Just put my cat down and I'm dying inside


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 16, 2014
Eugene, Oregon
I made a thread yesterday on whether to put down or amputate my 16 year old cat, Patrick.  My parents decided it would be best to put him down.

I'm 18, and we found Patrick as a stray kitten when I was 2.  I can't remember a time in my life without this cat and I'm dying.  I loved this cat more than anything in the whole world.  

Patrick broke his hind right leg on Wednesday last week, and the vet said it was a terrible break.  Amputation was an option, but the vet wasn't sure due to his increased heart rate, kidney disease, and hyperthyroid disease if he would survive the operation, and if he did, whether he would recover.  My parents recently got a new aggressive puppy who had never, to this point, attack Patrick, but only because my parents restrained him.  

I've been struggling to come to the conclusion that this was best for Patrick.  He was always a fighter, and even when the vet went to euthanize him, it took two doses of pain killer and sedative to put him to sleep before the doctor did the irreversible deed.  I keep wondering if my parents would have given up this new puppy that they're only had for 2 months, if my cat could have survived. 

I spent the last couple of days with him, but it was so hard.  He would always try to get up and walk around.  This made my cry hysterically.  Watching my baby struggle to get around was the worst thing I've ever seen.  I feel like I didn't spend enough time with him.  I probably only spend around 3-4 hours with him since Saturday night til he was put under this morning.  I did keep checking up on him though, to make sure he was sleeping.  I keep telling myself that he needed rest and by me not seeing him he could relax more, but I'm not sure if that an excuse for how hard it was to see him.  

I miss my cat so much.  I've never loved anything or anyone like I loved this cat.  


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I'm very sorry for your loss. It's really rough to lose a cherished pet, especially after having grown up with him. It's natural to question whether enough was done for him, whether you spent enough time with him, and so on. It may take a while to be at peace with the decision to spare Patrick more pain by having him euthanized. Given his other health problems, his life expectancy even without the broken leg wasn't high. It's in the nature of some cats, dogs, or even people to keep up the fight to the very end.

The pain will lessen with time, even though it probably doesn't feel that way at the moment. Allow yourself to grieve for your friend Patrick, but remember that he'll always be with you in spirit - in your dreams and memories - and your life is richer because he was part of it.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I'm very sorry for your loss. :hugs:

Rest in peace, Patrick. :angel:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2013
I made a thread yesterday on whether to put down or amputate my 16 year old cat, Patrick.  My parents decided it would be best to put him down.

I'm 18, and we found Patrick as a stray kitten when I was 2.  I can't remember a time in my life without this cat and I'm dying.  I loved this cat more than anything in the whole world.  

Patrick broke his hind right leg on Wednesday last week, and the vet said it was a terrible break.  Amputation was an option, but the vet wasn't sure due to his increased heart rate, kidney disease, and hyperthyroid disease if he would survive the operation, and if he did, whether he would recover.  My parents recently got a new aggressive puppy who had never, to this point, attack Patrick, but only because my parents restrained him.  

I've been struggling to come to the conclusion that this was best for Patrick.  He was always a fighter, and even when the vet went to euthanize him, it took two doses of pain killer and sedative to put him to sleep before the doctor did the irreversible deed.  I keep wondering if my parents would have given up this new puppy that they're only had for 2 months, if my cat could have survived. 

I spent the last couple of days with him, but it was so hard.  He would always try to get up and walk around.  This made my cry hysterically.  Watching my baby struggle to get around was the worst thing I've ever seen.  I feel like I didn't spend enough time with him.  I probably only spend around 3-4 hours with him since Saturday night til he was put under this morning.  I did keep checking up on him though, to make sure he was sleeping.  I keep telling myself that he needed rest and by me not seeing him he could relax more, but I'm not sure if that an excuse for how hard it was to see him.  

I miss my cat so much.  I've never loved anything or anyone like I loved this cat.  
I just read your thread today, and am very sorry to hear about the decision that was taken. Its hard to know how things would have turned out with Patrick being a senior cat with a medical condition. I had to make the same decision a few years ago when my cat developed oral cancer. He too was a very strong cat with an incredible will. It also took two shots to sedate him before euthanizing him. The pain from seeing this, coupled with the loss, was difficult to come to terms with. But I did after some time, and so will you in your own time. I am very sorry for your loss. RIP sweet patrick
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 26, 2013
I think your decision was right and sound given the medical condition of your kitty. 16 is a good long life. Yes, it hurts really bad right now. It is NORMAL to feel guilty for all the past wrongs you think you did to your pet.....not spending more time, yelling at them, and even deciding that it is time for them to cross over.
You are following the normal steps in your grieving. You will soon start remembering all the good times and smile with your memories. Most of us here have been through it so don't feel alone.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 15, 2014
I am so sorry to read this.  It is hard to have to put a beloved pet down.  HUGGSS to you!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 11, 2014
Los Angeles, Calif
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. It never gets any easier. I lost my Siamese but a little over a month ago and I feel that all the people on this earth are the biggest pieces of crap under the sun. But it will go away and it will get better. Just be strong. God Bless you


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 11, 2014
Los Angeles, Calif
 I was thinking of my Siamese boy today while listening to this. Hope this helps

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di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I'm so very sorry for the pain you are going through, I know it tears at the soul and leaves a huge hole in your heart. You gave your sweet Patrick 16 years of wonderful love and devotion, few kitties ever get that. The first step in healing from this is to share your grief with people who understand what you are going through, you definitely have that at this site. Please remember that Patrick would never want you to remember him with tears, but someday, in time, you'll think of him and smile. Since few animals live as long as we do they go to a special place called the Rainbow Bridge, there Patrick will run and play, safe and warm, until you meet again.. He was much loved and he knew it. RIP beautiful Patrick!


