Ivy And Little Tiger

Goofball Ivy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 24, 2019
Now that things have settled down, I figured it was time to properly introduce myself and my cats. First of all, I want to thank all of you for your kindness and help when my family was in need of advice. It was greatly appreciated and has helped. (And in case any of you are still wondering, there is a spray and neuter fair thing going on and will be likely passing through that will let my grandma fix her cat in the next few weeks/month for cheap or free)

So first up, I've had at least 10 cats in my life. Most of them I had to leave behind/give away because my parents made me when I was little due to all the moving we did, and some died sadly for various reasons that were out of my control. So I've always had cats in my life and I absolutely love them, and now that I'm an adult and living on my own, I'm able to keep my cats no matter where I happen to go.

Currently, I have my cat Ivy. I got on valentines day in 2018 and she was guessed to be around 7 months old. I adopted her from te SPCA and she chose me. I was originally looking for a male cat, an adult (since they dont get adopted as quickly as kittens do), and I didnt want a tabby cat. When I got Ivy, she was the exact opposite of what I was looking for lol. She had also only been at the SPCA for an hour before I arrived. In less than 24 hours of having her, she slept on my bed, curled up against me and became my shadow. When i went to pick her up from getting spayed, she was calm, but as soon as she heard my voice, she started going nuts trying to get out of her carrier and didn't settle down until I put my hand in there with her. Since that day, she has remained my shadow and sleeps with me every night. Shes also very affectionate and can be as demanding as a dog in that regard haha. She's nearly 2 years old now and I absolutely love her and am so glad I found her.

Cat number 2 is a 3 week old kitten. He is still with his mama but I go to see him regularly since I live nearby and he's with my grandma. Despite being so little, he has a huge personality and due to a few of his traits, I've decided to name him Tiger. When I went to see him yesterday, he actually started meowing when he heard my voice. I held him and played with him a bit which he seemed to enjoy. When I put him back in the kitten box, he started scrambling at the walls to try to get out and come after me again lol.
Unlike his siblings, he also next to never cries when taken out of the box since he loves to explore. He also attempts to do surprise attacks on his siblings who find this rather annoying. He has also decided to start hissing at my grandma apparently, while I've had him licking me. I'm so excited to see what he grows up to be like.


verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk

What lucky cats to have you and lucky you that you were chosen. Tiger is adorable, I bet you cant wait to have him home and become part of your family. Ivy looks like she has seen something of interest outside, lovely photo. I hope the introduction goes well, there are lots of articles on the site for you to read if need be. Let us know how it goes when the time comes and dont forget to post lots of photos of them.
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Goofball Ivy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 24, 2019
Went to go visit my grandma and little Tiger today. It was pretty cute when I went to the kittens since as I walked over, I called out to Tiger. As soon as he heard my voice, he perked up and started walking over to me. The other two couldnt care less, but he seemed pretty happy to see me and that he recognizes my voice.

I brought him out and let him wander around which he was more than happy to do. I kept a watchful eye on him as he walked around from one place to the next, growing bolder with each step. He even had a moment where he was trying to copy his mom by grooming his paw. It's also amusing cause if other people hold him, he complains, but if I take him, then he's all content and he's even licked me a time or two. So I think he's definitely become my cat already lol.

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Goofball Ivy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 24, 2019
So, as of an hour ago, my family has a new addition! Tiger has reached the 6 week old age so he's now come to live with me and Ivy. Of course Ivy's first reaction is to hiss at this little guy. Tiger isn't fazed by it though and wants to just run over to her lol. Honestly, he's named Tiger for a reason. He shows little to no fear ever, he's ready to attack pretty much anything, and he's very smart so figures out things quickly, and he's the first (and so far only) one to start hissing and growling at others. He has a huge personality for being such a little guy. I can already see him causing all sorts of trouble over the next few months like most kittens do.

I currently have a room for him to stay in while Ivy adjusts to having him around, but at the moment, I actually have him on my lap with a blanket and he's sleeping. Ivy keeps walking around and occassionally looks at him, hisses, and then walks off. I sometimes let her sniff my hand since it has his scent on it and she'll take the time to smell me.

I'm hoping that it won't take too long for Ivy to accept this little guy. But I'm fairly confident that thanks to Tiger's personality, he'll be a good playmate for Ivy once they get along and he gets a bit bigger.
