In Memory Of Baby & Wilbur.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 26, 2013
Cornwall, Ontario.
Baby was the sweetest cat I had ever met. She always wanted to be near you, snuggling and giving you kitty kisses. She belonged to my boyfriend, but it didn't take me long to fall in love with her. She stayed at my boyfriend's mother's place since I had 4 cats, and we couldn't take any more in. His sister called us one day and said that Baby had something wrong with her eye, that her eyelid was covering her eye and her eye looked like it was about to fall out, bleeding and pussing. We brought her to the vet where we learned that her eyelid was cancerous. The vet told us that he would have to remove her eye to save her, and that animals could live a long and healthy life only one eye. We were willing to do anything for her, and so we went through with the surgery. We got a call from the vet afterwards, telling us that during the surgery, they found a tumor behind her eye and that it had spread to her nose. We were told that she had about 6 months to a year left to live. My boyfriend wanted to bring her home, so we were sent home with some pain medication. She seemed fine, was playing around, snuggling with us, eating and drinking. She seemed to be healing just fine. We had an appointment for 3 weeks time to take out her sutures. The day before her suture removal, we came home from work and found her with blood coming out from where her sutures were. We tried to stop it, but the more we applied pressure or cleaned it up, the more blood would fall out. I called the emergency vet (since it was about 2 AM), and he said that it was probably the tumor growing and to only apply pressure for a few seconds and then not touch it, so that it could clot. We brought her to the animal hospital in the morning for what was suppose to be a suture removal, and she had blood all over her face and the cone around her. The vet looked at her, and found some huge lumps on her neck. He told us that the tumor has spread, and that it was now eating through her flesh and her bone. He told us it was time.
This was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I had never euthanized an animal before, and to see her the way she was, her face covered in blood.. it was heart breaking. And through all of it, she still snuggled up to me and my boyfriend like nothing was wrong. I called his sister to let her know, and she came to the animal hospital right away.
It was done and over in a minute, if that.

I still feel terrible to this day. If I had known the surgery wouldn't have saved her, I  never would have put her through that. We had a hard time letting her go though, and wanted to believe that we could have saved her. We did the best we could for her.

We had her cremated, and I ordered a solid wood oak urn for her ashes with her name engraved on it.

Although she wasn't my cat, she was the sweetest cat and I don't regret taking her in to care for her, or becoming close with her. She was so loving, and she didn't deserve to go the way she did. I hope that if there is a kitty Heaven, that she is happy and as healthy as can be.

R.I.P BABY. I will never forget your kind heart and sweet kisses. 
Shortly after Baby passed, my kitty Amber had kittens. She gave birth to 6 beautiful babies.

One of them was very small though, Wilbur. All the other kittens were growing and walking, and he wasn't. He was growing, but not as quickly, and the same goes for walking. He was eating though. I thought maybe he wasn't getting enough milk since all the other kitties were bigger and pushing him off, but I would check on him often and put him near Amber so he could get some milk, or sometimes, I would walk in and he would be feeding, so I figured he was just a small runt.

At about 5 weeks old, we found him laying on the floor and not moving. He was cold, cold, cold to the touch. I scooped him up and brought him to the vet. He was still breathing, and he was meowing the entire way there. they took him right away and put him in an oxygen tank like thing, wrapped in blankets. They were feeding him water and sugar. The vet said his circulation was slow, and that he might have been enemic (not sure how to spell it..). We were told to pick him up around 6 PM since the animal hospital would be closed and there would be no one there to feed him or watch him. We showed up, and she said she wanted us to see him. She brought us to him, and he was in that little tank, gasping for her. She said she was hopeful, but then he started not being able to breathe. She showed us a cloth with blood, and said he was sneezing it. She told us that she thinks he may have drank from his mother wrong, and ended up with a lung infection. She said she couldn't give him medication to treat it because he wouldn't take it since he couldn't breathe, and that they couldn't put him on an IV as he was too little and the stress of it could kill him. She said he was suffering and wouldn't make it through the night, and so he had to be euthanized.

I felt terrible for the longest time. I felt as though it was my fault that he had got sick. I felt like maybe I should have fed him, or did something more for him than I did. Maybe I felt worse because he was only a kitten, only 5 weeks old.. Sigh.

R.I.P little baby Wilbur..
I hope you found Baby up there at Rainbow Bridge, and that she is taking good care of you up there. <3


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
It's natural to question whether we did enough, too much, the right thing, etc., when matters are beyond our control. What's important is that Baby and Wilbur were loved, and you did what you could for them. RIP, sweet babies. You're obviously missed.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 7, 2013
10's always hard to lose our babies, no matter what the circumstances.  I've had guilt and questioned myself over every animal I've's a normal reaction.  Please don't beat  yourself up and know that you were only trying to HELP your cats, because you love them so so much and would never want any of them to be in pain or suffering.  I can definitely tell you loved your cats very much and did a great job taking care of them.  My boyfriend lost a cat in February due to a sudden and very aggressive cancer that appeared as a lump on the side of her face. It was in the bone and was quickly spreading.  There was nothing to be done about it and her quality of life quickly went downhill.  It all happened so fast.  Some of those cancers/tumors can be very malicious.  So sorry for your loss but forgive yourself of any guilt you may have.  You're a good person and a great animal lover and caretaker.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Please know you did all you could.... for both your babies. You gave them the greatest gift of all, your comfort and love. Sometimes despite all we do, nothing can be done to change the outcome, no amount of love can save them. They are both safe and free from pain now at the Rainbow Bridge. Bless you for caring so much. RIP beautiful Baby and Wilbur!