It has been a year....


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
It has been a year since I retired. It has been....interesting. Rick and I take turns getting up with the girls in the morning; that means that every other day I get to snuggle in with Mollipop until 8:00, sometimes even 8:30 before we drag our butts out of bed. After years of getting up at 4:00 and 5:00 in the morning to get my walk in before getting ready for work, 8:00 is awesome!

I'm no longer on "Weekend Mode," meaning I have to get the house cleaned and all the laundry done over the weekend bc of working during the week. I can do it anytime I feel like it. After being in "Weekend Mode" for over 20 years, doing something when I feel like it is quite nice. Sunday nights are different now because I don't think, "Well crap, I have to go to work tomorrow!"

Last week, when we had 17 inches of snow, I was grateful that I didn't have to try to drive home in that mess. Rick and I were already home and sitting in the living room, watching it snow. No worries, no hassles. I am grateful. Don't get me wrong; I can drive in snow and ice. If you live in the Northeast, you learn quickly. But I never enjoyed it.

And when the togetherness between Rick and me gets to be a little much (and we do have our moments!), well, there's the she shed. Sometimes I go out to the shed; sometimes Rick does. It's there for both of us and we enjoy it. It's quiet and it's very peaceful. I love sitting on the deck of the she shed on summer afternoons, watching the squirrels and rabbits chase each other around in the yard. They are simply hilarious and they never fail to give me a smile. I love listening to the woodpecker that has nested in the white pine by the she shed. We have two pairs of cardinals, one nests in the holly bushes in the front yard; the other pair lives in the weigelas in the back yard by the pool. They are beautiful. During the week, it's pretty quiet, although our neighbors are all working from home right now. I might hear somebody mowing his lawn throughout the week. Not a big deal.

Of course, there's still the pandemic, the social-distancing, and wearing the masks. But that's OK and we're lucky that we can do so. We haven't seen The Grands much at all this year and, when I retired, I didn't think it would be like that. Nonetheless, we're dealing and it's OK. And maybe, just maybe, once we have had the vaccine, we'll be able to get out a little more often than we do now. I'm looking forward to life returning to whatever will pass for normal.

So that's been my first year of retirement. Not exactly what we'd planned overall, but it's OK. More than OK really. And life is good.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It sounds like you are coping well! I am railroad retirement and got to retire at 60. It is heavenly! I agree, doing things that you want to do when you want is absolutely wonderful. I don't sleep in, I still get up at 4 AM to be able to read for a while and get on The Cat Site. I love having my coffee in peace and getting out for outdoor chores like weeding when it is still cool. I turn 65 in a few months and finally get to go on medicare. MUCH cheaper, even with a supplement. No more 7500.00 deductible! Retirement makes life good! (now if I could just figure out how not to get any older and stop going downhill, it would be perfect!)


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I'm no longer on "Weekend Mode," meaning I have to get the house cleaned and all the laundry done over the weekend bc of working during the week. Sunday nights are different now because I don't think, "Well crap, I have to go to work tomorrow!
I can't believe it's been a year for you already. You just named two of the best feelings about retirement, i.e not having to do chores on the weekend and not dreading Sunday night. 👍 Even when I was subbing after being retired I still had those feelings not knowing if I'd be asked to come in on a moment's notice or take a long term position. With everything that happened this year due to the pandemic I know it would have been stressful to be at work.

Hopefully 2021 will be a wonderful and carefree year for Rick and you! :beerchug:


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I turn 65 in February but I will probably work another year or two. I go back and forth on it. Since I am working from home it's much easier then having to go into the office. Since the pandemic has gone on so long working from home is going to be much more common. Businesses have realized that it works well. We were bought out by another company and had the internet meetings with upper management. The new company had sent everyone home at the beginning and said they were surprised that production has gone up with people working from home. Commercial real estate is also very expensive. Production is up and business expenses can go down it's a win win.

NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Congratulations on surviving your first year of retirement. Exactly 4 years ago yesterday, I retired, and I had worked well beyond 66 when I did. I'm still an early riser even without an alarm clock. One thing I don't miss is that 30 mile commute at 4:00a.m., especially during winters in WNY. When I can look out the window, see the snow coming down sideways, and go back to my cup of tea and reading, it makes me feel all warm inside. Too, Michele has been retired for over 3 years now, and we haven't tried to kill each other yet, so it's all good.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Oh, there have been times when Rick and I have gone at it; we've certainly had our moments. Usually when I want him to do something that I can't do, it hits the fan a bit. I wanted him to help me with the shed patio and it didn't go well. Until he got started, then he kicked me completely off the project and went to work. He likes to remind me that, he, too, is retired (he'll be retired two years in May 2021). And I know that, but sometimes I really need the help. (Because of my back, I've been on a 5-pound weight limit forever. I'm not supposed to lift anything more than that. I don't pay attention to it much anymore and do pretty much whatever I want. But there are times that I just can't. Or if I do, I pay for it by not being able to walk properly for a week. Little things, like moving mulch around in the yard, can sometimes set me back for a couple days. But I manage to get things done. And when I can't, I talk to Rick. He's pretty good about helping me, but sometimes, we do go at it. Believe me, if I could do it by myself, I would!)

I could have waited another couple of years to retire, I suppose. I retired at 65 and it just worked out. I got out right before Covid took over everything and we could just stay home. My pension kicked in right away and SS kicked in a month later. We're OK.

If and when this pandemic stuff is over, I may look for a part time job. I always said I wanted one year at home, just one year to think things over. I've had my year. I'm not doing anything, though, until we're done with Covid, if we ever are.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Geez, where the heck does the time go??!!?

we haven't tried to kill each other yet, so it's all good.
Lol, yeah, here too.

When i saw the thread title I read it completely differently and thought this would be more about closing out 2020 :).

My faux retirement was forced, and I'm still not particularly comfortable about any of it. However, there are things that put it all into perspective, such as this morning. I was awakened rather early to the sound of a cat throwing up, but then had the chance to sit and watch a gorgeous full moon 🌚, so there you are.

(...which, speaking of my initial thought of what the subject of this thread was, actually is a fairly representative description of my 2020--some good things amidst the not-so-much.)
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