If you have caregivers......


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
for your parents or for anybody, keep an eye on them. My sister and niece went up to Mom's apartment so my niece could take home what she wanted. She had wanted the dining room set because she doesn't have one right now. Their kitchen is still gutted, they are remodeling, and they have pretty much nothing in there but their appliances.

And she also chose Tony. Tony is a decades-old plastic Tony the Esso Tiger cookie jar that has been sitting on Mom's counters for decades. He was a give-away from a local gas station (remember the Esso gas stations? "Put a tiger in your tank") so many years ago, we don't really know just how old Tony is. But he's missing. Tony is missing.

My sister had a key to the apartment and I had a key. It turns out, too, that one of Mom's caregivers also had a key. Mom told me about a week or so after she was admitted to the nursing home that Kim had a key to the apartment. When I asked her why, she said it was because Kim got evicted from her apartment and was using Mom's place to crash. Mom trusted Kim, even though both my sister, brother, and I told her this was no good. She had asked Kim to give her the key back and to please start paying her back the money and, of course, Kim then stopped even going to visit Mom. I should add that Kim had also gotten fired from the organization she was working for as a caregiver. So she would "visit" with Mom. As far as we know, she still has a key to the apartment. In addition, Mom had loaned her money....she told me the amount was probably around $200, which means that it's more likely around $600 or so. She would borrow money in little amounts, never pay it back, and Mom just kept loaning her more. Kim was kind of skanky....always showing up in really short shorts and tube tops with no bra. Very unprofessional. Not to mention way too old to be wearing those clothes. We tried to get Mom to call the agency to get her to stop coming there because neither my sister nor I trusted Kim in the slightest. But Mom did. Unfortunately.

I wanted to have the locks on the door changed as soon as we heard about Kim having the key, but my sister said it wasn't really an issue, that Mom really didn't have anything worth taking. And she really doesn't. Tony probably doesn't have any serious value (although he might to a collector), but he's been part of our family for so long. But as soon as we realized that Kim had a key, we should have changed the locks. Right then and there. That's our fault.

My sister called me and asked me where Tony was. I said he was on the kitchen counter. "No, he's not!" They checked the entire apartment. No Tony. There are some other things missing now, too, some crystal bowls that Mom had way on the top of the kitchen cabinets. We were so busy with other things when we were up there that we didn't realize. We were there one time, looking for Dad's discharge papers (from the Marines), we were looking for information on the car that Mom had sold, we've been there. But we don't remember exactly when Tony went missing....we never really looked. I was there for the first two weeks or so right after Mom was admitted to the nursing home; I'd go in twice a day to spend time with Muffin. And then when one of the ladies came over to me (Muffin and I were out for a walk in her stroller) and said that it was really lucky that nobody had called the SPCA about Muffin being alone in the apartment, the next day I went up and brought Muffin home. And I didn't really go back to the apartment all that much until we needed papers and we needed information to complete paperwork for Medicare and such. We didn't check on Tony, why would we?

We're going to completely clean out the apartment this weekend and go through her things to see what all is there.

It's a shame. There's nothing we can do. We can't prove it was Kim, although who else would it have been? Nobody else has a key. She really took advantage of Mom.

So keep an eye on your caregivers....it never hurts to be watchful.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Central New Jersey
Now that is a really horrible thing to do, steal from an elderly person while she is elsewhere. It's too bad your Mom trusted this woman so much but Kim knew exactly what she was doing. It doesn't matter that Tony didn't have much value cash wise but it had a lot of value to your family and that is such a shame for it to be gone after so many years, just like that.

It's as bad as people looting families that were hit by Sandy, what kind of human beings are out there. It is a sad, sad thing of what goes on. You're right to get everything out of your Mom's apartment asap and unfortunately you can't bring charges against Kim since you have no proof. There are some really bad people out there.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
I'm so sorry. :( Being in the profession myself, it hurts me to see stories like this. I know it happens.


TCS Member
Aug 24, 2008
North East England
That is disgusting, is there no way you can trick her, like say have you seen which ever items like tony, and say well so and so seen you with them.  I would still get in touch with the police like you say there was only 4 of you with a key and if and your sister didnt take it and your mam didnt, I know you dont have proof per se but there could be others that in the past have filed a report so they may look into it and find the things.....but then she may say they were gifts as it would only be her word on it :( 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
That is disgusting, is there no way you can trick her, like say have you seen which ever items like tony, and say well so and so seen you with them.  I would still get in touch with the police like you say there was only 4 of you with a key and if and your sister didnt take it and your mam didnt, I know you dont have proof per se but there could be others that in the past have filed a report so they may look into it and find the things.....but then she may say they were gifts as it would only be her word on it :( 
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 7, 2010
Naples, Fl
That's so sad to have people take advantage of elderly or ill people. It's not the monetary value of things - like Tony - but it's the sentimental issues. Of course you could ask her but I know she'd deny taking anything or she'd say your mother gave it to her as a gift.

lorie d.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 2, 2001
Upper Midwest (SE MN)
That is disgusting, is there no way you can trick her, like say have you seen which ever items like tony, and say well so and so seen you with them.  I would still get in touch with the police like you say there was only 4 of you with a key and if and your sister didnt take it and your mam didnt, I know you dont have proof per se but there could be others that in the past have filed a report so they may look into it and find the things.....but then she may say they were gifts as it would only be her word on it :( 
I agree with this too.  Another thing you could do is contact a lawyer and find out what legal options you might have.  Your mother was unfairly taken advantage of, and this shouldn't be tolerated under any circumstances.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We're going up to the apartment on Saturday to start tearing things down and I will talk to my sister and brother. They're pretty much thinking to just let it go because it's over and done with at this point. The woman had already been fired several months ago, so she didn't take Tony while she was working for the agency. I'm going to call the agency anyway, though, just to tell them what happened....this is a group through the Area Agency on Aging, so it's not a fly-by-night organization.

It's our fault, too, because after we knew that Kim had a key, we still didn't change the lock. Thinking back, we really should have done so.....I should have pushed for that to be done.

Thank you for your advice. 


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
That's so terrible. You don't need this on top of everything else you're going through right now. I hope nothing else is missing, and that you get Tony back.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Thanks, guys. As far as we could find, nothing else was missing. Just Tony. We found the "missing" baskets way back in the back of the one cabinet....why they were there, we don't know. My sister is going to talk to one of the other caregivers who was also very close to Mom and see if she knows anything. She had my Mom's house keys for about a week right after Mom was admitted to the hospital. She wanted to give them to me, but I told her to give them to my sister, that it was not a big deal. Unlike Kim, we all trusted this woman implicitly.  We talked about this yesterday and nobody thinks this person took Tony. But my sister is going to call her this afternoon, just to be on the safe side.
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Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Is it possible your mother gave Tony to somebody or cracked him and forgot to mention it? I remember missing a unique vase from my parents' house (it had been a gift from my in-laws to them) after my father died and asking whether it had been broken. My mother said she'd seen one of the nurses who came to help take care of him admiring it several times, so she gave it to her right after he died. She'd simply forgotten to tell me.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
No, Tricia, because Tony was still in the kitchen the night we took Mom to the hospital at the beginning of September. He was still there that night.