
Nathan Craig Dacus

TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 23, 2017
Jewel came to live with me when she was 3 weeks old. My lady friends son was a maintenance man for a church. One of his duties was to maintain houses that the church owned.
He was at one of the properties one day when a momma cat came out from underneath the front porch with a tiny kitten in tow. He thought about it and he picked up the kitten and placed it back under the porch with the momma and litter mates.
A few moments later here comes the momma with the baby who she once again left in the front yard. After several more attempts to reunite the tiny kitten with his family John realized the results would always be the same.
He brought the kitten home. He knew that he could not bring the kitten inside his home due to the fact that he was father to several rather rambunctious Dachshunds.
Eventually the I was asked if I could possibly take the kitten as it wasn't faring well in the cab of his pick up truck and he really didn't have time to bottle feed it.
Jewel was a beautiful orange almost gold, hence her name. It is absolutely true what they say about bottle fed kittens. We had an unbreakable bond. Even though she had a wild streak and didn't form much of a bond with anyone else, she loved to lay in my lap as I petted her.
I have taken in quite a few strays since I first came to know Jewel. She is the only cat I have ever known that would come to me every time that I called her. I think of her often and miss her dearly. Nathan Dacus


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Jewel came to live with me when she was 3 weeks old. My lady friends son was a maintenance man for a church. One of his duties was to maintain houses that the church owned.
He was at one of the properties one day when a momma cat came out from underneath the front porch with a tiny kitten in tow. He thought about it and he picked up the kitten and placed it back under the porch with the momma and litter mates.
A few moments later here comes the momma with the baby who she once again left in the front yard. After several more attempts to reunite the tiny kitten with his family John realized the results would always be the same.
He brought the kitten home. He knew that he could not bring the kitten inside his home due to the fact that he was father to several rather rambunctious Dachshunds.
Eventually the I was asked if I could possibly take the kitten as it wasn't faring well in the cab of his pick up truck and he really didn't have time to bottle feed it.
Jewel was a beautiful orange almost gold, hence her name. It is absolutely true what they say about bottle fed kittens. We had an unbreakable bond. Even though she had a wild streak and didn't form much of a bond with anyone else, she loved to lay in my lap as I petted her.
I have taken in quite a few strays since I first came to know Jewel. She is the only cat I have ever known that would come to me every time that I called her. I think of her often and miss her dearly. Nathan Dacus

I am so sorry about your Jewel. When did she cross to the bridge?
My Lena passed in 2001 and I still think of her often.

Welcome and again, so sorry about Jewel


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 6, 2017
I am so sorry for your loss. I am so happy to in this group. To know you are not alone I how you feel is something. I regret that any of us have to go through this much pain.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I'm so sorry for the pain you are feeling with your loss, they take a piece of our hearts with them when they leave, for comfort and remembrance. But they also leave a piece of their own for us to treasure, and we have our precious memories of happier times to comfort us when the tears fall and the pain overtakes. Jewel brought much into your life, she shared your life journey for a while and her new path will continue to follow your own until it crosses once more. Although they leave us much too soon, the happiness and love they bring to our lives will be with us until the end of time. Know you are not alone in your grief, we will share the pain so it does not become overwhelming. Take care.......RIP beautiful Jewel, you were so very loved on this earth, now your beautiful star shines high in the night sky like your namesake, a reminder of the love you gave so freely. Sleep tight little Princess!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
:alright: Condolences on losing your sweet Jewel. You gave her a very wonderful life, knowing that she was loved, she had a name, knew what it was to be in a safe, comfortable home with toys, cuddles and scritches. It seems that no time is a good time for them to leave us - my daughter's 18 yo companion cat died in October and I still miss her very much. I pray that you find comfort and healing in your memories of Jewel and that someday those same memories will bring mostly smiles instead of tears. Jewel has gone back to our Creator, and is there with our ancestors and our descendants.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I have recently lest my sweet Lola. Just like Jewel she was bottle fed for some weeks, and just like Jewel she develop a strong and special bond with me, so I can fully understand what you mean and how you're feeling.
Take comfort from the fact that your love was stronger than others and that she has loved you in a very special way and now she still loves you from the beautiful place where she is.
RIP Jewel!