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
So very sorry your friend is gone. I know sometimes parents make decisions that we can't always understand, but they must have felt it was the right thing to do for Patrick, I'm just sorry for your pain now.

He was well loved and had a good life with you, and although it hurts your heart very badly now, in time it will begin to fade, and he will be tucked away inside of your heart forever, and someday, long from now, you will find him waiting for you at the bridge.

Big hugs from all of us, we know just what you are going through now.

RIP sweet Patrick.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 15, 2014
Dear Friend:

Toogie was with me from 1978 until 1995.  He developed non-insulin dependent Diabetes.  There was nothing I could do for him, no shots, food, nothing.  All I could do was love him and keep him comfortable, and let him do what he felt able to--he was 18 years old.  I was carrying him into the vet to have them draw the excess fluid off his stomach and lungs, almost every week so he could breathe.  When it got to the point I was carrying him in almost twice a week, I had to love him enough to let him go....  When he was too weak to stir from the floor to get on the bed, with my help, I was sleeping on the floor with him....  It was time.

It is hard.  I rescued this cat as a kitten at my first-ever job.  He became my Mother's cat, and her Guardian.  Then when we had to let Mother go, Toogie came with me to my new life and home.  So he wittnessed and 'Watched' the start of my new life with my husband and passed the 'torch', as it were, to his companion, who is in the picture I am about to post:



TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 17, 2014
These are heartbreaking times, it is natural to replay every small detail in your head of the events leading up to it, and wonder "what if." This is a coping mechanism instilled in us to help us cope with grief, we bargain with ourselves and we over-analyse. You must remember that your vet would not have put down a healthy cat, especially one who was loved as much as your beautiful boy. Allow yourself time to grieve and mourn your beloved companion, we pour so much love into our little angels over the years and when they move on, a part of us leaves with them. Everyone on here can empathise with what you are going through, right now you need to surround yourself with people who feed you positivity! 

You will never stop missing your little prince, but one day you will be able to look back and remember all of your wonderful times you had together, until then, we are all here for you.

much love 


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2015
I know how you feel.... My black cat chaqueta (very long story on how she got her name) was put down 2 days ago. Chaqueta is a small little cat. she was pregnant, and her water broke 2 days ago..... we new something was wrong, so we took her to the vet. The veterinarian said she needed a c section done to get the kittens out. We asked how much it would cost and she came back with an estimate. The paper said it would cost $1,223.45 for all the shots and procedure. We didn't have the money for that. Then the lady says she could give her a shot to help her push the kittens out..... didn't work. We left her overnight and the lady did an ultrasound. she heard 2 heart beats and there were either 2-3 dead ones in her. The lady called back later the night and told us everything and such.. She said that she needed to be put down or else the kittens would start giving her infections. Turns out in the end that she had a broken pelvis and it was blocking the kittens from coming out. Chaqueta was a stray cat that showed up at the door 2 years ago, but she was the best cat in the world. I took great care of her and I will never forget her <3


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
I am so sorry for your loss.  It breaks my heart.  Please be kind to yourself.   You and Patrick were fortunate to have been friends and he knew how much you loved him.   


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
The bottom line is that the vet was doubtful of Patrick's ability to withstand and recover from the operation. I know it hurts right now, but think how much worse it would have been if you'd sent him for the op and he'd come out worse than he went in, or had died on the table. This way you were able to be there with him right to the end, and could say a proper goodbye to him.

I'm so sorry for your loss. If it helps, I'd have made the decision your parents did, regardless of any other animals in the house. Cry, grieve, mourn his passing, but celebrate his life too. Remember the happy times with Patrick, not his final days and hours.

Rest in peace, sweet boy :rbheart:
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TCS Member
May 2, 2015
I don't believe that time heals grief, I believe it only helps you learn to live with it.  My beautiful Blu had to leave me at the end of February after months of treatment for genetic HCM.  He was only 2 1/2 but getting less and less active, though still loving: the only exercise he seemed to take was to jump up on the kitchen counter every time I went into the kitchen.  After 4 operations in 3 months to drain fluid from his lungs the vet said he didn't want to keep putting Blu through operations and that it was time to seriously consider letting him go.   I was lucky not to have to make that decision but devastated when he died.  I have a little consolation that we'd had a 'normal' day, that I was with him, and that his going was quick.  Sorry to inflict my story on you when you are in such pain about your own beloved.  I hope you can hold to happy memories and know that this difficult decision to let him go easy was probably the right one 

castle cat

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 9, 2015

I read your post and wanted to reply. For a moment I could not read your name because my eyes were filled with tears when I came to the end of your posting. It’s true what you have written. “I don't believe that time heals grief, I believe it only helps you learn to live with it.”

On April 13, 2015 on my vet’s suggestion I allowed Jethro to leave this world. It was quick. Then I burst into tears screaming, ‘My Jethro, my love, my darling.’  My sweet Jethro. I have written about him in the forum - Jethro’s final journey. The vet Christopher of ABC Dyreklinikk in Lillehammer was kind enough to leave me alone with Jethro. I kept him in my hug for nearly 8 hours.

“Sorry to inflict my story on you when you are in such pain about your own beloved.”

You have done a very good thing by writing about your beautiful, darling Blu. I wish you have written more. There will be many, like me will share your grief and sorrow. 

I believe your Blu has welcomed Jethro and they’re having fun with other departed cats.  

Castle Cat (humble servant of late Jethro)

castle cat

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 9, 2015
After reading your post I kept thinking about your Patrick. I’m sad about your loss. It’s very tough decision to make. I think your decision was right.

“I miss my cat so much.  I've never loved anything or anyone like I loved this cat.” What a moving statement!

R.I.P - Patrick