Introducing 18 Week Old Resident, Disco, To New 16 Week Old Kitten, Bandit


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 23, 2018
Hi all,

I know there've been many similar posts on this topic, and while I learned a lot from them, this situation isn't exactly like any other, and I'm looking for advice. At this point, my Disco doesn't seem to be taking well to his new roommate, so I'm planning on keeping them separated for a few days while playing and snuggly with each individually and feeding them on opposite sides of the door.

Any general advice or responses the following questions would be greatly appreciated!

I'm happy to now have a strategy, but I still have four major concerns/questions:
  1. I'm keeping the Disco in my bedroom, as it's really the only space I can use to keep them separated. I'm worried that I'm making my current one jealous. Should I try switching the two on alternate days?
  2. Am I overreacting to them (Disco) playing rough? The play starts off fine, with little bit of exchange and Bandit just laying around as Disco grapples him. I feel like it tends to escalate, as Bandit usually ends up running with both cats having their ears back. Do I need to let the fighting happen for a dynamic to be established?
  3. When I first introduced them, I took things too fast, and they were playing/fighting as soon as Bandit had completed his survey of the apartment. I realize now I should've taken things more slowly, but has the damage already been done? Bandit seems pretty scared of Disco.
  4. I'm prepared to take as long as I need to make this work. Disco is unhappy, but it still seems like the best long term solution. In the back of my mind, I'm worried that Disco will never accept Bandit. Is this crazy, or is this a possibility I should consider?

Additional Background
  • I live in an 1100 sq ft 2 bedroom apartment and work 8-5 m-f.
  • I adopted Disco (neutered) when he was 9 weeks old, 9 weeks ago. From his body and temperament, I think he's a Siamese mix. He's extremely confident, active, and close to me.
  • Bandit (neutered) is 16 weeks old, just a tad smaller than Disco. He was the most confident/playful of his litter but isn't as athletic or playful as Disco. I'm hoping Bandit will become more confident and active with playtime.
  • When I first got the new cat, I let them interact immediately. At first, Disco just smelled and followed Bandit as he explored the apartment. Then he started playfighting, which seemed to escalate until I separated them.
  • I tried a few times every few hours to let them interact with noticeable but minor improvement. Every session ended the same way - me stepping in.
  • Last night, Disco urinated outside the bedroom door, his first "accident" since adoption.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Kittens play rough, and that is what I think you are seeing and yes, probably overreacting to. It doesn’t matter if their ears are back, their tails are thumping or even if a little growling or hissing is going on. They are young cats learning each other’s boundaries, it isn’t going to be quiet. Make sure there are some up high places or spots to get away from one another and don’t step in unless you see fur flying.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 23, 2018
Kittens play rough, and that is what I think you are seeing and yes, probably overreacting to. It doesn’t matter if their ears are back, their tails are thumping or even if a little growling or hissing is going on. They are young cats learning each other’s boundaries, it isn’t going to be quiet. Make sure there are some up high places or spots to get away from one another and don’t step in unless you see fur flying.
Update: All is well! I'm glad I had them separated for a day, as it gave Bandit time to adjust to his new phone and build up his own itch to play. He and Disco have been getting along just fine, and I'm letting their playtime play out. They both slept on either side of me last night.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
That is awesome. Just a warning that as they play it may sound at times like someone is getting killed but that is all part of their roughhouse play and they will be loving it.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 31, 2018
Hi, I know this is a bit old but now that it’s been about a month since this post, have you been successful with your 2 kittens being together? How long did it take for them to be good with each other? I’m looking for a companion for my 16 week old kitten and all the research I’ve done seems to be more about introducing 2 adult cats or a kitten to an adult cat.