i know i'm going to get murdered for this one...


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 8, 2005
Cat wanting to go out when the dog does doesn't matter, you're the owner you're in charge. Cats can also get frost bite, I wouldn't be leaving one out there shivering, especially with a harness and lead had she run away that would be very dangerous

The food issues sound extreme. They shouldn't be growling at you

Cats can also be taught not to jump on counters as you're serving food it takes time, repetition and patience as mentioned in other parts of the thread

It's also irresponsible to allow them to eat the dog food, no one is being punished by crating or removing from the room during meal times
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  • #62


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 18, 2012
Oh I know, it's not only when the dog is out, she always tries to bolt out. The lead I have for her is rreeaalllyy long (I purchased a separate one from the one that came with the harness so even if she would have started to run I would have gotten to it before she could have gotten anywhere) And she wasn't out there for longer than probably 20 minutes altogether. And like I said, she knows where the door is...I was trying to show her that being outside and doing what she wanted to do wasn't as much fun as she thought it would be. I didn't got inside and leave her out there, I was outside with her and watched her the entire time.

I tell them no, have tried spraying them with a water bottle and they were always in her food. They would have food in their bowls and in the middle of the night I would suddenly hear her food scattering across the floor, get up...and the bag would be ripped open and it would be everywhere. I had to go out and buy containers for her food, their food, my cereal, my oatmeal, anything that is boxed or bagged that they can get into. And THEN they were gnawing at the container of their cat food all night and eating plastic so I put it up on the counter behind the dish strainer...well they got up there at night and knocked over the dish strainer, my dishes that were in them, and knocked over the food container that broke open and they ate most of the food in it. They looked like pumpkins the next morning. It was disgusting.

New container, put it ontop of my fridge where none of them have ever ventured and I have to keep my bread. Nothing around the fridge for them to get up on it...woke up the next morning to the food down, and my bread on the floor completely torn apart.

So I went on to one of those storage containers and I keep something heavy on it at all times. So then i had to feed the dog twice a day (shes always been used to having food in her bowl at all times and we've never had a problem with her so I have to change HER feeding schedules because the cats are glutens). I started feeding them all at the same time..well they wanted HER food..not theirs. So now I have to make sure to feed them wet food when I feed the dog and now the dog gets one big bowl once a day because of the cats. Our dog has been in our home for a year and a half before any of the cats...it's not fair to have to change her life for them...but I have. so yes, I believe ontop of all of that it would be punishing her to put her in a crate to make her eat when she hates the crate. I try my best..but they scarf down their food so quickly they always end up making their way to hers and she just isn't the type to gulp it down. She used to leave it and come back and there would be nothing left but now she atleast will eat it until its gone so they cant eat it all. But she wont snap at them or stop them in any way...she's not like that she has manners. She was taught as a puppy not to snap/growl when someone else is near her food while shes eating.

i'm trying.....i'm changing my entire life, my house, my dogs life, our schedules...to make these cats happy. I understand having an animal is a responsibility. but everyone else who sees the trouble im going through thinks its insane. my friend has kush's two brothers and she don't have these problems. I didn't have these problems with my dog tearing up my house and being so horrible. my neighbor has four cats, 2 are kittens and they're not like this and she's not putting in 10% of the work I am. So I don't know....


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 8, 2005
 I was outside with her and watched her the entire time.
This "[color= rgb(24, 24, 24)]she wouldnt budge so i dropped the leash and left her and walked up the steps. The dog came inside and finally she ran up the steps and into the house." made it sound like you and the dog were inside with her left outside. At the very least no one is holding her leash.[/color]

[color= rgb(24, 24, 24)]You cannot just say she knows where the door is, so do my cats but there's no way I'd be leaving them with a dropped leash. [/color]

[color= rgb(24, 24, 24)]Again the overnight food issues sounds like boredom as has been mentioned several times in the thread.[/color]

[color= rgb(24, 24, 24)]Yes things change when you have cats and dogs in the house, it's not about being "fair" but what works best for all. [/color]

[color= rgb(24, 24, 24)]I agree with others that 3 young active cats are probably more than you can handle, if you don't have the time and patience to be correcting them appropriately and expect a quick fix when these things have been going on for a while. [/color]


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2011
Denton, Texas
Your kitties just sound like disobedient children. If your child was getting up in the night and eating food, you wouldn't let her get away with it??

