I think I broke my little toe


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I was walking out the hallway with a large box of decorations, hit that blasted dog gate with my left foot, and I think I broke my little toe. Either that or it's badly stubbed. It's really swollen and I've been doing the ice thing now since about 3:00. Hurts like heck. It doesn't really look all bruised, but there's a good-sized lump on the top of the toe. Rick said he hopes I haven't chipped the bone. Not going to doctor because he'll just tape that toe to the one next to it, if it is broken.

I really hate that :censor: dog gate!


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Ouch!  I cracked the tip of my little toe on the base molding at the corner between the living room and hallway.  I hobbled through grocery shopping the next day before deciding I should get it looked at at one of the walk-in places we have.  X-ray confirmed the break  but thank fully it wasn't a bad one.  Wearing my New Balance sneakers helped a lot.  

I hope your toe is feeling better soon!  Maybe go ahead and tape it for work tomorrow at least?
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TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Take care of that toe. I didn't go at first, but I should have. My toe finally healed, but it didn't heal straight. Also I can no longer bend it. I hope it will be okay.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
It doesn't seem too bad this morning. Not as black as it was yesterday morning. Rick thinks now that I may have just stubbed it badly, but he doesn't want me walking this week, until we see what's going to happen with it. I'm wearing boots and I have the toe taped to the toe next to it. And I'm wearing a sock to bed on that foot.

Thanks guys!


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
It doesn't seem too bad this morning. Not as black as it was yesterday morning. Rick thinks now that I may have just stubbed it badly, but he doesn't want me walking this week, until we see what's going to happen with it. I'm wearing boots and I have the toe taped to the toe next to it. And I'm wearing a sock to bed on that foot.

Thanks guys!
Rick's right- you should stay off it as much as you can. I'd also recommend soaking your foot in epsom salts in warm water. DH twisted his ankle pretty badly falling off a ladder years ago and the epsom salt soaks really helped. I made them for him in an empty 5 gallon bucket. 

Crutches would probably be a good idea too. He also used those. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Hope it gets better. I would be saying
 you to the gate too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And hopping around. I often stub my babytoe on Honeybee's scratching post-she won't leave the couch alone. So it stays and of course I am clumsy as all heck. Walking into things. No one is allowed to have cups of water on the floor. I will knock it over.

I detest foot pain. Because then we feel like we should be just sucking it up. Does turmeric help with the pain? I second the Epson Salts. Such a BLANK to deal with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Oh, I'm surprised nobody in the neighborhood heard me cussing a blue streak when it happened. And then I looked at The Beast and said, "You know, this is all your fault!" She just kind of looked at me and I swear she muttered, "Gotcha!" under her breath as she walked away.

I never thought about Epsom salts. And I have a foot spa that our kids gave me for Christmas several years ago (that I used once). I should get that out. Thanks, @Kat0121.

I'm dopic. If anybody's going to bump into something or knock something over, it's going to be me. I fall down steps. I fall off ladders. This is not the first time I've caught my foot in that blasted gate, but this is the worst time. (And I've started to make an effort to wear shoes in the house now, too.) My thighs are black and blue from that blasted gate, too. Rick did take the one down between the kitchen and the living room, but we can't take the one in the hallway down; that's like an open invitation for feline chocolate bars! Might as well put a sign in the hallway that says, "Come and get it!" She'd have every bit of poop scarfed down in minutes from every litter box in the house and I swear that dog would be waiting with bated breath for a cat to poop.

On the other hand, think of the time I could save not having to scoop poop. But then again, think of the time I'd spend cleaning up dog puke from all the cat poop she ate. I can't win. 

I went into visit with Rick's mom during my lunch today. I drove, didn't walk over. So I had my work clothing on, boots, and my long winter coat. She noticed right away and asked me what happened because me not walking is a dead giveaway that something's wrong. I told her about the gate and she tried not to laugh. I'll give her credit, she tried. I told her to go ahead, I knew she wanted to.
 And she completely lost it when I told her that Jackie muttered "Gotcha!" to me.

