Info Needed Please


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 21, 2018
Hi everyone, obviously I am new here. I'm hoping that someone can offer me some reassurance and advice. I apologize in advance for the length of this post.

I adopted a kitty yesterday, a sweet 7 year old little girl named Emmie.

A little background. Before Emmie I only have ever had one other kitty in my life. My sweet Callie, who I had from 3 months old until she passed away at 17 years old in 2015. I have taken a long time to grieve and contemplate whether I wanted to adopt again. I finally felt I was ready, especially when I saw the post about Emmie. She had been in the shelter for the last 11 months. She belonged to an elderly lady who had to go to a nursing home and had to surrender her. No one was adopting her because she needs to be an only kitty as she does not like other cats.

When I went to meet her yesterday she was very friendly but stressed from being in a small room with other cats who kept meowing at her. I decided she was the one and brought her home. I live alone, my apartment is quiet and peaceful, and I don't have any other pets or children.

When we got home, I let her out of her carrier and put out food, water, toys, and a litterbox. I spoke softly to her and let her explore on her own terms and am not trying to force interactions. Every hour or so I would go look for her and just say hello and few words about being a sweet girl. She spent most of the day in my bedroom on the edge of my bed, followed by coming out to take a walk round the apartment and see what was going on and then returning to my bedroom. When I went to bed last night she left the bedroom and spent the night in the living room. I'm not sure if she slept or not. She has eaten, and she is drinking very well. She peed at least once and had a poo also. I think these are all good things and good signs?

The trouble comes with her interactions with me (and I 100% admit that I am currently an anxious basket case who has spent since yesterday crying off and on; I had to take a sedative yesterday). I feel like she hates me and like I made a mistake and should take her back. And I feel terrible and guilt ridden at the thought. I'm not THAT type of person. I am having a lot of fears as to whether I will be able to love her like I did Callie, fears about what if something happens and she gets sick, what if she never likes me and is miserable here.

I assume this is transferring through to when I do talk to her because she ran up to me last night and gave me a face to face head butt and then followed that with slapping me with her paw and walking away.

I did pick her up once to put her on the floor after she got on the stove counter. It made her mad and she turned around and and batted at me.

This morning before I left for work I put the window shade up for her so she can enjoy looking out the window and she tried to grab my arm and bite me and hissed.

Am I just freaking out and I need to take some deep breaths? I keep trying to tell myself that a relationship isn't build in one day. I just feel overwhelmed with responsibility and anxiety.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
She doesn't hate you, she just doesn't know what's going on. The last time she was in a house, it was with her original owner. Original owner not being there is confusing. Leaving the shelter, no matter how much she hated it was leaving the known for the unknown. Being prey animals, cats hate change. She doesn't hate you, she's nervous.

Yes, your stress is communicated to her. Here's the good news, there is nothing for you to be stressed about. You've saved this little girl from the chaos of the shelter. In a few days, or a couple of weeks, when she is sure you are her friend, things will be as you hoped.

She's not a kitten, she has past experience to consider in her world view. Give her time. Remember she doesn't understand English, she understand the emotions you are feeling and probably wonders what is upsetting you. Is it something she should fear? Does it mean she's going to lose this home too? You know everything will be fine. Let the emotion of security flow through you to her. Let the emotion of patience flow through you to her.

Give her time, she's doing REALLY WELL, almost unbelievably well in adjusting. You're just out of practice with cats. You'll be fine. In a few weeks you'll have a new BFF. That may seem like a long time to you, but to her, it's the blink of an eye.

If you want, go in her room and read to her. Avoid eye contact for the next few days. Cats consider that a challenge and it might be a little distressing for you new bestie.

You've done a super good thing here.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
She likes you a lot; that's why she gave you a head butt. The affectionate cat you want is in there - she just needs time to get acclimated to your home. She will be much more comfortable in a week or two. Keep talking to her like you have, and give her the space to get adjusted. She is doing fine, and so are you. Bless you for taking in a senior cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
:welcomesign: Welcome to TCS! I am glad that you found us here and that you found a helpful thread.
Your poor kitty - 11 months in the shelter is a long time. She must have had so many experiences, both good and bad. Volunteers whom she adored and those whose actions displeased her. And at the end of the day, she was left behind, day after day, alone in a cage, night after night. Once she realizes the routine of having you all to herself, she will be able to let down her guard and have the courage to love again. Prayers and vibes that it all clicks in soon! :vibes::vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. Just wanted to say hang in there, and give her space. She's been through a lot and eventually will learn - through your dedication and perseverance - that she has found her new permanent home. It will take a while, as she has been away from her original owner in a shelter that - no matter how good they were - could never replace what she knew before. Once she realizes that you are there to take care of her, she will come around.

And, yeah, that head butt means a lot - in a good way!!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 21, 2018
Thanks so much! My anxiety has dissipated for the most part. Emmie is doing well. Within 4 days of gotacha day she climbed up in my lap for head pets and constantly wants her belly rubbed (which I find amazing!). She is turning into quite a lap kitty. :hearthrob:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 2, 2017
my first kitty hid under my bed for about two months to just come out and use litter box and eat. it took him months to jump in my lap. i had him for 16 wonderful years and by the end he was the sweetest kitty (at least to me, did not love other people). spent 15 of those years basically next to me all the time. you're doing great!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 22, 2017
Thanks so much! My anxiety has dissipated for the most part. Emmie is doing well. Within 4 days of gotacha day she climbed up in my lap for head pets and constantly wants her belly rubbed (which I find amazing!). She is turning into quite a lap kitty. :hearthrob:
It just takes time for them to settle in. Four days for an adult cat is great. Don't worry if there is a little backsliding as you both adjust to each other, its just part of getting to know each other.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2017
Any, well, you know how much we love's "pitchers"?


BTW, kind of late but, :welcomesign: