Injured cat pad


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 19, 2009
Gainesville, FL
My apartment was broken into on Wednesday night, and aside from my electronics getting stolen, one of my cats escaped. He's an indoor-only cat and has never been outdoors. The weather has been cold and rainy, so I've been freaking out quite a bit. But last night, the police were in the complex on a call for another break-in, and found him hiding in a bush by the building they were investigating.

I brought him back inside. He smelled terrible, and was VERY hungry. I washed him off a bit as best as I good in my bathtub, and the smell is pretty much gone. Wheezy's brother, Mr. Jigglesworth, keeps hissing at him though, I assume it's because of the smell?

Anyway, my main concern is that Wheezy was limping on his front right leg. It doesn't seem to be broken or sprained; he doesn't cry or anything when I touch his leg. Also, he was able to jump up to my bathroom counter just fine. He just doesn't want to put any pressure on the particular paw in question. The problem seems to be the bottom of his paw/pad. It looks a little rough, like it was scraped on concrete or something. It's not oozing or anything, but I feel like I should clean it up somehow.

How should I go about doing this? Is it safe to use antibacterial soap? I have medicated shampoo that I use for my dog (that is also cat-safe), but I'm concerned about it getting infected. Also, is it safe to use Polysporin?

Thanks in advance for any advice. I'm so thankful he was returned to me in one piece.

And here's my precious catpile, from a few months ago. That's Wheezy on the left, and Mr. Jigglesworth on the right.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Originally Posted by MoonFallsDown

Wheezy's brother, Mr. Jigglesworth, keeps hissing at him though, I assume it's because of the smell?
What a cute pair. And you're correct. Wheezy doesn't smell like Wheezy right now, so his brother is just confused. It'll take a couple days but he should start smelling like himself and the home smells soon enough.
Of course, all of this must have been stressful to both kitties. If you want to try a feliway diffuser to help calm Mr. Jigglesworth and get Wheezy settled back in it can help.

As for the foot, being the weekend and evening already you're not going to find a vet other than ER open till Monday.
It's your call whether you think this is a more emergency situation since none of us can see your cat's foot.
Minor wound care would be to keep it clean (if you use soap, rinse thoroughly) and you could use an antibiotic ointment, like neosporin, that does not contain any pain reliever in it. Though keeping it on a cat's foot will be tricky.
Do keep a close eye on his foot since he'll be walking in his litter.

If you hold off on the vet for the weekend, do give them a call Monday.

I hope the police catch who's behind the break-ins. It must be very frightening for you since this is still happening in the area.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
I would just keep it clean, use a mild antiseptic - my vet tells me to use Betadine (a form of diluted iodine), which is safe if a cat licks it, and if he is still limping after 24 hours go to a vet. Unless there is obvious sign of infection or he suddenly seems much worse, it is probably not an emergency situation. I am so glad you got him back safely.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
What a scare for everyone! Glad he's back home all safe and sound! How's he doing today? Is he still limping?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Oh my goodness, how scary! Than God he is back with you, and that the damage was only material, you are very lucky!
Here my cleaner of choice is Bactine... I then put Colloidal silver and Neosporin on it. If I need to clean anywhere close to the eyes, I use a saline wound wash instead of Bactine.
I find Colloidal Silver a GREAT help in preventing infection.