kidney disease / food

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Oct 20, 2013
Hi Binkybruce

Aww i really hope your cat starts to eat and soon, its so hard because we love them sooo much, and its extra hard as no-one will just say what to do! i came on here needing direct opinons (thank you to the people that have answered some of my questions) (thank you for suggesting natures instinct medallions)  i try not to stress around my cats as im told they pick up on this vibe and stress themselves out which isnt good, try to fool your self and relax around your cat, maybe there is some kind of food she will eat, just buy a few random tins (im sure youve already tried this though) be strong for her, you sound like an amazing caring owner and your doing your very best, its all so worrying.  

My cats back legs have started to give way and specialist says it could be spinal chord related, however he has curvature on the spine and they said an operation would be too challenging (not that i would let him anyway, as its too dangerous) amongst kidney disease and bladder stones, i obviously constantly worry about him and havent been sleeping properly.  I wish i knew about cat food years ago! i pray he will live stable and well as he is now for many years yet to come.  My vet said to feed him on Hills S/D for 2 weeks to try and dissolve his bladder stones (im so scared if they dont dissolve!!!) ive been on may forums for suggestions on how to get rid of these but no-one tells me so i have to go with the vets suggestion of Hills (though i know a lot of people say it isnt good quality food?) however i know what what else to do, its so important that we try to get rid of some of his bladder stones and i would obviously like to through diet as im worried about operation / anasthetic etc.

I understand what it feels like to worry! and as you say they are so blessed we love them so much and we should feel proud that we are good genuine caring pet owners and that we know we have treated them well with lots of love and will continue to do so! 