that her kidneys were going to be problematic I made the decision that I would not put her through daily shots, but my mom decided with the vet that she would take her in several times a week for three weeks to get fluid shots to see what happened.  I was not happy that they were going to put my kitty through this, but I ended up being so glad that I did.  She ended up making a full recovery and has been kicking my new kitten's butt since.


TCS Member
Feb 15, 2013
Any chance your cat was given steroids, or is she on steroids now?  Our cat had some issues and was given steroids.  Turns out steroids weaken his legs, esp the back leg and he was leaning in a similar way.  We ended up putting a small up-side-down box on the floor near the bed, then a small wooden chair next to the bed (box was step one, chair was step 2) so out cat could jump up and onto the bed.  I noticed several times he had troubled jumping and I surely did not want him falling, breaking a leg.  Just double check on the steroids...   Ours is now off the steroids, and the leg is back to normal.  However, I still keep the box and chair near the bed as he is getting older and is not as strong as he once was. 

While I am writing this...would like to mention something to everyone. 

EASTER is coming.  DO NOT buy any LILIES or accept any lilies as a gift.  LILIES CAN KILL YOUR CAT.  Please take notice...the cat does not have to eat them to become sick.  Just being around the lily can cause harm. 
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 10, 2013
Queens, NY
If she fell hard, it's possible she has a bone chip or something like that, because I would think that after a couple of weeks, if it were a strained muscle, she would be better.  Poor thing :( .  I guess I missed the part where she fell :anon: .

As to your question about the potassium levels of Abady Apex 2...honestly I had never heard of this food until you mentioned it.( AND, I made a mistake and meant to say the food should be low in Phosphorus vs potassium :doh3: .)   It sounds like a very good food, but I cannot find anything about it except the ingredients.  You will probably need to contact the company direct and ask them.  But from what I've read, it's a great food, especially for diabetic cats.  Hope Dora likes it, as I see it's very expensive :jaw:
I forgot to mention it. I didn't really tie the two things together until a few days ago when my husband mentioned it. I feel like her leg was already hurting her though but the fall definitely could have aggravated it.
Took her to the vet today. The vet messed with her leg trying to feel for any tears or fractures. She couldn't really tell what was hurting since my cat screams, hisses, and growls at every visit. She said she would do X-rays but i just can't afford it right now. My husband and I have hit very rough financial times since he's on disability for a broken hand. The vet said we can wait another two weeks to see if it is just a pulled or sprained leg. In the meanwhile I'm trying to restrict her movement. Drives me crazy not being able to get the X-rays right away.
As far as the Abady food, she actually loves it. It is expensive but if it keeps her healthy ill try my hardest to keep buying it. I only bought two cans for now
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debs moore

TCS Member
Feb 16, 2013
My cat has CRF and hyperthyroidism.  He is now on a product called Renavast which comes from California and I am sure is keeping his levels down and maybe alive (!) - worth checking out and perhaps ordering.
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 10, 2013
Queens, NY
My cat has CRF and hyperthyroidism.  He is now on a product called Renavast which comes from California and I am sure is keeping his levels down and maybe alive (!) - worth checking out and perhaps ordering.
yes! I was told to use that by the holistic pet store. I'm waiting til payday to buy it. How much do you give your cat?