If cats had pockets...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I love all these answers! Lol Every cat here would choose something different. Whistle is addicted to catnip but would also snitch angel food cake to stuff his pockets. Lady would probably just want her brush. Precious would have cash and toys and Banjo would look like she was carrying a pocketbook. She would have everything from my purse in her pockets! Including my phone! Mackie is the only one who would just have lint in his pockets. Lol

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Graham would probably hoard bottle caps, plastic straws, nailcutter, my budgies' feathers, anything she can think of, and hide in her pocket.

Bourbon would probably be plastic bags - all sizes and colors, and secretly lick on them when I am not looking.

Pepsi - Clumps of fur off from any of the dogs (souvenirs of his victories from fighting with the canines in the house)

Barley - photo frame with me or my husband on it. He loves looking at our photos. LOL.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 4, 2019
Pimenta would find a way to fold space in order to put us in her pocket so that she would never be away from us :biggrin::goldstar:

Given her destructive nature and absolutely predatory instincts, I'm a bit afraid of what Pantera might have in her pocket. Although at the BBQ this weekend, She only accepted beef and pork filet mignon. She actually passed on the chicken (Pimenta didn't, of course) 💀💀:blackcat2:

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Casper has his own, large bowl to keep his toys in.

He knows where it is and, whenever he decides that he wants to play with a new toy, he goes to his bowl and picks one out.

There's also a small bowl of catnip next to his toy bowl. Any time he wants some, he'll go there and have a nibble.
I've never seen a cat, before, that actually eats catnip by the mouthful! He's the biggest catnip fiend I have ever seen!
Whenever we get out the jar of fresh catnip out of the cupboard (we have to keep it locked up or else he'll get into it) he's right there, no matter where, in the house, he is. He could be in a dead sleep but will come a'runnin' when he hears the catnip cupboard open!

If we ever let him outside, he'd be that cat standing on the street corner, saying, "PSST! Hey! Wanna' buy some catnip?" whenever another cat walked by! ;) ;) ;)

We're happy to give Casper almost as much catnip as he wants but, left to his own devices, would probably have his pockets stuffed with it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Casper has his own, large bowl to keep his toys in.

He knows where it is and, whenever he decides that he wants to play with a new toy, he goes to his bowl and picks one out.

There's also a small bowl of catnip next to his toy bowl. Any time he wants some, he'll go there and have a nibble.
I've never seen a cat, before, that actually eats catnip by the mouthful! He's the biggest catnip fiend I have ever seen!
Whenever we get out the jar of fresh catnip out of the cupboard (we have to keep it locked up or else he'll get into it) he's right there, no matter where, in the house, he is. He could be in a dead sleep but will come a'runnin' when he hears the catnip cupboard open!

If we ever let him outside, he'd be that cat standing on the street corner, saying, "PSST! Hey! Wanna' buy some catnip?" whenever another cat walked by! ;) ;) ;)

We're happy to give Casper almost as much catnip as he wants but, left to his own devices, would probably have his pockets stuffed with it.
Elvis is like this with silvervine. I have a small container of it in one of their sideboards *"Their" sideboards because both sideboards are for cat food, treats, supplies and whatnot* and if I open the doors on that one, he'll paw it out and go CRAZY. It's in a hard plastic container with a lid, inside a sealed plastic bag.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
We keep our catnip in a Mason jar with a rubber gasket.

We just take the plastic bag out of the original package and stuff it into the jar.

No matter how careful we are, some of the oil from the catnip gets on the outside of the jar and he can still smell it but a Mason jar is sturdy enough that it won't break unless it falls from a high place. Casper won't be able to get into it or knock it down because we always keep it locked up in a cupboard he can't get to.