I Have Ringworm But Cats Showing No Signs


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 8, 2017
Hi there!
I'm new on the block here and I know there are countless other threads on this topic but I'd love some advice on my case:

We just got a new kitten from the shelter a little over a month ago and she's totally stolen our hearts (although our 7-year-old cat might not be totally in love just yet, but he's getting there). Unfortunately, she's come in with a host of problems since joining the family from fleas to tapeworm and now I *think* ringworm.

The thing is she isn't showing any signs yet and neither is my other adult cat. The only reason I suspected it is because I was just diagnosed with it on my neck which I initially thought was eczema but my dermatologist confirmed fungal (ringworm). She asked about new pets and we immediately took the kitten, Lola, to the vet. Initial inspections by the vet (black light, looking at fur under microscope) show no results, so we are waiting for the culture to come back.

In the meantime, he gave us some medicated shampoo (which my adult cat will literally kill us if we try to give him, Sonny, a bath). And advised us to start cleaning.

I'm just wondering how crazy I should make myself here, if they aren't showing any signs could that mean a very mild case? I'm still going to bathe them and clean the bedding and house, but I'm wondering if I should go full on steam cleaning the carpets etc. Good news is our house is fully hardwood so the only carpets are ones that we have laid out. I'm a bit of a germophobe and have anxiety so I don't want to drive myself nuts if it isn't necessary.

Also, should I have my adult cat's fur cultured too? My husband is upset because I don't want to take the x-mas decorations out of the attic this year for fear of having to disinfect everything.

My apologies for the lengthy post but anyone's insights into this is greatly appreciated!


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Nov 24, 2017
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I wouldn’t go too crazy about it. Clean and disinfect everything sure and bath the kitten - usually you have to leave the shampoo on for ten mins before rinsing. Since You can’t bath the adult cat (I wouldn’t be able to either ) you could try lamisil tablets instead - you would need to ask your vet for dosing instructions though.
I think some cats can have ringworm without symptoms so maybe isolate the kitten for now until she is healed.
I have had lots of rescue kittens with ringworm, it is infectious and you need to keep things clean but I wouldn’t stress too much and you can definitely get the Xmas decorations out!
You can also shower yourself with ketaconazole shampoo like for the kitten and leave it on for ten mins and put lamisil cream on your spot.
If you want to clean your carpet I’d wait until the cats have the all clear before doing it but I never cleaned mine and it was fine.
Hopefully this helps a little bit for you
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Dec 8, 2017
Lauren4883 Lauren4883 Thanks so much for your reply. It's weird because neither of them are showing any signs yet, no lesions that I can find on my older cat or the kitten. Still waiting for the culture results so at this point it feels like I'm going nuts cleaning everything for nothing.

I've been using this spray called ringworm treatment from vet recommended, it at least is giving me some peace of mind that I may be doing something to counter any spores. Since the kitten hasn't been showing signs, I haven't kept her in her room. She just cries and cries if I keep her in there and I can't bare it so she's been out. Not sure if I'm making the wrong decision but I'd rather not have her stressed being in her room while we are in the living room.

I've been using the shampoo on her once a week and I bathed the older cat once and I've sworn never to do that again because it was awful.

So far the only thing I've experienced was one spot on me, nothing on either cat or my husband who cuddles with both cats. Am I going nuts here or am I just lucking out?

I'm going to continue the swiffering and vacuuming every day and bath for the kitten once a week until the results regardless, but this has been a lot of stress with an invisible enemy. I know others can relate, it just helps to vent here!

also Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 that's hilarious! hopefully that's not what happened otherwise I'd feel horrible!


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