I keep asking myself why and how? Our young healthy happy cat suddenly passed. Help


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 31, 2017
We just held each other and cried since i got home tonight from work. My boyfriend was home with our beloved cat Chedda who was only 3 years young and our 6 year old dog. As any day our cat went outside a few times always returning home and usually only hangs out between our house and the yards surrounding ours. He then Comes inside and eats right away and drinks water then comes and curls up on our bed. He was a very healthy seeming cat. He was happy and was so loved. He wasnt fixed, but he was so good at staying where we could see him outside never wandered far. We always had fresh water for him and wouldnt over fill his dish. Tonight my boyfriend let him in arouns 8 pm. He was fine and cuddled up with him for two hours and was happy and purring. My boyfriend fell asleep around 10 pm and our cat was still laying with him. During the time he was sleeping our cat got up and was in the kitchen, my boyfriend woke up at 12 am to go to the washroom and found our cat laying in the kitchen his eyes were open, his mouth was open and there was puke around his mouth and a pile of it where he was laying as well as about 5 piles of puke in different places in the kitchen. I didnt notice anything in his puke, but it almost seemed like he didnt chew lots of his food, there were solid pieces in the puke and lots of them. He was in a puddle of his pee and his bowels had exited im assuming during his passing, it was solid healthy looking excrement, not diharrea. He was inside most of the day he would only go out for short periods of time. When he came in he was happy and cuddling my boyfriend. For him to just get up and start getting sick and suddenly die is driving me crazy. I got home shortly after he found him. We cried so hard. We rescued him from an abandoned house 2 years ago, he was starving and lost his voice from meowing for help. We rescued him and kept him and loved him every single day. He became our son, the bond he gained with our dog was incredible, they were inseperable. When we would throw the ball for our dog to fetch, Chedda would just make us laugh because he would chase the ball too. Or sometimes we would come home and he would pretend to pounce on our feet like a charging attack but a playful one. He was the light in our lives. I understand if this was caused from letting him outside, but he was so good he would stay in the yard or the yards surrounding us. Our neighbors never minded him as they would bring cat toys and treats for christmas for him. So i am at a loss for explanation. We are going to get him cremated but if we could get some answers on the cause of his death that might ease our minds a bit as this is an excruciating loss to us. We are heartbroken. Our dog has no idea, i also had a question about that....do we show him to our dog so he understands.. or is it better to not show him at all. I just dont know what to do, our cat was our dogs best friend. I wonder if he would wonder where his buddy was if he doesnt see him. ( i have our cat wrapped in a baby blanket in a big wide box until tomorrow to bring him for cremation)


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Welcome to TCS. I'm so sorry its under such sad circumstances :(

From what you say, it sounds as though Chedda may have eaten something poisonous. There are many plants that are toxic to cats, so it's perfectly possible. The other explanation I can think of is that there may have been some kind of congenital disorder at play here that you had no way of knowing about. The only sure way to get answers here is to ask for an autopsy. Whatever you do, please know that this was not your fault :hugs:

Definitely let your dog see Chedda. Animals are very good at understanding death when they see it, and it will give him some closure.

I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. No words will ever be enough. Just know that Chedda loved you every bit as much as you loved him, he died knowing that he was loved, and you gave him 2 wonderful years that he may well not have had otherwise. You truly were his saviours :heart3:

:rbheart: Rest in peace, Chedda, you gorgeous boy :rbheart:
:angel::heart3::Blue Butterfly::heart3::Blue Dragonfly::heart3::rbheart::heart3::Blue Dragonfly::heart3::Blue Butterfly::heart3::angel:

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
My heart goes out to you, something like this is so shocking and unexpected it crushes your soul. There are so many things it could have been, a undiagnosed heart condition could be a possibility at the top of the list. I would definitely walk around outside to make sure there are not any poisons around, your dog could be at risk too.  I hesitate to suggest poisons though, cats are such finicky eaters it would take something very tasty to tempt them, and plants would take a longer time to kill a healthy animal then what your poor cat went through. I hope you will come to terms with the fact that there is nothing you could have possibly predicted to change this outcome, it was a tragic happening that was in no way your fault.

