I Wanna Get Rid Of New Kitten But I Can't


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 22, 2018
So on the 4th of July I decided to get my little brother a kitten since he's been wanting one for a little while now. I was the one who convinced my family to let my brother have the kitten. (I already have a 2 year old cat of my own btw) The first few days were fine with the new cat I really liked her but now I just want to return her back to the shelter or give her to a new family. For starters, my resident cat HATES the kitten and my poor cat has to be locked in my room all day because the kitten is always in the living room/dining room and they fight. Second of all, the kitten came with a bad respiratory infection and she's now passed it on to my resident cat. And then also whatever bad thing the kitten does, my mother gets mad at me and blames me that this is all my fault because I'm the one who convinced them to get a new cat. I fully take the blame for that because I didn't exactly think things through at the moment of getting it I thought things were going to go well. Anyways so for over a week now I've been wanting to give the kitten back or find her a better family but I can't because my mom, step dad and brother are really attached to the kitten & love her. I told my mom if I could find the kitten a new home and she said "Absolutley not, there's no way you're giving her away now".

I'm mainly upset because the kitten got my resident cat sick. Who knows what other diseases the kitten might have and give it to my poor cat. What if she has leaukemia? I just don't know what to do. I don't want my cat to get sick and die, it'll be my fault :(
All in all, I personally think the kitten would be better in another home it's for the best of her but I can't give her away.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
This is why you take the kitten to the vet to clear it of any illnesses before introducing it to your resident cat. They also should have been separated and very slowly introduced.

How old is the kitten first of all? When you say they "fight" what is happening? If it is bloodshed and fur flying it is serious and we you need to totally start over from scratch with introductions. If they just hiss and growl this is NORMAL. This is how cats communicate. Tell us exactly what is happening between them so we know where to go.

It sounds like right now they are separate. The kitten needs to go to the vet for shots and the older cat needs to go to the vet for medication. In the meantime, you can pick up Feliway plug ins and sprays for the rooms the cats are in. You can buy calming collars. But keep them apart until they are cleared of illness.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 22, 2018
The kitten is 3 months old. They don't fight bad its just that theres times my resident cat is completely fine with her around they even sniff each other but there's times where my cat is angry and will hiss & growl at the kitten. The most she's done is hit the kitten on the head. And yes you're right I should've taken her to the vet first. I just thought that she was healthy because that's what they told me at the shelter. They said she had all her shots, was fixed and everything. She has a vet appointment on Wednesday.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
The kitten is 3 months old. They don't fight bad its just that theres times my resident cat is completely fine with her around they even sniff each other but there's times where my cat is angry and will hiss & growl at the kitten. The most she's done is hit the kitten on the head. And yes you're right I should've taken her to the vet first. I just thought that she was healthy because that's what they told me at the shelter. They said she had all her shots, was fixed and everything. She has a vet appointment on Wednesday.
Ohhh! That's great! Then the shelter likely tested her for leukemia and feline aids also, but the paperwork should tell you for sure.

Hissing and growling are fine, especially if other times he is completely fine with her. He isn't necessarily angry, he is just showing her who is boss or telling her to back off. That is ok! I think they are probably fine to be together (as soon as their colds are better) as long as your older cat has a place to escape and you do it while you are home at first. Maybe still separate them when no one is hope JUST IN CASE.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
Also you should have 2, ideally 3 litterboxes for them to share. 1 per cat plus one. Better safe then sorry.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
It would be very unusual if there weren't some hissing, that is part of it. Having them separated for a time is good, they are still aware of each of other. Here is an article on introducing cats How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide It takes time. Things like scent and site swapping helps a lot.

I know you hate seeing your cats sick but URI's are very common when a cat, particularly a kitten comes to a new home. They are stressed by change, their immune system is weakened from stress and they end up with a URI.


Life isn’t perfect, and it’s lovely that way. ❤️
Alpha Cat
Feb 17, 2018
New Hampshire
You’re going to be okay, Love. :heartshape:
It sounds like you were trying to do a kind thing and make sure your little brother had a pet of his own to love. It also sounds like you and your family had been thinking about it for a while, and that they love her already. It’s normal to be worried and scared, and frustrated too when things don’t go well at first, but hang in there! Its going to be okay:hearthrob:
It’s sounds like you’re mostly concerned about the health of your beloved cat, and it’s great that you have a vets appointment and you’ll get help and any meds they need, don’t worry! Everyone here is super helpful and there’s lot of information and people who can help you integrate the new kitten into your family. Your cat will be a big sister and put the new little scamp in her place and let her know who’s boss! (Kind of like you’ve probably done with your brother sometimes? ;) I’m a big sister too, haha!) She will make some noise at him from time to time.
One thing that helped our dog and cat get through some issues, has been treats and toys! Cats do well clicker training, and it gives them something positive to focus on instead of each other. Start simple. Try teaching them to come and learn their names, call them by name, then click-praise-treat! They will each focus on pleasing you, winning the game and getting a snack. You can get a clicker at any local pet store, they are super cheap, and look for small training treats like these:
Wellness Kittles Cat Treat Variety Pack - 3 Flavors (Chicken & Cranberries, Salmon & Cranberries, and Tuna & Cranberries Flavors) - 2 oz Each (3 Total Pouches)
Here’s two clickers for 5$
NewNewStar Pet Training Clicker with Wrist Strap, Dog Training Clicker, Black/Blue
You can do this! I think you only wanted to make your brother happy, and you clearly care and love your pets and family.:hearthrob: Good for you to ask for help and try to work things out, you can do this! Also, tell your mom you were just worried and that you love her and your brother and just want everyone to be happy. When you do something in love, good will come out in the end.
Trust me Mums eat that stuff up. ;)