I feel like im making my cats unhappy


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 13, 2020
Hello, I already posted about this issue a few months ago but its driving me crazy.
I have 3 cats, ages 14, 3 and 6 months old. They are indoor cats, but the two oldest ones used to be allowed to go out to wander whenever they wanted. The younger one is female, hasn't been fixed yet, and used to basically live in the streets before we took her in.
They are desperately trying to get out of the house and leave. I take them out to a small patio we have, it's very small, at least four times a day for ten minutes at the time. I have to stay with them, because they would be able to leave if I don't. The youngest needs to be on an harness (is that how you say it?) because otherwise she finds ways to escape. The 3 year old managed to escape into the roof and the street a few times this last week, but he doesn't go far and I have him back inside in 15 minutes.
I feel like I'm harming them. I know that they are safer inside, that there are so many dangers outside for them, but I feel like I made their home a prison. I cant build a catio, it just doesn't work with the way my house is built.
Where I live there isn't many people who keeps their cats inside, we are probably the only ones in our neighborhood. I know that if I wouldn't press so hard to keep them inside, my family would like to let them out.
They are, as I said, constantly trying to leave. Scratching the window's glass, the doors, waiting for the moment we are distracted. It cant be good for them if they are feeling this trapped.
They have toys, I play with them a few times a day, they play with each other. They have enough space to run around and climb and jump. But it's not enough for them.
I obviously won't let the unfixed cat go outside, but I'm debating on letting the 3 year old go outside in the morning, and once he is back, closing the door until the next morning. I don't want to do that, but right now I can hear him scratching a window. He must be so stressed.
The other problem is, they became indoor cats when we went on lockdown because of covid, around a year ago. Since then, I haven't had to leave the house for long periods of time, so I can always be around them to make sure they don't get out. Once everything goes back to normal, I won't be able to do that, and my family just won't take care of them like I do.
I don't know what to do anymore. I hate this situation, I'm scared for them if I let them out but I feel like they will get sick if they continue like this. I cant lose more loved ones, I'm exhausted.


minish first..
Alpha Cat
Nov 21, 2016
It's a personal decision whether or not to let your cat out. In your case you and your family have to be on the same page, decide together and keep it tight if you decide not to allow them out.
Since they were freely in and out before, being taken outside with a harness or being kept watch must have been confusing for them. As long as there is possibility, they will want out.
Cats can adapt to all kinds of situations but it takes time and the rules shouldn't change often. For example, if they will only be taken outside with a harness, no one should let them out free.
Minish lives indoors in my apartment for 6 months, indoors outdoors at my mom's summer place the other 6 months. Absolutely not allowed out when she's at my apartment. Although she protests when she's back from the summer house, she's OK with it in about two weeks. And when she's at the summer house, we don't let her out after her dinner. She doesn't eat elsewhere so it's quite easy to have her back in at certain hours. We are worried at times but we believe it's right to let her roam free in that environment and cruel to keep her from it.
I hope you and your family can find a way you are comfortable with.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I never let my indoor only pets back out. There was a time when three of them, now deceased, went out on leashes and tieouts when I was home watching them from a window. Those three adjusted to the leash and understood that it was never going to be the other way. All present cats are indoor only with no hope of ever going outside. I have to agree with minish minish that they come to expect what they see being done and then it gets confusing if that routine changes.

Cats I have rescued have, at first, wanted back out but they have all learned that it will never happen. If I were you, I would weigh all safety issues for your area. Where I am, there is a good chance of a coyote killing a cat, so that would be a factor for me.