Chedda would be the last one to want you to be so sad, you literally saved him, and he loved you so much for the love and the family you gave him. You gave his remaining short time on this earth a meaning, a time of love and happiness, that is all he ever wanted. You formed a bond with this sweet boy and that can never be taken from you. You shared his life's journey for a while, and although it is at a fork in that road, his will parallel yours until you meet again. It is natural to feel such pain when they leave us, a broken heart hurts very much, there is as much pain as the love we held there for them. One day that heart will heal, but it will always have a scar there to remind us. Time is the only thing that heals a heart. He left you a legacy of love, honor his name by passing on that legacy to another who so desperately needs it, when you are ready. it would do him proud. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, try to celebrate knowing that boy and having him in your life, don't dwell on the end, it brings nothing but heartache and nothing changes. Hugs to you all, give your sweet dog a kiss from me.....RIP beautiful Chedda, the world is a darker place with your passing, please send what comfort and love you can on the pure light that shines forevermore from that new star in the heavens. Sleep tight, sweet Prince! 


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 16, 2016
Valencia, Spain.
I'm so sorry for your loss. He had love and security from you two for most of his life, that counts for a lot.

A friend's cat had exactly the same passing, the vet said that it was a congenital heart problem and in these cases there's nothing that you can do. Sorry.

Do take your time to grieve.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 30, 2017
WA - Washington
So sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a companion and friend just like that for no known reason is extremely hard to bear. Unfortunately something so sudden such as this probably means he got into something toxic. With the cold weather one thing to consider is maybe he came in contact with some anti-freeze that was on the ground. Animals will drink this because of its sweet taste. I hope that isn't the case, just something to consider. All that aside, my heart goes out to you for your loss. At the very least, regardless of how long Chedda was with you, know that you gave him everything you had to give. You saved him when he was young and gave him a quality life he never would have had if you had not found him. His memory will remain forever even though his passing was so sudden. RIP Cheddar.

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
I am so sorry that you lost your dear boy. You are among people who know how special our furry little feline friends are, today we grieve with you. RIP sweet boy
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 31, 2017
Thanks for all of your replies. It means the world to me and Josh. You dont know how much we are greatful. I came across this site lastnight very late after his passing, crushed, completely broken and devastated and desperate for answers. There was a reason i came across this site and i believe maybe he led my way to getting answers. As i read each of your replies aloud to my boyfriend and myself, tears fell from our faces. For such kind words and the insight on this tradgedy to ease some of our questions. Thank you a hundred times thank you! There are good people in this world. That in itself is comforting. Today was a continuing hard day for us. Being the end of the month we have rent coming up and bills. To get Chedda cremated and the cost of an urn together would set us back in rent. Thankfully the moosejaw humane society is very kind and understanding, they know the situation and let us take Chedda there to proceed with the cremation service. When we can afford the $150 we can pick him up and bring his cremated ashes home where he belongs :heart3: than later they will put his ashes in a nicer urn when we can afford one rather than the carboard pillow box they provide with the service. So i am very greatful that they are being so understanding in this hard time. Thanks for your kind words and support. It is much needed at this time.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
Cheddas grieving family,
Brittany, Josh, and Kashie (our bulldoggy)

Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
I am truly sorry on the sudden passing of your sweet kitty, Chedda. I know how painful it is to lose a beloved pet when they are ill, but to lose one and don't know why can be even more painful. It could have been any number of things. It sounds like (as others have said) that it could have been a heart problem or something poisonous. Neither of those things were your fault. You saved your sweet baby and gave him a warm, safe, loving home and he loved you in return. Please don't dwell on his ending. Try to think of how happy he was with you and how grateful he was to you for giving him a wonderful home and all your love. I tuly wish I had some magic words to comfort you. I can only hope that one day you can think of your sweet baby with more smiles than tears. My heart is crying along with you. Give extea cudfles and love to your dog, as he is also mourning. He is grieving as well, as he has just lost his best friend and has no idea why.
RIP Sweet Chedda!
You were so very loved and will be missed greatly!
Please comfort all your loved ones, as they are grieving so much over your loss!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 16, 2016
Valencia, Spain.
That's really kind of them to let you pay when you can.

We have our cats cremated and found it quite cathartic finding the right pots for them. Eventually we found fat cat shaped ceramic pots from a garden centre which we can put around the house or garden in their favourite spots.

As zed xyzed zed xyzed said we know how it feels, and this is one of the nicest places on the internet. In the future when another cat is lucky enough to have you as an owner say hello.

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
That was really decent of them to help come up with a payment plan that works for you. I read your story about Chedda again, he sounded like such  a wonderful boy that everyone loved. I can't tell you how sadden I am that he had to move on to his next journey.  I hope you find comfort in knowing that you gave him a wonderful life and a loving home, the only thing he really wanted in life. For Chedda 