I feel like it should have been done from the start that the bags aren't just left out. I think that's common sense. And if they are so rowdy that they are somehow knocking the containers over and spilling them, I would have straight away kept the food stored in a closet or cabinet. Would have solved ALL this mess.

As for the dog, why not also feed her in a separate room? Then that problem is solved as well.

I don't think it's a lot of changes. It's what should have been done in the first place wasn't and now you have disobedient cats that you Let run your life.
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  • #65


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 18, 2012
No the leash is at least 6 ft. i dropped it when i got to the end of the stairs and walked to the top and let the dog in. i only have 4 steps.

overnight boredom is something i cant really cure. i cant be awake 24/7 to play with them. im getting that play gym and since they like being up on everything im going to put up 'shelves' up around different rooms just for them. i do play with them as much as i can, as ive explained. someone asked if they get to the point of panting and yes...they do. like a dog after a run. and they'll get tired and sleep for quite awhile, sometimes a few hours then they'll be back up and if they're up before i go to school we'll do another round, if not we will play again when i get home from school before bed.

and im not trying to argue..but its not whats 'best for all' because so far im changing everything and only doing whats best for the cats, not whats best for my dog, child, husband or myself. i gave up my storage space and extra room in my spare room, i now have to shut my daughters door at night which i don't like because even with monitors it makes me uneasy. ive changed my dogs feeding schedule.

i don't expect a quick fix...I've been working with kush since she was able to walk. she's always been a stubborn, hard to handle cat. im taking suggestions, and im working with them and doing other things that i think will work. i'd never do anything to hurt them o_O and i don't think letting kush outside for a few minutes to let her see whats out there is dangerous or wrong as long as i have control of the situation.

i probably never would have really got them declawed...i'm just frustrated. ive always been against it...sometimes you just get upset and vent and say things you don't mean. but i do come here and say the things that are going on and take in what people say and try to use it.
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  • #66


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jul 18, 2012
Your kitties just sound like disobedient children. If your child was getting up in the night and eating food, you wouldn't let her get away with it??
I feel like it should have been done from the start that the bags aren't just left out. I think that's common sense. And if they are so rowdy that they are somehow knocking the containers over and spilling them, I would have straight away kept the food stored in a closet or cabinet. Would have solved ALL this mess.
As for the dog, why not also feed her in a separate room? Then that problem is solved as well.
I don't think it's a lot of changes. It's what should have been done in the first place wasn't and now you have disobedient cats that you Let run your life.
the only thing i have is a pantry and its open. i have a curtain up so people don't see everything in it everytime they come over but the cats go right in. that's why i had to put all my food in containers. and their food i put in the bottom of the pantry. im in an apartment, so i cant add doors to things or such. and the only rooms i have with doors is the spare room that the cats are now taking over and my daughters room.

and the bags are the hard plastic ones with the reclosable seals. and i didn't let them get away with it...i got when i heard the bag spill....
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 21, 2009
Actually doors being closed is safer if a fire broke out that smoke would not fill the room as fast(This is what I have been told since grade school)

Sometimes handraised kittens/cats have a bit of an issue since they had no mom.  Do you know the others history at all?  Were they normal weight when you got them/on intake?  Far as nails I would have someone come to the house or pop them in for a trip to groomer or vet.

I have 27 cats in the house and less issues then your 3.   I would buy a cat cage(2x3x4 or 6 feet high) and use that as needed to get some peace of mind-say when dog goes out or you wont be able to watch them.
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  • #68


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jul 18, 2012
Actually doors being closed is safer if a fire broke out that smoke would not fill the room as fast(This is what I have been told since grade school)

Sometimes handraised kittens/cats have a bit of an issue since they had no mom.  Do you know the others history at all?  Were they normal weight when you got them/on intake?  Far as nails I would have someone come to the house or pop them in for a trip to groomer or vet.

