I need some advice about my job (long, sorry)


Darksome Duo!
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2003
Denton TX
Originally Posted by zorana_dragonky

I do agree that I need to find another job, so I will start slowly shopping around. I can't really do web design anywhere around here, we are the only real company in my town and I don't want a job that I have to commute to until I finish school (I work full time and go to school full time, ewww.). Maybe I can find something in tech support, or an actual administrative position, since like so many of you have mentioned, I often have to do administrative work in between my other duties...
seems to me like web design would be something were you could telecommute? worth investigating, anyway...
Originally Posted by zorana_dragonky

Now I just have to figure out how to act around her at work today.
act like [for now] that the whole incident never happens.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 25, 2005
Plano, Texas
Originally Posted by Zane's Pal

If my boss had pulled this on me, when she said the bit about "do this again and I'll fire you on the spot," I would have said, "speak to me that way again and I'll quit on the spot."

Originally Posted by Sweets

Quietly and professionally tell your boss that she does not have the right or your permission to yell at you like that. This is a place of business and you expect her to behave in a business like manner. You made a mistake, for which you have apologized. You now feel you are owed an apology. Then stand and walk out of her office. Go back to your desk and back to work. If she is going to apologize, make her do it in front of everyone.

Originally Posted by littleraven7726

...your boss should hire a receptionist.

We sure have some smart people around here, don't we?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 22, 2007
Secret Santa Land
Given the time period of the call and when the boss left - no, rushed out - I would say that she should not have yelled at you in public. And, you did apologize.

That being said, I believe that you can make more money as a freelancer. Did you sign an agreement that you would not take the clients away if you decide to leave? Do you think that the clients would come to you? Find out what the company charges and I am sure that you can make more than $9.50/hr and still underbid her. If you have favorite customers that call you and know your work, tell them that you are thinking of going out on your own and would they consider hiring you. Explain that you are not sure yet but are just putting your feelers out. Most of the customers, if not all, would know that you haven't discussed this with your boss and would not tell her. Those that like your work, that is.

You said that you do technical support and everyone takes turns answering the phone. The only outside lines you should be answering are the ones that come into a technical support number. You can have a personal number as well. Why is there not an automated call routing system in place? You know, for so and so, select 1, etc. You could be 9 for technical support plus the personal number which should not be given out as the technical support number. The persons who are salaried, if not that many are, can be put on the call routing system. This would be a more cost effective way of handling incoming calls than taking staff away from their regular jobs to man the phones.

How about this? Hire a receptionist? The first place I would start is with a temp agency to see if such a position warrants a full-time person.

My advice is to not threaten with quitting your job unless you are prepared to quit or be fired.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
I'd like to add my opinion that you should start looking for another job. You're boss doesn't sound like someone who is going to change her ways and suddenly be nice, considering she's yelled at you before. I know the economy is tough right now, but it seems like there would be a lot of opportunities for someone in your line of work. No one deserves to be treated like that. I think you might be better off acting like it didn't happen, but immediately start looking for something else. Trust me, there are places out there were they treat you with respect - I've worked at a place like that for 15 years. Good luck


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2005
I hate bosses that are mean and nasty, there is no need for it in the professional world. I would think of it like this, Do you want to devote many years of your life to working with a woman like that? It's not worth the stress. There is something better out there for you. You just need to go out and find it! You deserve a much better environment!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 30, 2007
Originally Posted by CDubbie

I dont know how old you are or how long you've been working - but bosses who are rude now and then are not uncommon. It is very hard to find a boss who is 100% acceptable all the time.

If this is an isolated incident I'd get passed it. Yes, your boss was out of line and unprofessional, but if you like your job, coworkers, and even your boss most of the time, I wouldnt quit.

As with most relationships in life, you go with the 80/20 rule.

