I Cant Stand Hearing About Cats Being Treated Badly


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Oct 10, 2017
Abuse is awful obviously, but im talking about neglect, too. For a long time i didnt have a cat and i was able to push that stuff away, because it just makes me too sad to think about. But now that i have Honeybunny everytime i hear or read about a cat in trouble, i picture my kitty, and i just feel sad :(

I know I should focus on the good. She was skin and bones living in an alley living on scraps, til i came along. I was driving, someone called me, and bc i try to drive right i pulled over to take the call. Then i hung up and was about to drive away when i saw something black and fluffy, and reslized it was a cat. For a second i debated: not my problem. Im moving soon, stuff is up in the air, i dont need a cat added to the mix right now, my life is hectic. Once i get her im responsible for her... but of course the other side won out-the side that said you know how to take care of a cat. you have the money. a small apartment is still bettrr than a cold dirty alley. who
knows the last time she even ate? with that i was out of my car and walking up to her

idk. I just wish i could save them all. This is how she woke me up this morning :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
It definitely bothers me more, too, now that I have a cat of my own. And since she's a reformed feral, the thought of her outside in this cold probably with babies of her own instead of living with me just makes me teary eyed and sooooo glad she walked into that trap.

I wish I could save more, too. It's hard to know I can afford to keep one cat pretty well off, but two would be too much. I just have to tell myself that I gave her a home and opened up a spot for her foster to take in another feral off the street.

I'm sure Honeybunny is full of so much love and gratitude to you every day. We can't save the world, but to the cats we have, we've changed their world. :heartshape:


Murphy’s Mom
Young Cat
Nov 29, 2017
I can’t stand it either... It really doesn’t make any sense and bothers me too. Cats just want the love they deserve. Yeah, they might do something that might upset you, but it is no right to abuse an them. Things happen and accidents happen. That’s why they are called accidents.

All my years of being alive, I have never, EVER, abused my pets and any animal I have ever been around with. Till this day, I still won’t because as I mentioned before accidents happen.

I wish I could save them as well! Truly.

Honeybunny, is smiling at you in this photo and is extremely happy. You can tell by the way she is looking at you and her eyes are slightly closed. I read it means I love you/trust you. She is so lucky to have you.

Thank you for all that you do for her. Happy Holidays. ❤
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Oct 10, 2017
Thank you Lari :) I need to remember that. I'm sure your former feral is super grateful too...When I'm moved & settled i hope to have a spare room where i can foster bottle babies-its something ive wanted to do for a while but wouldnt work where i am now.

murphyboy, I dont understand abuse either. I just cant get THAT mad at an animal thats just following its instincts. I dont care if theyre scratching the chair or pouncing on my toes at 2 am and biting them. I get angry if someone tries to purposely hurt me or someone else, or be mean or attack someone. Animals dont do things on purpose to "be mean". I dont care if its peeing outside the box, biting your hand, whatever it is, theyre following their instincts. They dont have the brain architecture to be vindictive. So how can people get so angry at them? It doesnt make sense.

Before i got Honeybunny fixed she went into heat. Yowwling, all day and all night, oh my god it drove me crazy. But i never got 'mad'. Id just talk to her: "youre driving mommy crazy, you know that? how is that voice so loud for such a little kitty? Oh my lord put a SOCK in it kitty!"

Happy Holidays to you too!

Blakeney Green

TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 3, 2017
Upstate NY
I think some people see cats as disposable because they're so easy to obtain. So often you see signs for free kittens, people giving away their cats on Craigslist, stray cats in the street, etc. Not to say other domestic animals aren't mistreated too - they are - but it seems like because there is so little financial or time investment needed to get a cat, people don't always value them as highly as they should.

It's heartbreaking. :( But all we can do is save the ones we can and continue to educate people to try to change their hearts.


A Cat is a Girl's Best Friend!
Dec 17, 2017
West Virginia
People like you are so important in this world! I'm glad that Honeybunny is safe with you. She is absolutely gorgeous, and she looks so happy in that photo.

It's hard to fathom how cruel people can be to animals and even harder to understand why they do it. Luckily, there are also people like those in this community, who are kind beyond measure and always there, willing to lend a helping hand to animals in need.

I will be praying for the safety of all the homeless kitties as the winter months blow in... :sniffle:

Happy holidays and stay warm!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 26, 2016
Midwest USA
Abuse is awful obviously, but im talking about neglect, too. For a long time i didnt have a cat and i was able to push that stuff away, because it just makes me too sad to think about. But now that i have Honeybunny everytime i hear or read about a cat in trouble, i picture my kitty, and i just feel sad :(

I know I should focus on the good. She was skin and bones living in an alley living on scraps, til i came along. I was driving, someone called me, and bc i try to drive right i pulled over to take the call. Then i hung up and was about to drive away when i saw something black and fluffy, and reslized it was a cat. For a second i debated: not my problem. Im moving soon, stuff is up in the air, i dont need a cat added to the mix right now, my life is hectic. Once i get her im responsible for her... but of course the other side won out-the side that said you know how to take care of a cat. you have the money. a small apartment is still bettrr than a cold dirty alley. whoView attachment 210388 knows the last time she even ate? with that i was out of my car and walking up to her

idk. I just wish i could save them all. This is how she woke me up this morning :)
I can totally relate to that. After I had to put my first cat to sleep I went over 10 years before I adopted another cat. I would see strays once in awhile and I tried to ignore them because seeing them made me think of the cat I had put down and it just depressed me thinking about how they lived. Out of sight out of mind. Once I adopted my current cat that became impossible to do anymore. I remember shortly after adopting my current cat I walked outside to refill the bird feeder and a stray kitten ran out of the bushes and into my garage. I thought ok, I'll just leave the door open and he will come out and go away once I go back inside. I turned around and started to go back into the house and I couldn't do it. I thought to myself you have two choices here....Do you wanna be the guy that ignores an animal obviously needing food and water or do you wanna be the guy that does the right thing?...So I put out a big bowl of dry food and a saucer of water and went back in and watched until the kitten came out and found the food and water.

What you did with Honeybunny....rescuing her....is very cool. Stuff like that doesn't go unnoticed by the universe..nature.... God, or whatever you believe in.....At least I've always believed it doesn't.....
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Oct 10, 2017
thank you ❤ what you did for the kitten was great too.

She brings a lot of happiness to my life :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2017
Burnley, UK
What sickens me are cultures that allow cruelty in the name of tradition such as bullfighting. Also the cultures that allow animals to be tortured before death so that the meat will be tender. There are many places in the world that just have no conception of animal welfare.