I have 27 cats in the house and less issues then your 3.   I would buy a cat cage(2x3x4 or 6 feet high) and use that as needed to get some peace of mind-say when dog goes out or you wont be able to watch them.

Not really any history on the other two. The female thin, but not like she was underweight. She looks really good now, her fur is shiny. Fatman..well he was overweight when I got him. He had to be in a foster because he kept getting URIs at the shelter over and over and meds weren't working until the very last time on clavamox(i believe). Then when I brought them home the female started with a URI and gave it to my cat and the dog got it REALLY bad...That was before Thanksgiving. Everything health wise has been great and clear since then. Theyre all fixed, utd on vaccines, all 4 of them microchipped and they go to the vet yearly (or sooner if anything medically necessary comes up)....

and the whole thing with my daughter is because she climbs out of her crib..well up it and continually gets her leg stuck between the wall and the crib at the top or will be stuck on her changing table. we tried a toddler bed and she has fallen out. mattress on the floor she just gets up and runs around and pulls out her drawers or climbs her dressers and the bathroom is in her room...i need to not have that door shut.

all my little ones running around are just a mess right now -_-

i'm just going to blame it on the terrible 2's for all of them. except the dog.....the only bad thing shes doing is eating cat poop.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 20, 2012
sounds like you need to put the cats in a kitty room only.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 20, 2012
I do play with them. When I'm saying lots of love I'm meaning attention (we play with their laser, their fish on a stick (ive had to replace it about 7 times because they go nuts over it and break it). I even make them little 'agility' courses and use their laser light to put them through it! (kush is the best at it and gets all excited, but shes been doing it since she started running the other two are just learning)...and with their behavior and me trying to curb it I pay more attention to them than my child and that's getting a bit ridiculous that they're worse than my baby. Theyre just BRATS!

And the info posted in that link is from studies done in 1994 and 1998. Practices have gotten a lot better. That's like taking a study of a human surgery from 1994 and saying it's horrible but not taking into consideration its almost 2013. They have laser surgery now for these types of procedures...

Like I said. I was always the one who said I would NEVER EVER get my cats declawed...but they're making my life a nightmare. None of Kush's littermates are acting like this. None of my friends kittens (about the same age) are acting like this (to this extent). So why is it that all three of my cats are being this way? And I'm going above and beyond anything they are. I'm feeding better food, I have more toys, more things to climb on, they have play mates, they get attention, play time from me...I just don't know.
laser is the same way as cutting the bone its a amputation 85%of cats declaw become biter and develope bad potty habits because there hands are in constent pain


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 20, 2012
So not true. Have you ever had a declawed cat? Most people are only of this mindset because people who dont believe in it blow up stories and post them over and over just to try to get people to believe their way!.
I owned a cat that was declawed he did not walk right and he died because he couldn't defend himself somehow he got out and was found dead


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2011
Denton, Texas
If you have someone who will take the female, I think you might want to go ahead and do that.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 20, 2012
in transition...
^^This is so important, I'm glad you're working on it. Just be sure give each thing a decent chance before concluding that it doesn't work.