Oh well, it does feel better. Maybe I'll get that foot spa out tonight. I completely forgot about it. 
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TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Oh, I'm surprised nobody in the neighborhood heard me cussing a blue streak when it happened. And then I looked at The Beast and said, "You know, this is all your fault!" She just kind of looked at me and I swear she muttered, "Gotcha!" under her breath as she walked away.

I never thought about Epsom salts. And I have a foot spa that our kids gave me for Christmas several years ago (that I used once). I should get that out. Thanks, @Kat0121.

I'm dopic. If anybody's going to bump into something or knock something over, it's going to be me. I fall down steps. I fall off ladders. This is not the first time I've caught my foot in that blasted gate, but this is the worst time. (And I've started to make an effort to wear shoes in the house now, too.) My thighs are black and blue from that blasted gate, too. Rick did take the one down between the kitchen and the living room, but we can't take the one in the hallway down; that's like an open invitation for feline chocolate bars! Might as well put a sign in the hallway that says, "Come and get it!" She'd have every bit of poop scarfed down in minutes from every litter box in the house and I swear that dog would be waiting with bated breath for a cat to poop.

On the other hand, think of the time I could save not having to scoop poop. But then again, think of the time I'd spend cleaning up dog puke from all the cat poop she ate. I can't win. 

I went into visit with Rick's mom during my lunch today. I drove, didn't walk over. So I had my work clothing on, boots, and my long winter coat. She noticed right away and asked me what happened because me not walking is a dead giveaway that something's wrong. I told her about the gate and she tried not to laugh. I'll give her credit, she tried. I told her to go ahead, I knew she wanted to.
 And she completely lost it when I told her that Jackie muttered "Gotcha!" to me.

Oh well, it does feel better. Maybe I'll get that foot spa out tonight. I completely forgot about it. 
I hope it helps!! 

I am dopic too. When I was a kid, we had the driveway from hell. it was long and steep and a nightmare to shovel. Especially when there was ice under the snow (which was often). I ALWAYS found the ice patches and fell on my butt countless times. I could walk across a parking lot the size of a football field that had one small spot of black ice. I'd find that spot and wind up on my butt. The street we lived on was a hill too. Going down that hill to the bus stop in winter was no fun either. 

Have I mentioned lately how much I 
 hate winter? 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 18, 2016
Sri Lanka
Dear Winchester, pls try enzyme supplements. We have them in Germany and if you use for sprains aso it heals double fast. Hope this available where u live.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I have broken each of my baby toes. I know I did, never had them x-rayed, but you just know it. 

Once I was on vacation in San Francisco; lots of walking planned. I was glad I had a nice soft pair of tie on shoes, at the time.. it was in the late 80's before sneakers became popular. I lived in those shoes.. 

I forge when the other toe was broken. Both of them are crooked and a bit bent. 

About 10 years ago, I was in a very angry mood, on a summer's weekend. I know I was cleaning the windows on the balcony doors. Low and behold, the screen door fell off it's track! The super was not around to put it back in place. I tried, and tried, but could not get it all the way in. My temper really came out, resulting in a swift kick to the bottom of the door frame with my left foot.... You got it--- OUCH!!! 

I know I broke the area just under the big toe.. right where people get bunions.. Yup, I now have a huge bunion, with a slightly angled toe, towards the rest of the toes.. Me and my anger... 

I learned my lesson. I never had that x-rayed either. I should have.. and I should have been put in a 'boot".. but I was working and taking care of my dad at the time.. I remember limping around, wearing New Balance sneaker clogs.. 

To this day I have a hard time finding shoes to fit.. I am not going to have it re-broken in order to fix it... shudder...

Turned out the Super had a hard time getting the screen back on track.. he had to unscrew something and then fit it back into place... 

@Winchester  I feel your pain...