Iggy and the new kitten (Update)


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 2, 2009
I posted a couple of weeks ago about how Iggy (17 mos) was reacting to the addition of a new kitten (7 weeks) to the house. To make it short he was not reacting well and showing a lot of aggression, primarily towards me.

Igs is now doing much better with Manny (the new kitten). They've even begun to play together a bit, so that's going well. I still don't leave the two of them alone though.

Iggy is getting a little better with the people aggression but there are still problems. I think he's figured out that if he growls and scratches he'll get his way! If I try to move him from the kitchen counter I get growls and scratching. If I pick him up to remove him from "Manny's" room more growling and scratching. Sometimes he even bites, not nips, but full-on, break-the-skin bites. It took two of us wearing gloves to get him into the cat carrier for a trip to the vet last week. I've NEVER had a problem with this before.

What do I do? Is this going to be a forever thing? It's gotten to the point where I'm almost afraid of the little guy.


PS Manny is turning into a fabulous pet. He's very gentle and adores petting an napping in laps. We're thrilled but a little puzzled since we got him at 7 weeks from what we are assuming was a feral litter.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 18, 2007
I think that if you continue to take it really easy and keep them separated for a little longer, eventually you will have two best friends and an Iggy who will return to his lovable self toward you. The problem may be at the start that they are both male, so a little "tom" agression is probably being exhibited. I have never had to introduce a male to another male so I can't speak from experience. When I got Dusky, at the time a 5/6 month old female, my two old boys Temper and Polkie (now in Rainbow Heaven), just thought she was too cute. She was the one doing all the growling and hissing. The two boys came as a set when their previous owner had to get married and the potential bride claimed deathly allergies
so I never got to see how they behaved when they first met. They only had a few months difference in ages. I followed the introduction rules posted on this site and Dusky's harmonious joining to the household was virtually painless. Then again it may have helped that she was a female and the resident ones were male. I'm not sure. When Polkie was doing badly, I had already decided that when it was his time, I would be getting another kitty. The day after he passed on, I got Mojo just a tiny kitten, but a male. There wasn't even an introduction. They just adopted each other. I think that with patience and care you will get your boys to adore each other and you! Keep up the good work and don't despair!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 31, 2005
queens, new york
Was Iggy showing any aggression prior to this new intro? Sounds like he is stressed and uncomfortable with his environment. Have you been treating him different since Manny? Maybe Iggy doesn't get the attention he use to, maybe you scold him, or even closing him out of rooms that you are in...... If you approach him with fear, he will sense and react to that. Having to use gloves and blankets, to force a kitty into a carrier is not a good. They never forget such a stressful experience. They need to trust their surroundings, trust the carrier, and most importantly trust you.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 2, 2009
We have tried as much as possible to make it easy on Iggy. Lots of extra treats and things. The two cats don't share anything right now. Iggy sleeps in our bedroom and he's never locked up-we put Manny in the laundry room bath at night when we can't keep an eye on them. This was Iggy's litter box room, I moved his box into the laundry room. Our downstairs is all open floor plan and this is really the only place that we can isolate Manny. I put a screen around Ig's box for privacy. He seems okay with that. He's eating well too. I'd say that, except for these extreme reactions to things, Iggy is about 90% back to normal.

We didn't push Manny on Iggy and just let Iggy call the shots on whether or not he wanted to be near the new kitty. We started out putting Manny in the cat carrier where Igs could see and smell him for short periods of time and moved slowly to where we are now. They, at least, seem to be finally doing okay. I think Iggy's more curious than upset now. They've even begun to play together a bit.

The main problem is when we try to do anything he doesn't like-remove him from the kitchen counter, pick him up at a "bad" time, take something away, etc. This is new and it's not a mild thing either, the cat is out for blood. As soon as whatever it is is over Igs pretty much reverts back to his old self, friendly and playful.

I was wondering though. We got Iggy when he was only a couple of days old. He has always played rough and I've been told this could be a result of growing up without a mama or litter mates. Do you think this new behavior is connected? It's almost all directed toward me too. He's much better with my husband.