PS: I've been called a pos by my boss before told if I didnt like something (unfair) to go ahead and quit. The storms passed and there is too much good stuff I get from my job so I just tough out the rough spots.
Your boss called you a POS? And you're still there? oooohhh.... nooooo... that would never fly with me. I don't care WHAT you get from a job... nothing is worth being belittled and humiliated. I had a boss do that to me and I was gone within two months.
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TCS Member
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May 13, 2008
Northern Indiana
I just wanted to thank everyone for all of the support. It really helps. TCS has so many nice people, and it helps to hear so many of you reassuring me that it really isn't ok to be treated that way.

@ CarolPetunia - You didn't deserve to be treated that way either, I am sure! I know there have to be other places out there where people are respectful. I'm sure no boss is 100% good, but at least there have to be some who respect you as another person, instead of think of you as a commodity!

@ littleraven - Maybe I should move to where you live. I would love to make twice as much as I do now. Wow, how much of a difference that would make in our lives!!!

As far as freelancing, or starting my own business, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work. I did sign a non-compete agreement, effective for a certain period of time after I leave the company (a year or two I think). Plus, despite the fact that she treats me like crap, I would feel REALLY badly about stealing clients like that. Just because she is not a good person, it doesn't mean that I should stoop to her level. Plus, her husband is actually a pretty nice guy (although I dunno why he puts up with her) and the business was his originally.

I also don't have all of the software that I would need to do all the work from home, and it would cost me quite a lot to purchase it. And I don't have a host, although I could probably acquire a hosting resellers account. Heck, I don't even have a land line phone for people to call, just my cell! Plus, there are a few things that I really don't know how to do well enough, there are some kinds of coding that I am not as good at as I would like to be. My coworkers generally do most of that work. I am actually still in school, and I have a few more classes to take before I would feel comfortable starting out on my own.

I would love to telecommute though, and work for a design company somewhere else. That would be great! I would love working from home.
But what I hope to find, now with everyone's encouragement, is a job with a more respectful boss and higher pay. I'd settle with the boss though.

One more addition is that at work today, I basically just acted like nothing happened and so did my boss. All of the coworkers that overheard the incident quietly expressed their concerns and sympathy throughout the day, and my favorite coworker told me that before I came in (the office opens at 8:00 and I go in at 9:00), she actually told everyone else in the office that if they refrained from giving her the phone if her daughter called, including during a meeting or a call, they would also be fired on the spot. So even though she did not say anything to me, she is apparently still upset. She pretended to be all nice.

So thank you again everyone. I will try to just work hard and be nice at work and keep the stress to a minimum while I quietly shop around for a better position. I just don't think I can handle a full time job with this much stress while going to school full time, too. That's just asking for health problems and breakdowns!

Thanks again everyone. Feel free to offer more advice if you have any. It really helps.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 26, 2005
Originally Posted by AddieBee

Your boss called you a POS? And you're still there? oooohhh.... nooooo... that would never fly with me. I don't care WHAT you get from a job... nothing is worth being belittled and humiliated. I had a boss do that to me and I was gone within two months.
I can understand that pov. So many variables to consider and I was tempted to jump ship. But, I have a chronic disease and have had many surgeries and am still a bit disfigured. I doubt any employer would want to hire me in my current state esp. since I might have to eventually go on disability.

I dont have to worry about that with my current employer. Plus, I have loads of freedom and can work at home if I like. That same boss also puts up with my crap, which many employers would not. I know I'm not going to get fired for insubordination - as the pos incident response of mine proved - but other places that wouldnt have happened.

The best I could hope for is a different position, same employer, but lots of challenges with that as well (fussy about who I work for. Many bosses treat employees well but pretty much know nothing about the organization and wont let you put input in and are all around ineffective. That would make me nuts. My current boss knows pretty much everything and treats me as an equal when it comes to actually work).

Maybe at 25 with little experience I was a bit more idealized; now I'm not so sure there are oodles of 'grass is greener' opportunities available all things considered.

I enjoy my freedom, security, cheap health insurance, tuition reimbursement and exciting environment. Having an occasional unpleasant incident at work can be endured when 90% of the time it is good.

I hope the OP's boss will sincerely apologize for her behavior. I hope the OP is forgiving, even if she leaves the place.