Introducing petting to an adult feral cat and trying to figure out how to get her to eat in front of


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
I adore stories with a positive outcome! And yours certainly has a good sequence.

One suggestion I have not seen here - what about taking a T-shirt you've worn for a couple of days, well impregnated with your scent - and putting it either in her bookcase safe place or on the table so she'll have your scent even when you are not in the room.

And I'd love to see her picture.
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  • #22


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 21, 2015
Madison, NJ
Hi Kitty Chick,

I did know the Swiffer idea was a crazy idea.  I knew my only chance for her to feel touch was to corner her with no hiding spaces in the bottom of the bookcase. I was hoping she would like how it felt and she did.  I knew it was risky but she was way too comfortable acting like a hunched rat hiding all the time and having a few hours of freedom to roam every night.  She was miserably scared and uptight and I couldn't stand her living that way when I don't have any intent but to make her feel at home and relaxed.  She is a scaredy cat and I couldn't think of any other way.  Glad I did the Swiffer but I don't know if I would tell others to do what I did.  I was going on hoping the three months of feeding her and talking to her would be enough history to not make her attack me.  
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  • #23


TCS Member
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Mar 21, 2015
Madison, NJ
Hi Ritz, 

Baby seems to be scared of all toys.  Whether they are on a wand or just catnip mice.  Though I did notice she bites the mice toys at night.  So she does play with the non wand toys..  I am amazed I got the Swiffer by her.  But then I did do it in a forced way.  I took all her hiding places away and left her one semi closed one that I put the Swiffer into against her will.  Lucky for both Baby and I that she liked how it felt.  Maybe a brush eventually but I still sometimes get a hiss when the Swiffer aims at her. So for now I am hoping with 3 massages a day it will eventually lead to an uber relaxed cat hopefully willing to let me try other things.  
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Mar 21, 2015
Madison, NJ

That is a great idea.  I will try sleeping with a blanket and place it in at least one of her places.  Hopefully she will then think the smell of my lap will be inviting.  That is a wonderful idea.  And one I can do right now. Thanks.
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  • #26


TCS Member
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Mar 21, 2015
Madison, NJ
Hi Kitty Chick and Everyone Else,

Baby Girl is doing wonderful. 

She lets me pet her by hand but still will not come up to me or walk around the room when I am in it.  

I pet her by hand and massage her with the Swiffer at least 3 times a day.  She looks forward to it. She sits in her bed and turns her belly to me. She loves neck and belly rubs best.

  I started putting her food further away from her to entice her to walk around the room while I am in it.  She feels best up high so I placed her dishes up on a table.  I then walk up to her and place a spoon of her food directly under her nose and in the morning sometimes she will jump on the table and eat while I fill the bowl.  But once she is done eating she retreats back into her bed. 

She will not play with any toys and will not initiate any kind of touch.  I have to touch her first.  She has been living with me now 5 months.

She doesn't seem to want to go back outside and when the window is open she gets a little spooked. She was a scaredy cat outside as much as she was inside.  She hid all the time outside. When I first brought her in I  used to have to talk to her in cat meows and blinks. Now,  She no longer likes the sound of a cat and purrs when she hears my voice. She actually gets frightened by my or anyone else for that matter making cat sounds now. She likes to stare at me and have me stare directly back at her.  She doesn't care if I blink or not.  She seems to want to look at my face always.  She always smells me before I start to pet her, I offer my knuckle to her first if she smells it, it means I can touch or massage her.  She knows the word food and licks her lips when I say it.  She never says no touch to my knuckle.  It seems she would like to be pet all day long.  She kneads her pet and purrs loudly all petting sessions.

Her ears and head are always up and she sits, cleans herself, eats in front of me and yawns.  She will not go to the bathroom in front of me or walk around the room while I am in it.  If I walk in the room and she is not in her bed she will hurry back to her bed and never leave the bed.  I sing a song each time I see her and always when I massage and pet her.  I am hoping with time she will warm up and come up to me.  But I am amazed by how far she has come so I am grateful. 

I haven't picked her up as I don't think she would like it.  She has never come up to me to even get petted. I have to initiate everything.

Any suggestions or is this just a matter of time that she will come up to me?  She loves to be petted. So she seems super affectionate.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
She seems to be progressing really well.  As far as her initiating petting or attention, you might try bringing in super yummy treats.  Each time you come bring something special ( plain cooked chicken, canned tuna, canned salmon, gerber stage 2 chicken or turkey baby food).  Toss a piece in her direction so she knows it's extra delicious.  Then place a piece a bit closer to you until she is coming right to you.  Each day hopefully she will remember that you bring something yummy and she will start to come up to you. 

As far as picking her up, just give it time.  I would get super comfortable with her before you try.  You don't want to have an fear that she may sense. 

Remember time and patience are your friend.
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  • #28


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 21, 2015
Madison, NJ
Thanks Shadows Rescue I will try this long weekend I have off from work to get her to come to me by keeping all food close to me.  Thanks for the tips.


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but you can bribe her with Gerber chicken baby food.  (Just chicken and water - no onions).

Put a dollop on the end of a plastic spoon and allow her to lick it off.  Steady hands and always on her level.

Most cats find it hard to resist.  Don't feed too much because it is rich and may give her tummy troubles.  But a dollop a day should make her your new best friend.