I’m Having A Breakdown!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Mar 12, 2013
I’ve posted before about my crazy family situation. Because I have had medical issues, which have restricted me in various ways to varying degrees, I have faced a LOT of adversity and nothing in life has gone my way and certainly not the way I would have ever expected. To make matters worse, my mother is EXTREMELY overbearing. She has a very narrow minded way of thinking and is an insufferable know it all who doesn’t know half of what she thinks she does and will hold eveyry mistake you’ve evrr made over you, as proof that she is always right.
I went back to school a while ago as a non traditional stident to finish my degree. I had gotten accepted to a few schools but my mother tormented me into submission to go where she wanted me to go, against my wishes. Now, I have a useless degree and no money to get a different degree from another school.
She had also talked me out of applying to Law School because she was afraid that an issie might come up in the workforce, due my medical problems. So, of course, I lostened to her. What you have to understand is that, if you dosagree with my mother, she takes it as a personal affeont but she is a also a merciless dictator and if she doesn’t get her way, she will harangue and browbeat you into a rage. Because I can’t physically get away from her, I cannot endure the relentless torment. Also, because I have no money, she is able to manipulate me that way.
At the time I was thinking of going to Law School I was healthy enough to do it. Now, I’m having other medical issues and I’m at an age where the financial risk versus reward is probably not faborable. So, for the past year, my father and I have been looking at franchises. My father is going to conteibute some money from a pension or something and make a business loan(not a huge one) for the rest. I don’t know exacrlty how it works but there is some way that things can be set up to protect tour house, in the case of default.
Every time we get close deep into talks with the franchosw reps, and are seeiously considering something, she freaks out and points out all the ways that we might not have enough money and that if the business isn’t immediately auccssful, we’ll lose the house and basically tortures us in the same way she does, whenever we disagree with her.
We are not stupid and would not just rush into anything. We have already turned down SEVERAL.
We are looking at businesses that I could handle, even with my medical issues. There aren’t many of thise to befin with. My mother has completwly tied my hands, between ruining my opportunities with school and now with getting a business. She would rather see me rot away in poverty, with no purpose in lofe. Right now, I literally do nothing all day. It’s inhumane and torturous for me. I don’t have friends or relarives and I can’t afford hobbies.I’ve sold a lot of my possessions to try get a little bit of money but my beother alao screwed me by losing the small inheritance I got, that I could have used toward a franchise. He has not repaid a dime and probably mever will. I feel like a caged animal. I have nowhere to turn and no way out of this unsustainable situation.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
...sending you :hugs: 's....

i can understand...complicated family relations, through my personal experiences.

something that might be considered is along with the franchise opportunity for you, that arrangements be made for an apartment (or possibly the purchase of a condo or such -- something like a monthly mortgage payment...i'm thinking more of your long term situation here) of your own. my thought is that you'll be better off with the space/distance from your mother, as well as that distance allowing you to better focus on (and enjoy) the franchise opportunity.

it might be best to simply not include your mother in discussions about the franchise and related. even that you and your father might consider discussing this away from your home/mother, and to store all related documents and related info/notes elsewhere.

of course, this is just my opinion, based on my experience. i can empathize with you, and am sending :vibes::vibes::vibes: that your situation improves, one way or another. :hugs:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Sounds like your dad n you should run! Sending you hugs!!! Maybe you guys can make a new life for yourselves and let your mom be miserable by herself. That way you are not alone. And your dad can have a few years of peace and quiet. I hope you guys figure out how to get away from a hostile home environment.

And the franchise sounds like a good idea. Look into shelters that deal with domestic violence. Maybe there's a way you guys can break free. HUGS


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 30, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Sorry about all that hassle! :hugs:

As cheesy as it sounds, it can and will get better! Take a deep breath, then start a plan. Write it all down. Research online, go to a bookstore or a library. There might be something there that can help you that hasn't even crossed your mind yet, a eureka moment.

Focus on steps and ideas about how you can get yourself out of a toxic situation and earn some money.

There is a way! This is not the end!

I agree with the above too, do not discuss things with your mother. Don't give her a wide open door to the inside.

Huge hugs and many best wishes :grouphug:


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I agree with the above members and it sounds as though your mom is not only manipulating your dad and you but she is a major control freak. She is taking advantage of your medical issues to diminish your self-esteem. Keep in mind you have made some wonderful accomplishments by returning to school and getting your degree albeit not in the specific major you intended.

Perhaps you could find a job and a roommate to help pay the rent since it sounds like your home life with your mother is not going to improve unless you take control of your own destiny. I wish you the best of luck and sincerely hope you can move on with your life and find happiness. :hugs: