I hate hiccups!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
Oh my gosh, I HATE hiccups. I get them frequently, and usually once I start getting them I get them several times that same day.

The only thing I've ever found that works - and usually only if I can catch it when they first start - is to hold my breath and sip on a glass of water. Sometimes I have to do it several times if I don't catch them right at the first hic or two.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 20, 2006
I've found that once you hold your breath without hiccuping, they are gone. However, just holding my breath rarely works; I just hiccup straight through my breath-hold-attempt.

A friend of mine taught me an acupuncture technique, and it works for me about 80% of the time. Use both of your index fingers to find the depression behind/below your ears, and push into your head under your ears. You know you've found the right spot, because it hurts!

Stop whatever you are doing, take a big breath, hold it, and press in under your ears. Hold it until you should have hiccuped at least twice, maybe three times. For me, it fails to work mostly when I'm still doing something else, such as walking. I used to hiccup all of the time, and now I only do when I'm too busy to bother to stop hiccuping.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 16, 2008
1 Tablespoon of Vinegar works EVERY time for me! I seem to be the only one who gets them in my house. My boyfriend thinks it's cute, I tend to think otherwise.

... but yeah, for some reason vinegar works for me and everyone I told about it.

persi & alley

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 27, 2006
Farmers Branch, Texas
Originally Posted by yam102284

Grrrr!!! This is the second time today I've had the hiccups. The first time, they lasted about 45 minutes, and I was still at work. Oh yea, that was real great. Answering the phone and talking to customers and I kept having the hiccups.

Anyways, now I have them AGAIN! I don't know how I got them again, but now they've lasted about 20 minutes and I can't get rid of them. I've tried everything I can to get rid of them. I even did a search on here and tried the "secrets" but nothing worked. Anyone have any other ideas? What are your secret remedies to get rid of the hiccups?
Here is what works EVERY TIME for me:
Take your hand and with your index finger and thumb, totally pinch your nose SHUT. Then close your mouth and put the rest of your hand over your mouth. When you reach the point of becoming very uncomfortable due to lack of air, remove your hand and your hiccups should be gone. There are all kinds of "cures" such as putting your head in a paper sack, but all of these cures rely on shutting off your air supply for a while. This always works for me and I taught DW this because she gets hiccups a lot and it always works for her, too.