Is this the beginning of the end for Tigger?


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Sep 6, 2022
Tigger's started to get a bit confused and forgetful, she's going into the vet on Wednesday to investigate this

She'll see me putting food in her bowl but she doesn't seem to recognise the fact that food has gone into her food bowl - just by watching me filling the food bowls up for both girls, I'll pick her up and put her in front of the food bowl so she smells the food, then she'll eat after smelling the food

And once in the last couple of days, she didn't seem to recognise that she needed the litter try, I was watching her and felt she needed to use the tray so picked her up and put in it, then she realised yes she did need a wee and she made the wee in the tray, squatting to start off with then she stood up fully before she had finished the wee, she seemed to forget the wee was coming out and so some got onto the wall

Tigger's 11 (we think - the previous owner was just guessing the cats ages when they gave loads to RSPCA)

Is Tigger nearing the end of her life? i'm scared :(


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Apr 29, 2022
Let's see what the vet says 🐱 she is a senior lady. So it's something that eventually you'll have to prepare for. And it's good to start thinking and keeping an eye on quality of life charts but that's just to keep yourself knowledgable on what to watch for.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I did go back to one of your previous posts/threads and saw that Tigger has been having some mobility issues. So, I don't think what you are experiencing with her means she is nearing the end necessarily. It could be related to her not being able to get around like she used to - with or without some level of 'old age dementia'. Did you ever follow up with any of the possible arthritic treatments?

My cat is much more reluctant to go to her food dish, but if I take it to her, she will eat. And, often it seems as if she hesitates when considering using her litter box and I believe that is also from problems with her mobility. There are times I am not sure if it is dementia related or just her not being able to get around like she used to.

I have now set up the room Feeby most likes to hang out in to include her litter box, so that she is never far from it. And I serve her food in bed, multiple times a day to ensure she eats properly, as I don't think she would otherwise. I gave her Solensia for a while but stopped after 6 months because I felt if was becoming less effective. She is now on Buprenex to see if that will help her feel like moving around more.


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Apr 29, 2022
The vet has ordered more of the medication she was on but doesnt want her to be back on it just yet

i'm scared i will lose her cause my mental health problems have been stable due to Tigger
It's really hard to loose a support animal.

Consider also preparing by finding some resources for yourself for when the time comes. There are pet grief support groups or sometimes free grief counselling in some areas or virtually.

Having those types of things prepared for yourself means when the time comes, you'll be more likely to reach out.

It's hard to know someone we love whether furry or human family member is aging or ill. At first that reality feels like something we cannot get over. Over time, we do find ways to cope, but we sometimes need some support.

Again, you've got time left with Tigger. You might just need to modify her things for her so that she can enjoy life awhile longer.
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Sep 6, 2022
she's not officially a support animal.

Ebony got a cancers taking over her body, which stole her 4 years after i got her, vet had said she only had 2 years cause she had a lot wrong with her cause what she had been through had left her with a lot of health problems and ptsd

Tigger came to me cause Ebony didn't want to be alone when her boyfriend died (Tom)
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Apr 29, 2022
I don't think all animals that provide support are official. I don't think it negates your feelings of her providing support.

I'm sorry that you all went through that and that you're struggling with mental health. ❣

After Tigger there may be other cats who could use your help too. And doing that in Tigger and Ebony's memory will certainly make them happy ❣ I hope you reach out and find some group that provides you the support you need too.

silent meowlook

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Nov 10, 2014
Hi. So, Tigger is 11years old. That isn’t old. 20 is old. If you want to believe the cat to human years calculator, Tigger and I are roughly the same age. I work outside doing some hard labor, I ride horses, I drive, I rescue animals from all sorts of predicaments that involve physical stupidity on my part. I am active and not suffering from dementia. I am a jerk at times but that isn’t unusual.

Why are you acting as though Tigger is on their death bed? Tigger is a superstar cat hero but can’t continue to be so if you think of them as having one foot in the grave.

I am a huge believer in what you fear is what you find and that the constant worry can bring about things that just maybe wouldn’t be there. Stop treating Tigger as almost gone. From what you have described, it doesn’t sound that way at all.

Maybe I missed it, but did the vet say Tigger doesn’t have long to live? Is Tigger still eating and drinking? You mentioned films bowl with food. I assume you are feeding dry. If Tigger will eat canned food, it would be much better.

Perhaps Tigger wasn’t hungry but took a few bites to make you happy. Maybe Tigger got paranoid after being placed in the litter box and felt the need to leave and that is why.

Some questions to ask yourself. What does Tigger enjoy doing? What does a favorite day look like for Tigger? What makes Tigger happy? Does Tigger still do these things? Can Tigger still do these things? Is Tigger depressed? Or, am I putting my sadness on to Tigger? Are my feelings about how Tigger feels really how I feel about myself? I ask the last two questions because I know from my own experiences as someone who struggles with mental health and depression, that I can project onto my animals because then I can focus on them and not myself. To me it is somehow easier for me by to help any animal than it is to help myself.

