if his head wasnt attached...


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2006
Essex, United Kingdom
I have about 4 different sets of housekeys I keep "safe" for other people (luckily never been called on to help out in an emergency) and I have another 3 sets of office keys for the offices I do cleaning for! I am pretty good at remembering where I put them because they are all in the pantry cupboard on their own hooks with the names of each person/office they belong to! Once I use them, they go back on their little hook! My car/housekeys are always in my handbag so I never forget them!

I have only once lost a set of housekeys... they weren't my housekeys and wasn't all together that sober! I'd been out with my younger sister and she'd got me plastered because her "BIG SIS" doesn't go out enough according to her (she's 23 and a complete club nut!) and she'd been buying me my drinks all night but slowly and surely been upping the alcohol in each drink! Before I knew it I couldn't stand, couldn't talk and was happily directing the taxi driver in the wrong direction to home! He threw us out when he realised I was WAAAAAAYYYY over my limit and we had circled the block 4 times! It was only when we got back to the flat 2 hours later did I realise I'd lost my sister's housekeys! She was furious! I called out the locksmith in very slurred English (who'd opened up the flat once before when my sister had forgotten to take her housekeys out with her... erm yeah, I believe that story!), paid him £200.00 for the after hours call out fee and £100.00 to unlock the damn door - and he got a very drunk young lady (namely me) flatter him with compliments of how good he's been, how brilliant his service was and how sexy he looked in running shorts and trainers!! I learned my lesson when I suddenly realised the next morning what had happened, what I'd said and then the thumping headache began!
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 23, 2004
lol well he was still sucking up to me this morning..tehehehe


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2004
The Banana Belt of MT
At least he knows he needs to suck up!

The only time I locked the keys in my ex-husband's truck, it was after I started it to warm it up in the driveway--and then we couldn't find the spare. So I told him to check his jeans, since three days before he'd misplaced his keys and had to use the spare. But NOOOOOO, it was MY fault, I'D not put the spare back where it belonged, it's NOT in his jeans. . .

Five minutes after the locksmith left, I walked into the bedroom, picked up the jeans he'd been wearing, and, lo and behold, there was the spare in his pocket! Hadn't even needed the locksmith. And you know he never once apologized? (get a sense of why he's the ex??????)
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 23, 2004
Originally Posted by RicaLynn

At least he knows he needs to suck up!

The only time I locked the keys in my ex-husband's truck, it was after I started it to warm it up in the driveway--and then we couldn't find the spare. So I told him to check his jeans, since three days before he'd misplaced his keys and had to use the spare. But NOOOOOO, it was MY fault, I'D not put the spare back where it belonged, it's NOT in his jeans. . .

Five minutes after the locksmith left, I walked into the bedroom, picked up the jeans he'd been wearing, and, lo and behold, there was the spare in his pocket! Hadn't even needed the locksmith. And you know he never once apologized? (get a sense of why he's the ex??????)
OUCH yes i am, lol na steve is a big old suck up right now even offered to clean the kitchen..lol i could get used to this..

of course hes not gonna like that he has 100lbs of Wax to haul up the stairs when he gets home


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 18, 2005
Heh, the FH and I locked ourselves out of the house yesterday... we live in the upstairs of a two person duplex... and there are two houses VERY close in on both sides... sometimes the back door is unlocked, so we tried that, but of course it wasn't unlocked.

We tried a couple of the back windows... but they all have storm windows. There was a guy working across the street, so I suggested that we ask if he had a drill to drill out the lock. We had also remembered that there weren't stormwindows in the hall and bathroom windows (both on the second floor), so FH decided that it was better to ask for a ladder rather than a drill.

Then came the fun part.
We had to get the ladder over a six foot solid wood wall in between our house -- with about three and half feet of space between them. Then we had to around back of the house and climb over the chain link fence to get between the houses. FH had to climb up the ladder, shoulder open the window, and crawl in head first! Poor guy.

At least we got in though!


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I locked myself out of my car twice within just 2 or 3 weeks in HS. It was my senior year and I worked in the guidance office one period, so my mother both times just got my keys and gave them to her. That day when I got in there she told me that my mother could just give her a copy of the key and save herself a trip if she wanted to!

The last time I did it I was working at the mall and it was summer time. The ac in my car didn't work too well, but my store was freeeezing! So I'd wear a long sleeve shirt with a tank underneath and just wear the tank in to work. Well I got to work and noticed my friend was parked pretty much next to me, so I wrote a quick note to her and went to stick it in her car...and bumped my door shut! My shirt was in the car. My purse, hanging wide open with my wallet and cell sticking out was right on the front seat! I had to work in the store-room till my mother rescued me again. That part actually was kinda nice! No customers!

I like my house and car now. I have to manually lock my house with the key from the outside and since my car has a remote, I notice it. Plus if I leave the key in the ignition (how I locked myself out of my car in HS), it won't lock even if I hit the button on the door.