Introducing cats - Am I doing this right?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 21, 2014
Last week I lost my beloved Maggie-Cat.  You can read the story of her last illness here:

On Sunday I adopted "Sammy" (still testing out his name) from a local animal shelter.  He is male, neutered, five months old, very sweet, very confident.  He just sat in the carrier on the way home like "Yeah, sure, whatever."  He is also terrible like kittens are. 

He is confined to my upstairs bedroom, which is currently a mess.  I had to have the mattress and box spring carted away after my late husband's illness, and there are a lot of boxes and other effluvia.  So it's quite the kitty playground.  

My other cat, Eli, has been with me since August.  He is a timid, sweet cat.  After spending a week under the bed, he integrated with Maggie pretty easily and they became best friends.  He LOVED her and she grew to love him.  They would cuddle together and he would groom her for hours.  He misses her terribly.

For the first two days, I did not let Eli into the room with Sammy.  Then on Day 3, he scooted in before I could have a chance to shut him out.  So I decided to let them interact and see how it goes.  

I have now done this for three sessions and here are the behaviors I see.  Remember -- Eli = existing cat; Sammy = new cat:

1)  Eli seems mostly curious, but when Sammy gets too close he hisses at him.

2)  Sammy will chase Eli but back off when Eli hisses at him.

3)  Eli does not chase Sammy but will approach him cautiously.

4)  Eli has swatted Sammy with paw once.  I do not think claws were out but I cannot be sure.

5)  Sammy has growled at Eli a couple of times and gotten fluffy tail.

6)  I have not seen Eli fluff his tail.

7)  Both cats have ears forward and alert.  When Eli hisses, Sammy gets into defensive crouch and puts ears back but does not hiss back.

I have also taken shirts and rubbed them over Sammy's face and placed them downstairs into Eli's "territory."

Before he came to live with me, Eli's best friend in his foster home was a neutered male.  My Maggie was a spayed female.

I think the fact that I have not seen violence is a good thing, but I'd like some input from people who have done this with two males before.  I have only had two females at a time (who fought) and a male/female pair (who fought) before Eli and Maggie fell in love.  And unfortunately, that was only for 2 months before Maggie became ill.

I am sitting here in an ice storm in NJ and it is nearly certain that the power will go out.  Sammy is gray (he is part Russian Blue) and will be impossible to see when the power goes it will be hard to keep him confined at that point. I doing this right?


TCS Member
May 21, 2013
Amsterdam, Noord Holland
Hi! Sorry to hear about the loss of Maggie, and congrats on your new addition!

While their behavior toward one another does sound VERY encouraging,I'd probably take a step back if I were you.  Please read this article: and think about taking a step back and following the steps in the article.  I think this is too soon to have them both out and about while you are unable to see one of them, especially if there has been some conflict (though as I said above, it does sound liek the conflict has been limited and you've been lucky).  I do also think they will be more comfortable if you take a step back and introduce them a bit more slowly.

VIbes to you that it all keeps going very well!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 25, 2014
Madison, Wisconsin USA
Sounds like it is going pretty well and I think it is so great you are taking the time to do this right, it can make a world of difference in the lives of both your and your cats!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 21, 2014
They had an hour-long supervised play session in the bedroom today while I was working and it went quite well.  Eli seems mostly curious about this newcomer, he seems to understand that this little guy is here to be a playmate and friend for him.  There was a little bit of hissing from Eli when Sammy got too rambunctious, and a couple of swats without claws.

The power never went out, thank goodness.  

Sammy is really going stir-crazy isolated in the one room.  I spend as much time with him as I can, but I have been working at home a bit this week because of weather.  During the week I'm closing him up all day.

What I thought I'd do is let him out this weekend to have free run of the house, or at least free run of the living room, kitchen, and home office (where Eli's litterbox is) on the first floor (It's a Cape Cod-style house)...keeping him out of the basement family room and the 1st floor bedroom for now.  Does that seem like too soon?

When Eli came to us, he hid under the bed for a week before he interacted with us at all.  Sammy is a different story.  Right now he is running around the room upstairs and it sounds like a herd of buffalo.  He is a very confident little cat.  I think it was only about 4 days or so when we did the watch-through-a cracked-door thing with Maggie and Eli before we let Eli out, and within a week they were buddies.  With Sammy being so confident, do I really need to wait that long?  I'm not sure Sammy can wait that long.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 21, 2014
Also too:  They seem to enjoy playing footsie with each other under the closed door.  There is like a 1" gap under the door so Eli can see into the room and they both can fit their paws underneath.  Is this helping them get used to each other's scent?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 21, 2014
UPDATE:  The boys are now together with free run of the house, and they are getting along fine!  Eli's nose is a little out of joint, the little guy is very much in his face, but I can tell he is happy about having another cat around and he is curious about this little ball of energy.  Sammy really wants to be friends, he keeps trying to rub against Eli, but Eli doesn't want it -- yet.  I'm focusing on giving Eli lots of love, because he has been GREAT.  Even the little guy hasn't been too bad, the house is still standing.  He is such an even-tempered little soul.  I still miss my little Maggie-girl, but I think this is going to work out OK.