Infected Cat, What Can I Do? (pics Included)


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 13, 2018
A couple gave me 4 months ago a cat(he is 1 and half years old), because they were tired of him. They never took him to the vet, ever. So he does not have strong immune system. I have a garden and he lives there, but i take him inside when its cold or when he is meowing hard to my window. My husband doesnt like having cats in the house so he lives mostly outside. There are 6-7 more cats from other gardens outside. And they are bigger than him. Ive noticed that they harm him. He returns home with scratches and blood sometimes. 4 days ago he came home with a bloody cheek. Yesterday it became worse. I have no money to take him to the vet, they are expensive even for advice. I dont want the cat to suffer. Pls someone tell me what is going on and what can i do from home? This looks bad..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
He needs antibiotics. He really should see a vet. Are there any animal rescue groups in your area that can help financially? Give them all a call; they may know of a charity vet or just one that doesn't charge as much as others.

For now, keep it clean, don't let the opening scab over or the infection will stay inside. It needs to drain. Clean it with salt water. Try to keep him in one place---sick cats tend to go hide and he could die without treatment.

I hope you can find some help for him soon!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 10, 2018
Cleveland, OH
The cat needs proper attention. Someone could have shot a BB at the cat or maybe that's a tooth mark. He's a very sweet cat. I hope you can get that looked at.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 29, 2017
If you do not have money to care for a cat or even care enough to keep it inside why have a cat? You need to relinquish it to a rescue. I don’t mean to sound harsh I’ve just seen this so many times and it really really upsets me at this point. Cats that live outside have half the lifespan of indoor cats. They ARE going to get injured or sick and when they do it’s the owners responsibility to have it seen by a vet. That is just the way it is with outdoor cats. I hope you can find someone to look at it because it looks pretty bad. Maybe you can find a rescue who will take himin, have him vetted and re adopted to a proper home where he can be safe and properly taken care of it need be.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Oh poor baby. Can you convince your husband to let him live inside? There's got to be somebody to help him. What about the Humane Society? Call or email around, I'm sure somebody would help or take payments.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
I would call to the humane society in your area, or any rescue groups, as willowy said. You may be able to get some free help for him. I would call vets offices in the area and beg if that's all that's left to do. Hopefully, im not sure where you live? If you can get him neutered that would help with the fights.

We live in a small rural town, and there are strays and feral cats all over town. Our humane society does what they can, but they cant take all of the cats, or dogs. They are often way over capacity, and must turn new ones away. Myself, and some others i know try to trap, vet, spay and neuter and rehome what we can, but we cant get them all. It breaks my heart that we cant save all the cats, but i think there will always be strays, until all people take responsibility for the animals. Sometimes all you can do is the best you can. And yes, i get angry about it too, but when you cant get a shelter to take them, you cant re-home them, some will always remain strays. Providing shelter, food and water, and vet care when you can is all we can do sometimes.

You took the cat when it was abandoned, and have been trying to give it a home and feed it, so i thank you for that. Try to keep him in while he is hurt, if you can. Feed him well, a well fed cat can recover from a lot of problems. wet food if possible. Try to keep the area clean, and you can use a little triple antibiotic cream on the injury, just be sure it does not have the pain relief in it. The pain relief kind can make them very sick. Best of luck with him, let us know how it goes.