Issue urinating (possibly related to kidney trouble)


TCS Member
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May 27, 2016
My male cat, Boris will be 7 years old this June. He's never had any health problems until lately when it comes to urinating, it seems.

He's been going in and out of his litter box producing little urine, licking himself a lot after coming out of the box and sometimes even vomiting. When the symptoms manifested the first time my vet informed me how cystitis is common among male cats but treated him with a round of antibiotics (Gentamicin) which seemed to work, so we just attributed his symptoms to a UTI that had come and gone, however these sprung up again a couple weeks later and after another examination he determined his bladder was not swollen with liquid nor has his urethra looked red/inflamed at any time.

Today he gave him an anti-inflammatory shot and an antibiotic tablet (Rilexine) and ask that I watch his behavior (plus continue treatment with the antibiotic) for today and the day after and to bring him in on Sunday for a follow-up consultation and blood culture. He did however mention that since his bladder and urethra seem to be ok the problem related to his urinary function may have to do with his kidneys. I'd like to know how likely this is based on what I've mentioned and what else may need to be checked for that could relate to these symptoms.

If any one has had a similar experience with their pet I'd greatly appreciate any information you may have to share as well as any medical insight and please let me know if I've omitted any information you think could help.

Also, I'm not trying to jump the gun but if indeed the issue is related to his kidneys what can I expect? I mean, I know it's a chronic condition but what would happen to him. How involved and how expensive can treatment be? Thanks again to anyone taking the time to respond, it's very much appreciated.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
CKD (chronic kidney disease) can show in so many ways. Usually, as far as symptoms, it depends on how far advanced it is as to what the symptoms are. Early-ish symptoms are often dilute urine, increased drinking/urination, and pickiness with eating... but these could also be other things. CKD is diagnosed based off of multiple blood tests as a rule, as well as urinalysis, combined with symptoms.

As far as what to expect, well, in early CKD, they don't really seem much different. They don't necessarily have symptoms. Creatinine levels are usually 5 or higher before appetite is impacted (which is usually considered Stage 3). Cats can live with CKD for years, but not in every case. In my cases, my babies both had acute on chronic renal failure, so it was very sudden and in the case of Lucky, very quick (died 16 days after diagnosis). Sara about six weeks after. But there are so many people who've had cats live for several years with it.

Hopefully the vet will be able to find out more after doing some blood work and urinalysis. If they could include SDMA in the blood work, that would be helpful, as that can help with early detection of kidney disease. It hasn't been out that long though, so not all labs do it by default (I know the lab my vet uses does).

Hopefully there is nothing wrong with his kidneys! Sara had cystitis, and when she had flare-ups it was pretty bad. She also had a lot of blood in her urine - not sure if you boy has that. I actually saw the urine they took once, it looked like cherry koolaid, there was that much blood.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
In my experience (I also have had 3 kidney cats), vomiting after leaving the litter box is indicative of constipation, not urination issues.  Not saying Boris might not have other issues, but are his bowel habits fine?  My last 2 kidney cats had chronic constipation (goes with the territory) and both of them would strain in the box, then immediately vomit upon exiting.  Sometimes they would leave behind stool, often not.  It's that straining that causes them to vomit, and they don't usually strain to urinate that I'm aware of. 

So, I would check into that and see what you find.  (just monitor the box).  As far as detecting kidney disease, as Donutte said, a simple blood test can tell you all you need to know.  All 3 of my cats lived at least 3 years after diagnosis.  The best thing for them is low phosphorus, wet, wet, wet food.   With my 2nd cat we switched everyone to canned food, but I guess it was already too late for my (at the time) 12 year old little one. Hoping we have saved the boys from it since they were only 2 years old when we made the switch.

Here is a website you can drive yourself crazy with if you really want to learn all about kidney disease.  It's my "go to""   It even has info on low phosphorus foods
(and how to help with constipation, although we can help you with that if you discover that's the problem.)
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 27, 2016
Hi and thank you both for replying. Yeah, I knew something had slipped my mind, there's no blood in his urine, thankfully.

As for bowel issues, last week I noticed him straying while using the litter box as well as producing some loose stool,  that cleared up shortly after taking him to the vet and have not seem him strain since. Though putting all these things together is definitely making me worry, I'll talk to my vet about this and see what he has to say, for now I think I'll just keep an eye on him so I have more to report on Sunday. Thanks again for your input and the link for that site, I'm sure I'll go nuts reading it but I think it's best I get acquainted with the info just in case.