I Finally Get To Introduce A New Kitty!!


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 23, 2005
I've posted here a few times about potential adoptions. The last foster fell through due to some inconsistencies from the shelter, and I was heartbroken.

And then not 3 days later, I found another rescue here in BC, emailed them with what kind of kitty I was looking for, and they sent me 2 names.
One of them was a fit.
And I mean, a perfect fit. He's 2yrs old, calm, stable, affectionate despite his awful past, sweet and soooo cute. Within a few minutes of meeting him, he rolled over and pulled my hand in for belly rubs. I was in love after an hour.

He's been home since Saturday, and my home is split in half currently.
He was in the bathroom for just a day, and got very curious to explore.
When I put my Petunia in the bedroom and let him out into the living room, I witnessed complete, abject joy the likes of which I have never, ever seen in a cat before. He did little jumps, he tried playing with everything - walls, the glass door, the carpet, the fireplace, the furniture, the books, actual cat toys, the tiles on the kitchen floor - it made me laugh in a way I haven't in ages.

Right now I'm up to room-swapping the two cats a few times a day.
He wants to play with Petunia, and purrs and trills at her (kind of like a half purr, half soft mew) but she's still taking her time warming up.

They do eat on either side of the door, this morning even with a towel I rubbed his head with under her dish, and Petunia didn't hiss - just ate. Food is turning out to be a spectacular motivator for her.

I've been carrying around kitten kibble in my pocket - as they're tiny so won't fill her up and blow her diet and she LOVES them - and trying to give them to her every time she walks up on the door and hisses. Play doesn't distract her. Only food so far.

What's curious, is that she paws at the doors to get into the room where he's at, regardless if it's the living room or the bedroom. Even shoves her paws under the door, like she wants in. But when he comes to the door, trilling at her with soft little mews, she goes into full on hiss mode with some spitting if he keeps at the door.

They've seen each other exactly twice so far, through a sliver of the door.
Petunia's tail today isn't all puffed up and her ears aren't flat on her head today, so her fear is decreasing pretty damn quickly. I make sure to spend extra time playing with her and cuddling, after the half hour she sticks her nose up at me for spending time with him has passed.

She'll go onto the bed where he's lain, the sofa and the cat trees in either room, sniffing but not hissing. All good signs, I'm thinking. If anything, she gets snooty with ME when they swap rooms and she realizes 'oh GOD he was in here wasn't he'.

My question - because I have one! - is Petunia's paws under the door, knowing he's in the room, a kind of 'paw in the water' to see if he'll respond?
Should I attempt putting the baby gates up with a sheet over 95% of them in one of the doorways, and reward with treats to see if she's actually cautiously curious?
Or will this set back the progress so far too much?

I don't want to let her languish too long in 'well I'm getting comfortable' zone, I know I have to keep challenging her. I just don't want to send her into this 'well screw you, I'm going to just freak out and revert and good LUCK getting me out of it this time' mode.

If any of you have experience with a slightly spiteful, stubborn cat, I'd love to hear feedback! Thank you all so much.

Oh, also, here's my new boy. This was taken on the second morning I had him. Knowing what an abusive, neglectful home he was taken from, I'm amazed by his ability to trust so fast. (he has one ear tip missing from an infection due to a neglected infection)

He still doesn't have a name. Though I'm considering 'Cricket' because he chirps/trills nearly constantly. Rarely mews at all.

(any recommendations for a 6lb tiny male all black cat with a heart of gold would be lovely too!!)

You're all amazing.



Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
And YOU are amazing!!

The sticking paws under the door is normal, however this behavior is not an indication that things are, or will be, good in the near term. She's in "this is my territory, I'm the queen, who/what are you??" mode.

You could certainly try the covered baby gate, and see what transpires with Petunia.

I witnessed complete, abject joy the likes of which I have never, ever seen in a cat before.
This actually made me a little teary-eyed, thinking about the awesomeness of the experience for this little soul you saved...

So, you sound like you're pretty up to speed with how to proceed, but just in case there's a tip or bit of info and also for other readers/lurkers, here are a couple articles;
Do Cats Get Jealous? (and What To Do About It When They Do)
How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide
Six Surefire Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats
How To Make Your Home Bigger (at Least For Your Cats)
The Multi-cat Household

I used to be really good at coming up with names, but I like Cricket, to tell you the truth :)
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 23, 2005
Thank you for the links - I've read the others but not the jealousy one! I shall do some reading up on that.

That Petunia's not fearful anymore is a huge step. She used to be all running and hiding, hissing and all fur up and on alert. That she's even sniffing around the door makes me really happy in just 4ish days. :) She very well may be into the 'hey I'm boss around here' territory, which for a fearful girl like her is ok by me. Everyone's still using their litterboxes and not doing anything destructive, so it's all good.

His joy when he could come out and play - yeah that made me all teary too.
He was 'seized' initially in January from a home, in bad health with ear mites and fleas so badly his head had all the fur scratched clean off and I suspect he's partially deaf, a bad URI and infected eyes. Then he was in a kill shelter, slated to be euthanized, when the rescue I found him at stepped in and rescued him again from there.

They fostered him for 3 months, got him healthy, neutered, socialized. He'd been in a cage at the rescue for a few weeks when I adopted him, so I imagine he was just SO happy to have some room to jump and play and get up high and gaze out windows. I sat and cried with him. It made me fall in love with him even more, given how sweet and cuddly he is. He follows me everywhere I go, flopping across my feet with little chirps.

As he was originally named "#7" on the seizure papers, I suspect he wasn't the only kitty taken from there. I still cannot believe how trusting, and snuggly he is, so fast.

And he's 6lbs!!!
Petunia is 14.5lbs.
He's like, a 1/4 of her size, he's kitten-sized at 2 yrs old!

He's so excited to meet her, chirping at her any time he comes to the door and laying down so he can see her.
I think I did well in choosing a personality that matches hers. Once she warms up, I think she's going to have a shadow for life in him :)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
I don't have much to add but I just wanted to say what a wonderful job youre doing so far and also he looks like my Stella :p (I am partial to black kitties). He sounds and looks like an absolute sweetheart and I really think they will be best of friends in no time.
When I introduced mine Toby wanted to run up and play with Stella right away and just like your resident kitty she wasn't having it. It took a few weeks but now they groom each other and love on each other and I think your two will as well :)

Thank you for rescuing another kitty and being an amazing human being:heartshape: