Is It Kidney Or Just Infection? Need Help


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 22, 2011
my cat 8 years old had urinary blockage last july 30 with acute kidney failure of 6.3 crea bun 100 and infection of 31 then he had PU surgery that time and 1 week after the surgery we did another blood test and his crea became normal to 1.5 mg/dl and infection was cleared. He has slow healing progress because of the tube and catheter they put for a month to avoid the new hole to close up. The tube kept puncturing the wound inside making the healing very slow. But still has very good appetite and is active all the time. 2 weeks after they removed the catheter. I noticed my cat is peeing 5 times a day with plenty amount then sometimes peeing multiple times like 10 times with little urine, the vet said it is just behavioral since he doesn't have his manhood anymore it continues but i didn't see him being thirsty a lot, just urinating frequently. There is no vomiting and there is no decrease in appetite. He is very active. Then about 7 days ago my cat is urinating with blood and we rushed him to the vet they did bloodwork and he has infection wbc is 29 and his crea is 2.6 and bun is 70. The vet said if the blood continues they will do urinalysis and ultrasound but it stopped after 1 day admittance in the vet. They didn't do urinalysis and ultrasound because there is no more blood and the urine is still clear up to now. He was also in IV for 3 days. His appetite is really good and is very active at the vet. I asked if I need to put him in prescription diet but the vet said there is no need. I just gave the vet fancy feast classics, kitcat grain free and orijen cat food.

They did another bloodwork today which is a week after. And his infection lowered to 23 and still high but the crea went up to 3 mg/dl. I am calling everyday ever since his confinement about a week to check my cat's activities but the vet said he is active and eats a lot all the time and there is no decrease in appetite ever since the surgery which is 2 1/2 months ago. They will also switch him to K/D prescription diet now. But there is no confirmation for anything yet. Does infection of PU surgery cat cause increase in crea? Or should I be worried now? Does the food I fed at the vet cause the crea to went up which is orijen cat food and fancy feast classic? Other than that he is active and has good appetite and no vomiting as well there is no straining when urinating. Just today he have small bright red blood in stool he was dewormed a week ago. It happens if he eats a lot


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
certain antibiotics can cause creatinine to increase, so can dehydration, or even if the blood work is taken too soon after a meal :sigh:.

In your Update you said they switched him to K/D. Do they now suspect he has kidney disease or not? Do they want him on the K/D permanently, or was they just temporary? I think you need more information from your Vet, because if he does have kidney disease, then the Fancy Feast Classic are NOT good for him, and dry food is NOT good for him (unless he drinks a LOT of water).
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 22, 2011
I called before they took the bloodtest, that's the time he just ate his dinner last tuesday. He was also been eaten a lot of meal last week before they took his bloodtest. I fed him I think 6 to 7 times wet food within 24 hrs when they took first bloodtest last week. His antibiotics are nefrotec, coamoxiclav and sambucur. The vet said last week it could be kidney if his wbc is normal but when he found out he has infection, they said infection can also increase creatinine. I will ask what other test they will do now. Other than the blood test result. They said he is alert, responsive and there is no decrease in appetite since last week or ever since his surgery. There is no vomiting. I am just worried because my cat just had PU surgery 2 1/2 months ago which is major and he is still healing from it

They switched to KD because I asked last week about it and they said there is no need for it just normal canned food but when his crea went up from 2.6 to 3 now they said they will just feed KD for now
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 22, 2011
I visited him today and he is very active he ate the whole pouch of wet food and very excited inside his cage when I opened his wet food pouch. I asked if he is drinking a lot, his caretaker said he is drinking normally. He also gained weight. He is 3.55 kg about a week ago but now he gained to 3.60kg. He is also very sweet to me after eating. They will do ultrasound later. Is my cat ok? He seems very active and looks healthy


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Until your last two posts, I didn't even realize he wasn't at home with you. WHY is in in the hospital still? I understand if he was on IV fluids he would have been there, but that was just for 3 days, wasn't it? He's not still on those, is he? Is he there basically for observation? I cannot tell you for certain that he will be okay...that is a question for your Vet, but it sounds good since he has a good appetite and seems active. Hopefully this is just a bump in the road as he is healing from that P/U surgery. :hugs:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 22, 2011
Yes for observation I want to take him home but his crea elevated to 3 that is why he is still there for ultrasound. They will do ultrasound tomorrow. We also befriended his caretaker to make sure he will be well taken care of. He is only one who feeds him ever since his surgery. I called today he said my cat is still the same active and eating a lot.

I just have a question, while his crea is at 2.6 then we fed him 40 percent high protein diet can this cause his crea to elevate? Does this mean kidney problem already or just improper diet while crea is elevated and infection is still high?


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I cannot answer your question as there are so many variables that can cause creatinine to rise, as I mentioned above. (plus I am not a Vet, AND who's to say that 40% high protein is an improper diet anyway? Cats need high protein unless they are in very late stages of kidney disease (unless this protein didn't come from meat and wasn't nutritionally complete for a cat :wink: )