As I read through your posts, I can really feel the frustration you have because of these crazy kitties. But a sense of responsibility also comes through, and I know you want to do what's right for everyone. So just a thought that might help you make a decision in the future: if the cats are causing more stress/problems/hassle than joy to you and your household, it really might be best for everyone--including the cats themselves--to find them a new home. (The contrary is worth considering too--they should be giving you and your household more joy than troubles and if they do, then they're probably worth it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I don't normally recommend re-homing. But in this case, if you do have someone willing to take the other female, I think that may be best in this situation. I don't think Kush should be an only kitty (bottle brats without another cat around just get brattier, IME :tongue2:), but 3 cats all the same age tend to form a gang and we all know what happens when young people join gangs! :lol3: I think having 2 cats would be much more manageable, and would reduce stress for everybody.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 2, 2010
I'm perplexed by this reply.  I don't regard anything in my post to be a "personal" attack.  All I wanted to do was to help the original poster.  I wasn't even trying to jolt someone awake.  I have found that most of the posters on this site are highly responsible, intelligent pet guardians who ask good questions.  All I wanted to do was add to the discussion.
I believe jenny was talking to you in the first two paragraphs of her reply when she said that TCS fosters discussion on these issues even if the site's stance is black-and-white. I don't think the third paragraph was directed toward you, or at most it was a preventative warning because your tone did kind of indicate that you were really mad about someone posting this here ("[color= rgb(24, 24, 24)]You were brave to pose this question on a cat forum.  Don't read my post if you won't allow me to speak my mind." does sound kind of defensive, which is an indication that you came into this discussion ready for a fight)[/color], and jenny has been here long enough to see how anger builds in these declawing threads so I'm sure she just wanted to avoid any potential outbursts.
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  • #76


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 18, 2012
I went out today and got more softpaws. I put them on Kush and Puta and then right after gave them a little wet food and treats. So far so good. I think by taking their minds off it RIGHT after it stopped them from focusing on them being there so now they dont even realize it. -crosses fingers- Fatman...well, I'm working up my courage haha. I also went out and got a few perches for the windows, some fluffy beds, and some special spray that attracts them to stuff that i'll spray on the perches and beds. And lots of new toys...Oh, and they had this stuff that's like feliway but instead its in a collar form? That way no matter what room they're in it wont matter...so instead of spending $40 some per room or whatever it was like $40 for a 3 pack of collars and they're supposed to last 30 days. We'll see how it all works and I'll continue to try the other stuff everyone has recommended too.

No declawing. I wont. Was just in a bad mood and frustrated. They were all cuddled up to me on the couch earlier. It was a big pile of kitties and a pibble. Calm for once. They haven't been on the counter at all today that I've seen either. Hmm...
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TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are

The OP has made it clear that she was speaking out of frustration and has no intention of declawing her cats.

OP; you certainly have your hands full.  You basically have 4 toddlers on your hands.  If it comes down to it where you have exhausted all suggestions here; etc, it may be in everyones best interest to reduce the number of kitties.  Only you can decide that and I am sure it would not be an easy decision.  I hope things improve for you very soon.
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  • #78


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jul 18, 2012
Things were good yesterday and today so far. Hoping it keeps up, though I know there will be set backs of course. They're loving the new perch I put in the living room by the main window facing the road. Puta has been lounging on it ALL day. The little mice ontop of the springs on their new toys didn't hold up more than a few hours, even with the soft paws on. They shredded them lol.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2011
Denton, Texas
Things were good yesterday and today so far. Hoping it keeps up, though I know there will be set backs of course. They're loving the new perch I put in the living room by the main window facing the road. Puta has been lounging on it ALL day. The little mice ontop of the springs on their new toys didn't hold up more than a few hours, even with the soft paws on. They shredded them lol.
LOL, that's okay! That's what you want. :nod: For every toy they destroy, your house is saved a little more!


TCS Member
Jan 10, 2013
the only thing i have is a pantry and its open. i have a curtain up so people don't see everything in it everytime they come over but the cats go right in. that's why i had to put all my food in containers. and their food i put in the bottom of the pantry. im in an apartment, so i cant add doors to things or such... 
Why not?  Just because you're a renter doesn't mean you can't make improvements.  Just don't expect compensation.  You might want to get permission first (though some say that "its better to ask forgiveness that ask permission).  But even if you did the work without your landlord's approval, most likely, the worst that can happen is you're liable for the cost to return the apartment to its previous condition.

Given that the landlord seems to already be looking the other way on the rules about pets, I doubt you'll get any complaint if you make a change that truly is an improvement (i.e. a working door neatly and properly installed with neat/clean/tidy trim properly painted... NOT a hack job).  Of course that's where you have to decide if your carpentry skills are up to the task.  You would hate to botch the job, then have to pay for someone to undo the mess you've made - wind up with $$$ out-of-pocket and no door to show for it.