Keeping cats out of crib and other baby things


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 23, 2013
Ontario, Canada
We're expecting a baby in October and of course our cats aren't going anywhere. But we need to have a method of keeping them out of the crib and other baby things (open bins, swing, bouncer, etc.). We have three cats, two DLH and a DSH. They are 11 and 12 months old. They are great cats, but cats are cats and they like to be in comfy things and small spaces. Being in the crib obviously isn't safe for the baby incase they lean against their face. The DLH are 17 and 20lbs (healthy weights, just big cats) and still growing. They are both very needy and cuddly. I also don't want them in the crib because the thought of them walking through their poop and pee then getting in the crib is disgusting. They are also heavy shedders no matter how much they are groomed. I don't want the baby sleeping in fur. There are "crib tents" but those aren't safe at all. 

We tried to keep them off the counters with little success. If I say "off" they get off right away, but still go on them especially when I'm not looking. We tried sticky tape, tin foil and even a spray bottle. None of it really worked. So those methods won't work here. I'm starting to think the only way we can keep them out of the babies things is to put a gate up across the door (keep the door closed isn't an option). We already have this gate ( which works fine. They can't fit through it and they can't jump over it. But is there anything else that would work?

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I agree with you, you can't let the cats in the crib, but I also think the only way to be SURE is to not have them in the room. Maybe you can google some kind of protection for the crib, but your gate sounds like a good idea. I think once the cats get used to having the baby in the house they will ignore him or her, I know my cats sure didn't  want anything to do with the noisy newcomer! But if you can't observe them, then put the gate up. Good luck and hopefully you'll get some ideas here!


TCS Member
May 21, 2013
Amsterdam, Noord Holland
I agree, the only sure way to stop them is to prevent access to the room where baby is.  I know it's probably not the answer you were hoping for, and it's not the most creative, but it's the truth.

This is unrelated but are you quite sure the cats are at healthy weights? Has a vet told you this? Most domestic cats, including long hairs, should only weigh 8-10 pounds, or maybe up to 12 if they are 'bigger' cats. Only Maine Coons, that I know of, could possibly be at a healthy weight at 17 or 20 pounds especially   if you are right and they are still growing.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 23, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Yeah I didn't think there was any other way. Putting the gate up is fine, it'll keep the dogs out too. Some companies do make a net that goes over the crib to prevent cats getting in, bugs and babies getting out, but they aren't safe or recommended. So I'll just have to do the gate. 

They've been to the vet a few times and they are healthy weight. They are just big cats. The person they came from said the parents were both 1/2 Maine Coon, whether that was true or not I don't know. They don't look Maine Coon but since they are a cross I'm not surprised. We can feel their ribs. Our DSH is 13lbs and thin as a rail, he's quite tall though.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
The last I heard; crib tents were recalled in the US.  I looked when my littlest jumped out of bed a while back.  He is now 2. 

We sleep with the doors shut in our house.  My 2 girls have never bothered to get in the crib when my kids were babies.  They also never got in the swing or bouncer. They did get in the Pack & Play; which I kept in the main area of the house when DD was small.  One cat got in the car seat briefly when I had a winter cover on it.  They really didn't care too much about the kid's things.  The closest they came to them as babies was Mooch sitting in my lap while I fed them on the couch.  Once the kids were more mobile the cats have kept their distance. 

I have gates everywhere (open or semi-open concept floor plans are not baby-proofing friendly!) and my 2 either jump over or go under them.

I have heard of people installing screen doors on their baby's room.  I've always wondered about the noise factor of those. There is almost nothing worse than waking your kid back up after you got them to sleep!
  But like I said; we just shut the doors.  I use a video monitor to keep an eye on both of my kids.  Our house is a single-story; so that also helps block out the noises of the reset of the house.

One thing that may help you is to be sure the cats have places they can go that your little one can't.  Things like cat trees or shelves give them a great place to explore and survey.  Being able to get up high also gives them a safe place to go when they need to be away from the little ones.