I hope this didn’t sound to rough. I am truly concerned about you and your cat. Please feel free to private message m anytime. You and Tigger have your entire lives together. Try to be in the present for Tigger.

If I have misunderstood something about Tiggers medical health and well being, I apologize.
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  • #11


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Sep 6, 2022
when i said fill her bowl with food i mean putting wet food in her bowl, she no longer has dry food cause she can't crunch the biscuits properly, even after getting her teeths seen to by the vet

We know her kidneys are not far off starting to have problems but currently they are okay, she had a blood test which told the vet that

Tigger was the last cat that my angel Ebony licked, so I think her saliva left some of the brain cancer on Tigger's fur that she then licked off and its getting into her brain making her get a dementia

and anyone who knows Ebony's story, knows that brain cancers was what was the end for Ebony, which was picked up in her chest too late cause the vet thought it was her previously disagnosed asthma (and yes the vet had literally found asthma in her lungs in 2013/14 I can't remember for sure whether she was disagnosed before or after we brought her home) i think it was after but my memory of 2012 and some of 2013 and early 2014 is pretty badly messed up due to the mental health problems that i got disagnosed with)

I do have Ebony's paperwork that literally proves the things she had wrong with her, including mastitis (spelling) she was a very poorly little girl

and I am scared Ebony wants her Tigger back and will take her back soon cause Tigger was only ever on loan to me from Ebony even though they came from different rescues

i think some of the brain cancer leaked out of Ebony's ears

I'm not blaming Ebony, I would never do that, it wasn't her fault she caught brain cancers from when she was close to death on the streets before rescue saved her life
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  • #12


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Sep 6, 2022
Tigger still loves birdie watching, she'll still talk to them, she would love to catch mousies again but physically she cannot hunt any more, she cannot go fast enough to catch mousies any more, recently she had a lovely time with a found in the garden dead mousie :heartshape: :catrub:
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  • #13


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Sep 6, 2022
she does have a bad leg which will never be normal again but she can still walk and run around, she finds it hard to jump though, she can't physically push well enough with her bad back leg when jumping

silent meowlook

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Nov 10, 2014
Hi. So, it sounds like Tigger still has fun. That’s good. I am glad you feed wet food. It is much better for her.
Tigger cannot catch anything from Ebony having licked her head. It doesn’t work that way. Cancer is not contagious.

I am sorry Tigger has a bad leg, but things do happen when we age and we adjust. It sounds like Tigger has adjusted well.

As for Ebony wanting Tigger back, I can’t speak on that because, I truly feel everyone should be allowed to believe in whatever afterlife belief we chose. Same with religion, we all have a right to believe what we believe is true. Although I do have to ask if Ebony loved you? If so, do you really think that she would want to take Tigger away knowing how important Tigger is to you?
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  • #15


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Sep 6, 2022
Ebony definately loved me, she would come to me when she felt traumatised cause she felt safe if i was there to protect her

she loved and trusted my mum as well

she never trusted Mum's husband but it turned out he was breaking laws and i think she sensed dangers from him
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  • #16


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Sep 6, 2022
i remember there was nights when Ebony would cry out in her sleep and wake herself up by her own cry, then wouldn't immediately realise she was safe, until i spoke reassuringly to her and she smelled me there
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  • #17


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Sep 6, 2022
this makes me sound nuttier than a squirrel's food cupboard: Ebony's ghost enters Tigger sometimes

Tigger has literally turned from tabby to black and back, within seconds

silent meowlook

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Nov 10, 2014
I am happy to know that Ebony loved you and she felt safe with you.Honestly, if you made that little cat know what love was and keep her safe, why would she ever want to take away what is making you feel safe and lived, “Tigger”.

The kind of loyalty that developed from being “saved” and loved is strong. She would never want to cause you harm.

silent meowlook

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Nov 10, 2014
No, not nutty. Although I do love that expression about the squirrels.

I have seen cats do some amazing things. I do believe they are spiritual. I think what you describe is not something to fear, but something to feel good about and feel safe and loved about. If Ebony is visiting you, that is so wonderful.


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Jun 1, 2022
been struggling with mental health since 2012 :(

time and time again that fact has been used against me
Tell them that mental health can and does get better with time and help. Unfortunately, they'll be jerks forever.
You have gotten some sound advice. It's easy to get ourselves into a really bad head space when our pets are showing signs of aging or potential illness. I've been there so many times, and 99% of the time it turns out I had nothing to worry about and it was a simple thing that was easy to manage, or fix completely.
As others have said, 11 is not "old" for a cat. Not a kitten, but not "old".
Hugs to you.