Is my kitten just being a kitten?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 9, 2013
And I don't know if he is still technically a kitten since he had his first birthday in April... 

So, Ollie is my first baby I adopted. I think he's super sweet and adorable but he has his moments of...I don't even know what to call it. He's gradually adjusted to Stella, the other baby I adopted a few months ago. She's got a couple of years on him and his probably sick of his antics, lol. As sweet as I think Ollie is, he has his moments of being a straight up jerk! I have two food stations for my cats in my kitchen. When Stella walks up to one, Ollie walks right in front of her and does circles around her, "shielding" her from the food. :/ When I feed them canned food (and Ollie loooooves to eat...he's a piglet) I have to feed them in separate rooms. Ollie will suddenly lose interest in his bowl of wet food and run right up to Stella's, butting her out of the way, chowing down on hers, and run right back to his. It's rude. 

Ollie "attacks" Stella and I can't tell if they're play fighting or not. There is never any blood and nobody growls. I'm pretty sure I see claws sometimes extended and there's sometimes hissing. Meowing too, but I don't know if those noises are made out of annoyance or fear. A lot of the times they chase each other around so I think they're playing. But with claws? Eesh.

Ollie also smacks himself into walls sometimes, runs fast up the cat tree and intentionally smacks to the ground, only to repeat the process...yeah.

The most aggravating thing he does: he still has not learned to dart out in front of me when I'm walking. Y'all wanna know how many times a day I trip over this weirdo cat?!

I wish I could speak cat to understand what's going on with him.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
He's being a boy..

My boy tries to eat the girl's food too.  I feed them separately. 

And they often play fight, although I don't see claws.  Distraction is a good way to go in cases like this.  Dangly toys to the rescue!..

At one year old, he's a teenager - do I need to say more? 