Just moved, kitten is starting to act crazy


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 8, 2012
I've moved to another state and brought one cat with me, going back to bring the other two down (so they could be hand carried and in my sight and not shipped and out of my sight!)

Tiger seemed to adjust quickly, as she's absolutely fearless, exploring the new house, getting into everything as usual. We've been here a week. She's very sweet, laid back, and very friendly, very, very, very curious about everything. She's about 10 months old.

the past couple of days, her behavior has been a bit unusual. She meows constantly, seemingly at random. At first, she seemed to be looking for me as she'd meow if she couldn't see and rush to me when I called her. Now, she meows anyway.

Also, these past few days, she acts like she's chasing ghosts. She bows up, meows and races like a loon through the house. She seems to wrestle with herself, chasing her tail. She actually tried to climb walls like she did when she was a tiny kitten. She's not physically ill. She gets lots of constant attention.

Difference is, here is very hot, South Florida hot. We came from Michigan. She has three times the room to run. I don't run the AC all the time and keep an eye on her to see if she's too hot. She doesn't seem to be, no panting, no heavy breathing.

I don't know if she's just playing and entertaining herself like she did as a kitten or is maladjusted here. Does she miss the other two cats? Is she too hot? Is she just bored? Does she need more attention?

In spite of all this, she didn't make a peep on the plane and purred when I petted her. lol


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
Probably a combination of kitten energy and no buddies to play with.  When you get your other two home, be sure to re-acclimate them to her, then watch your 3 cats go into loon mode.